Chapter 226 Another divine prediction

“That’s right, boss, just said you want to be strong, why did you sell it?”

“Boss, it’s good news now, don’t be persuaded!!

“Uh, I don’t understand it. It stands to reason, no matter what, it won’t be too late to sell when it’s about to close.”

“This time I also think that the boss is a bit too anxious. No matter how you look at it, the opposite party can’t get over the waves this time.

But Ye Tian, ​​let everyone talk about it.

His selling has not stopped.

In less than five minutes, all the stocks were sold out, including Youwei, which held the most shares.

With the closing of funds.

For the first time in the live broadcast room, there was no shocking cheer for making money.

Because at this moment, everyone’s eyes are all insoluble.

To say that the first stock is to test the waters.

It can be seen how popular the stocks of Xiaguo Electronics are now.

It takes less than ten seconds to grab it, what a terrifying speed.

At this level of rarity, how can you be willing to sell it?

Moreover, they were all sold.

Isn’t this having trouble with money?

“Boss, who can explain this wave of operations?”

“I don’t understand, isn’t it still rising? The stock is not a large-cap index. You can wait until it drops before you sell it!”

“Don’t say you can’t understand it, even I can’t understand it. Even the Snow Goddess seems to be a little bit incomprehensible. You can see when she is surprised.”

“The egg hurts, it’s impossible to fall in this situation, right?”

“Hey, how come the electronic stocks of the U.S. stocks are also rising?”

While talking, everyone found that Ye Tian had switched the page back to the page on the electronic stocks of US stocks.

The stocks that were still green before actually started to become a bit red.

And over time, more and more semiconductor stocks have begun to rise.

“What happened?”

“It’s too weird. It stands to reason that stocks are good news for us. Now it is good news for our side. The rise of our electronic companies in Xia will inevitably have an impact on the electronics companies in the United States and affect them. Sales or market share. Why is it still going up?”

“I’m afraid something really happened, boss, hurry up and see how our Xia Guo electronic stocks are?”

Ye Tian didn’t confront everyone this time.

The page was cut back soon.

Xia Guo’s side is still red, indicating that it is still rising, but if you look closely, the rising speed has slowed down.

Everyone was puzzled again.

But Ye Tian looked at this situation, but didn’t have time to wonder.

After reading the stocks on both sides, I brought up the U.S. stock market chart.

The market index is also rising.

Moreover, after looking at the comparison made by Ye Tian, ​​the index of the market at this moment is 400 points more than at the opening.

“Damn, is the U.S. stock market going crazy? Did I remember it wrong, it’s not a stock market crash now?”

“Weird, really weird, the first time I saw a stock market crash, there would be various rises like this.

“It’s not uncommon. So many stocks are rising today, and it’s reasonable for the market index to follow suit. It’s a pity that the boss didn’t buy the market index today.”

With the voice of the barrage fell.

Everyone’s eyes stared again.

In sight, Ye Tian really just put the mouse on the index purchase window.

Subconsciously, everyone looked at the current account balance.

Nineteen hundred billion.

Those stocks purchased before made a total of about 500 billion yuan.

“Does the boss sell the stock to play the big game?”

Everyone swallowed saliva.

Watching Ye Tian directly chose to buy.

And the shot is 500 billion!

“Buy down?

“What’s going on? Isn’t it still rising now? How could the boss buy and fall!”

“I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all, the boss’s operation is too jumpy, it’s not what a mortal like me can see.”

“Boss, can you clarify your confusion? My heart is like a cat scratching.”

Ye Tian looked at more and more doubts. Did not hide it.

I opened the web page and entered a news page in English.

Most of the people who read the dense English have a regretful look.

“Boss, what are you going to show us?”

“Damn, boss, don’t tell me you can understand English?”

“If we read it wrong, the boss opens this page, it’s very important!”

“Moreover, the boss should know what this page is about before he will show it to us.,

…0 Seeking flowers…

“What are you talking about, hurry up!”

“This page is a publicity page of a U.S. technology website. Just now on the Internet, a technology was announced free of charge. And this technology, if I remember correctly, is the secret technology of a semiconductor company in Xiaguo.”

“So, did they succeed in the research?”

“If you succeed in researching something, would you be willing to announce it for free?”

“Also, what’s the situation now?”

“If I am not mistaken, it is leaked, which company’s private technology, leaked out, and spread to the United States!!”

“Damn, don’t everyone know it if you publish it like this?”

“So, those electronics companies in the U.S. will go up against the wind?”

“This f*ck, it’s also revealed that it’s too time, but it’s in this section!”

“The most important thing is that there is more than one leaked technology! Look at these pages opened by the boss, all are public pages, my God, how come so many patented technologies have been leaked!”

“F*ck, are these people in the U.S. stupid? It was announced that way?

“No, these news also include the propaganda of many American semiconductor companies claiming that they have developed new technologies. Those technologies are more confidential and more complicated than those just announced.”

“No wonder the boss was robbed when he sold stocks just now. The U.S. guys must have known these news a long time ago, so know that once these things break out, the stocks of our electronics companies will definitely fall, so be prepared in advance. .

“It turns out that we are waiting for us here. OMG, it’s so risky. Fortunately, the boss sold the stocks in time. Otherwise, when the influence of these technologies spreads, the stocks that have just risen will be beaten again. Back to the original shape.,

“Take it, I really took it this time. How did the boss’s mind get up? How can he discover everything?”

“In fact, it is not difficult to understand. You forgot what the boss did before. He has been observing the situation of these electronic stocks in the United States, so it should be found that the other party is not right!”

“But, how did he know that this kind of thing would happen, so he came to study these things?”,

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