[System received: Strengthen Steel Muscles Iron Bones innate talent to 30%, increase life by 100%, consume 25,000 innate talent points, and remain. 】

There is a numb feeling of electricity from the limbs, and his flesh defense has been upgraded to a new level! Wood Spirit's fine element method plus life growth, as long as it is not for several waves of attacks by the Yuan Venerable Realm 9th Layer, it is not enough to cause fatal damage to someone in Lin.

Lin Chen hesitated again and again in the face of the function of'fusion', but chose to give up. After obtaining many spirit rings of Yuanzun realm, he turned out a large number of high level cultivation techniques, but he never activated the function of fusion.

From the previous last wave of fusion Lin Chen already knows that every level 1 of the cultivation technique above the purple level is very difficult, and the handed down collections such as the intermediate purple level and high level are not so easy to integrate. Out.

And even if you can now integrate a purple-level intermediate cultivation technique, you can’t guarantee that it’s what you need.

So he has to accumulate a large number of cultivation techniques, and then merge in one breath to ensure that he can get enough battle strength improvement opportunities after consuming a large amount of Heavenly Dao!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Master Xiong, have you rested? Qing'er has something to confirm with you."

"Not yet, please come in."

Being pushed away, Lin Chen closed the system column, and it was Yang Qing'er who walked into the room.

"At this night, girl Qing'er shouldn't come to me to talk about dreams and study the structure of the human body, right?"

Lin Chen suddenly smiled; Yang Qing'er was followed by a middle-aged palace Pretending to be a young woman, her strength is even stronger than the previous two old men!

The young woman in the palace costume waved her hand, and Battle Qi covered the room, blocking all sounds. Upon seeing this, Lin put his hands on his chest with a look of horror.

Huh? This is still silent, what do they want? I'm still a child! Please increase your efforts, oh no, please be civilized!

"Master, I don’t know if you have heard of the recent Ling State drastic changes on the Nine Provinces continent? There is also Ling State Lin Chen."

Yang Qinger is gentle and moving A touch of cunning appeared on the pretty face, Lin Chen's eyelids trembled slightly, and he gave a haha-"I heard that this Lin Chen is very handsome, I don't know why the Qinger girl said this?"

"Master, you are Lin Chen."

Suddenly, Yang Qinger said something amazing. Even Yuan Venerable Realm 9th Layer and even half of Sovereign could not recognize Lin Chen's disguise, and she was so little. girl see through!

Lin Chen took a deep look at her. At this time, the beautiful woman in the palace costume was beside her. There was also a powerhouse guarding her outside the room. If Lin Chen forced her to attack, she would not be able to win the treasure box and then evacuated the City. Lord Mansion fled.

After thinking a little bit, he calmed down and said with a smile indifferently-"I don't know what Miss Qinger means, I don't understand someone."

"Lin Chen Young Master, don’t pretend you. I recognized you from the time you practiced medicine pill. Several kinds of pill concocting mudra can be switched freely. Two types of pill concocting mudra can be used at the same time. They are good at disguising and refining medicine. Don’t stick to one pattern."

Yang Qing'er chuckles with curving eyebrows—"Lin Chen Young Master, after all, Alchemy Sect, who has a pill concocting skill like you, is still so young. Yes, there are not many in the entire Nine Provinces~"

Damn! Feelings I, Lin someone thought he was recognized without putting on a stinky face like other alchemists. Hey, after all, it's still a good temper. This bad habit must be changed, and it must be changed!

"Hey, it's really annoying to be handsome. I've been recognized when I come to Danzhou. So, what do you want to do, little beauty?"

Lin Chen shrugged, Simply admitting her identity, this little girl seems to hide some cunning under the pure and beautiful appearance.

I can see Lin Chen admit that the beautiful woman in the palace costume can’t help but her eyes trembled. As the Dacheng and medicine family of Danzhou can be counted on one's fingers, their news is very well-informed, but they listen. Said that this young man who called Lin Chen had the ability to kill Battle Sovereign!

After acknowledging his identity, it seems that the outside powerhouse has also moved. It is very close to Lin Chen's room, forming a silent circle.

However, Lin Chen is calm and composed, he is confident enough to escape from this Inside the City Lord Mansion.

"I want to add one more condition to the original conditions. Of course, we will have enough remuneration to pay Lin Chen Young Master, but we will also ask Young Master to win the championship at the Xiaodan meeting. This time Xiaodan will have another ancient aristocratic family's Refining Medicine Heaven's Chosen. His refining level can also be ranked in the top 10 in contemporary Danzhou."

" Young Master can win. City Lord Mansion can provide 800 kinds of sixth rank high level medicine ingredients and ten kinds of seventh rank medicine ingredients for Lin Chen Young Master to choose and take away."

Yang Qing'er said sincerely, this The generous rewards really made Lin stunned.

"Okay, no problem, although this is no different from what I originally wanted to do."

"One more favor, if Young Master would like to help us , Then the reward previously promised to Young Master will be doubled again, that is..."

When Yang Qinger put forward the third condition, Lin was immediately happy!

"Okay! I'm good at bragging, I'll take this double reward!"


Xuyang City; Xiaodanhui At the scene, this is the preparation for the selection of Peak alchemists in Danzhou held in various places, and is to prepare for the future alchemy ceremony.

There are 500 alchemists participating in the Xiaodanhui's election this time, and the top 50 will be eligible to participate in the alchemy.

Today, many powerhouses rushed to the scene specially, because this time on behalf of Yang Family City Lord Mansion, the most mysterious master Xiong Chumo from Qingyun Street!

It’s just that, today’s bear master played on behalf of Yang Family and changed his name specially.

In the alchemy site; in the vast No. 233 alchemy arena, a pampered young master in white with a sword eyebrow stared at Lin and his mouth twitched slightly.

"You are the representative of the Yang Family? Qing'er doesn't go into battle by herself. What kind of crooked melons are in this school. These days, some any cat or dog can also come on stage and stand with me Ningque Young Master. Is there a piece?"

Ning Que sneered and shook his head, looking at Lin Chen as if he had seen some rare beast.

"Yeah, crooked melons and cracked dates? Are you looking down on me, Yang Peak!"

Lin Chen raised his brows and said with a smile, he said with a smile. No wonder.

"Hey! You are not qualified to talk to this Young Master! I don’t care whether you are Yang Peak or a monster. After winning the championship, Miss Qing'er will agree to this Young Master’s courtship. Everyone is the same, I Ning Que will surely sweep away the Sifang Alchemists this time!" Seeing his face full of pride, Lin screamed and laughed. At this time, sound transmissions were all over the venue.

"The small pill will officially start, medicine pill is prepared by itself, and the time limit is 20 days. The highest grade medicine pill will be the winner!"

bang! bang! bang!

Many pill furnaces have fallen, and pharmacists from all over the world are racing against time to start refining medicine!

Ning Que shot the pill furnace of the sixth rank Peak, which surprised all four!

But next moment, the many alchemists in the audience, including all the referees, and even the top leaders of the Yang Family City Lord Mansion suddenly stood up! The expression was shocked and unbelievable!

Not because of Ning Que, but because of the silver robe youth in the field, Yang Peak!

Only one pill furnace was placed in front of each pharmacist, but Yang Peak, he actually took out 9 pill furnaces in one breath! !

What does he want to do? This is not a fucking stir-fry! What the hell does he use for so many pill furnaces?

I saw, the silver robe youth flirted with his bangs, and a frenzied smile appeared on that ordinary and cold face!

"Since I have taken the shot, let me Lin someone's legend start from Danzhou!!!"

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