Chapter 228 The real miracle has not yet come

“You just said you want to buy a car, you can just go and mention it. Buy two cars and drive one, and one will smash!”

“There is also the person who buys a house, don’t pay the f*ck down payment, directly pay the full amount, rich and willful!’

“Am I dreaming? This is more than six trillion? Our assets have quadrupled?

“Dreaming about hairy, I am awake upstairs and downstairs now, and I am scolding my mother, hehehei! The first time I was scolded so comfortably!”

“I was scolded at the same time. I was excited just now. I knocked on the lid of my house a few times. Now there are a bunch of people smashing my door. Who can help me report to the police, otherwise I am afraid that I will have my life to make money, and I will not have my life to spend money. !”

“Reporting a mao, earning so much money, what’s the point of being beaten! If there are so many beatings, I can be abused every day.

“I’m a good boy. My son asked me to invest all the pension money in. How much is it now? Can anyone tell me?”

“Madam, how much did you invest?”


“Congratulations, you have now become 470,000 from 100,000, and you can enjoy your twilight years.

“F*ck, why didn’t I think of asking my mother to buy one too, it’s a pity.”

“It’s decided. I will resign tomorrow. These 20 times are absolutely without hesitation. It’s not pleasing to my boss.

“I would like to ask, is this an increase in the national GDP? I remember that our country’s annual GDP seems to be only one or two trillion, now.”

“Uh, is it so amazing? I didn’t pay attention at all before!”

“I’m really going to chase eagles to fry rice this time. People on the U.S. stock market are going to be mad, right?”

“I beg you, they didn’t make less money, although they didn’t make as much as us, but they also invested a lot. It is the United States that is really angry. This stock market crash is really coming.”

The audience in the live room was ecstatic.

Promising headquarters.

At this time it was brightly lit.

The shareholder meeting, which started in the afternoon, has not yet ended.

Because everyone gives up to 20% of the outstanding shares for free. I don’t understand.

but now.

Looking at the big screen in front of me, watching the inconspicuous live broadcast room directly moved the huge U.S. stock market.

These shareholders were finally shocked.

“My God, this is our future shareholder of the dog?”

“Unbelievable, simply unbelievable, more than six trillion yuan, such a sum of money is enough to buy our two promising groups.

“This can’t be compared at all, how long did it take for people to get so much money? A few days, and how many years have we developed?”

“Without mentioning technical factors, just the boss’s handwriting and thinking, the absolute value of the 20% of the shares, I believe that with him, we can definitely make good fortune!”

“I was still a bit unconvinced, but now I am convinced. I am willing to offer one percent of the shares to make up 20 percent.

“I also give one percent.”

“And I!”

Looking at the stock price that has been suppressed at this moment.

The major shareholders who were still distressed before, are now very calm and generous.

Ding the faces of everyone.

Because I can’t reveal too much in advance so as not to affect Ye Tian’s plan, I also breathed a sigh of relief.

He had to admit that he underestimated Ye Tian again.

I thought that the other party just wanted to use the stock to make some money.

But now, this is called making some money? This f*ck has all made money, okay?

Moreover, Ye Tian’s control of the market and analysis of information really make any one of us feel ashamed, even beyond the reach.

With the skills and abilities of others, it is an honor to be able to claim 20% of one’s own shares.

“Everyone, since everyone doesn’t have any opinions, then today’s resolution is decided like this? I will go there tomorrow and send the equity transfer letter to others.”

“Mr. Ren, thanks to you finding such a shareholder for us this time, otherwise, with the leaked information, we can be put into a situation where we cannot be recovered.”

“Yeah, I thought it was not saved this time, but I didn’t expect to be able to encircle Wei and save Zhao in this way, divert most of the other party’s funds and attract them to the market index. Now, we can hold on for some time.”

“It seems that those of us who rely on technology for food are still inferior to those in the financial market.”

“That’s not necessarily true. Technology is priceless, and it’s not possible to play in the financial market. It’s all because the technology is not in place. Everyone, believe me, you can see a real miracle in a day or two at the latest.”

“There is still a miracle? Mr. Ren, today I always feel that you are a little bit hidden in your words. What is it? Hurry up and tell everyone!”

“Now that I have said, our new shareholder is afraid to find me desperately, so let’s watch it!

“You mean, the operation of the new shareholder is not finished yet? It’s impossible, right? If you bite such a large piece of meat from the other party and don’t run away, I’m afraid it will be in danger.

“Yes, in this situation, the U.S. can never let it go. It will definitely come out to rescue the market. It is impossible for him to still want to make money in U.S. stocks?

“In fact, the U.S. side has already started. Look at the current market, it has already begun to rise. The capital on the opposite side that has not had time to withdraw has lost a lot of profits.”

“Well, the U.S. stock market will definitely set off an unprecedented turmoil this time. At this time, it is really not suitable for 447 operations. I also think that closing is the best choice.”

Ren Woxing smiled while listening to everyone’s discussion.

Look at the big screen again.

On the screen, the U.S. stocks had three minutes left to close.

The market index was also pulled back a lot by unknown forces, rising by eight or ninety points.

In order to raise this index.

Those electronic stocks in the U.S. stocks have become the absolute vane and have been pulled up by various types.

The most exaggerated rotten pear stock rose directly by about 20%.

In normal times, this is absolutely impossible. Even when the new generation of rotten pears was announced yesterday, there was no such increase.

“It seems that the rotten pear is a blessing in disguise this time!”

“Hey, I was planning to compete with them. Now it seems that I don’t have this opportunity. If I were the United States, I would definitely use rotten pears as the main force of saviour this time.”

“Don’t think about it so much, everyone. Let’s do a good job in the low-end market. Let’s restore our vitality first.”

“I’m afraid that the gap has been opened this time, and I want to catch up in the future. I don’t know how long it is.”

“That’s not necessarily, maybe there is a miracle?”

Suddenly, let my line speak again.

Then, following his gaze, everyone saw on the screen that a dog’s paw had begun to shake the mouse.

Put it on top of stock buying. .

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