Danzhou is popular in refining medicine, so it has attracted countless powerhouses. The refining competition is more exciting and intense. Heaven's Chosen is like a crossing river carp. There are countless powers here to discover the Sect power that the pharmacist enshrines back to their home.

The Xiaodan meeting is an important screening link before the Dan meeting. It is very important. At this time, millions of spectators have gathered at the Xiaodan meeting place in Xu one after another Siyang City. There is Heavenly. Dipper Realm, Yuanzun Realm, and some hidden old monsters were all born, and they arrived on the scene to watch.

Thousands of magic eye stone projections are carefully arranged in the venue for countless people, so that everyone can watch, it is a feast that almost everyone is paying attention to!

This is a feast, but there is an unprecedented, unheard-of situation! That is, there is a pharmacist who took out nine pill furnaces?

Some referees in the audience suddenly felt their scalp numb, one after another questioning eyes turned to Yang Family, and some powerhouses even thought that Yang Family's move was to disrupt the venue!

"This? This Yang Family represents Yang Peak crazy, right?"

"Nine pill furnaces, is there a brain problem? Refining medicine does not rely on the number of pill furnaces to win! "

"Is it possible that is here to make trouble?"

The referees' unreasonable, all influence questioning, dozens of high-level Yang Family suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles! Even if their Yang Family is not small, they dare not make jokes on this occasion!

"Qing'er, you little girl is looking for who to represent our Yang Family to participate in the competition!"

"If this leads to sanctions from the top of the Dan Club, our Yang Family will also take care of it. I’m sorry!"

"Why don’t you let this guy get down and get someone else up?"

Some Supreme Elders of Yang Family keep on asking Yang Qinger, this The beauty of the time was also a little panicked, she completely didn't expect Lin Chen to give them Yang Family such a show!

"It's okay, there is no need to change people, we just watch the changes."

At this time; Yang Family's patriarch, Yang Fengyun. A middle-aged man peaceful with a blue crown and white robe said with a smile, when he looked towards Lin Chen, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes!

Ning Que in the venue, holding his pill furnace with one hand, almost died out of laughter!

"hahahahaha! Nine pill furnaces? Why don't you go juggling? It's a shame that people like you don't do performances!"

Pill concocting is a whole-hearted spirit Strength investment activities, Battle Qi, spirit strength, pill concocting fingerprints, medicine ingredient and many steps, any mistake in the process will lead to all losses.

Control nine pill furnace pill concocting, then the fucking even a seventh rank alchemist can't do it!

"Ai, people laugh at me too crazy, I laugh at others who can’t see through, the most handsome and genius kind of loneliness, you won’t understand."

this People Yang put away the'Single-player King's Appearance Force Secret Book', silently lighted a homemade cigarette, and looked up at the sky lonely and melancholy.

"Ai, don’t understand if you don’t understand, after all, I’m here to participate this time just by the way."

Yang Peak Young Master shook the head disappointed, and Ning Que swept him At a glance.

"By the way? Indeed, in terms of the opening performance, you are indeed more amazing than this Young Master. You are a qualified clown!"

After that, Ning Que sat cross-legged in the air, wearing a spirit With a wave of ring's palm, hundreds of rare medicine ingredients were suspended to the void.

When he ran the pill concocting mudra; one after another open flame shining on the palms of his hands, dazzling, he became the protagonist of the entire venue!

"This is Danzhou Ning Family's blue-level top-level pill concocting handprint "A Thousand Lights of Fire"! What a mysterious handprint!"

"This is Ning Family, the strongest contemporary Heaven's Chosen’s strength! It seems that he should be the champion this time. Judging from the medicine ingredient he refined, it should be the sixth rank top medicine pill!"

Some young and beautiful women are even more so With peach blossoms in his eyes, he stared at Ning Que with admiration.

Just as everyone's attention shifted to Ning Que, some individual Alchemy Sect masters from the hidden world screamed air-conditioning violently from the audience!

Their eyes fixed on Yang Peak in the field!

I saw, two figures broke through the air, and two people who looked exactly like Yang Peak appeared in the venue awe-inspiringly!

The three were in a row, with their hands spread out, spirit strength emerged like a deep sea, an imposing manner, and the entire venue was filled with the condensed vortex of his spirit strength!

"It's the Avatar's skill! The magical Avatar's skill!"

"What does he want to do? Does he really want to use nine pill furnaces to refine medicine at the same time? pill?"

"Impossible, this is not a battle, how can Avatar achieve pill concocting as accurate as the body!"

As all the powerhouses were shocked and silent, the scene The three of them spread their palms, ten high-end spirit rings appeared, and they were thrown into the sky at the same time!

Boom! boom! boom!

The spirit ring exploded!

Various energy fluctuations emerge between Heaven and Earth, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, wind, lightning, dark, many attributes, medicine ingredients with different energies, and beast cores are suspended and condensed into a river of energy, long There are more than two thousand zhangs, dazzling arrays across the void!

There are tens of thousands of sixth rank treasures! This stunned everyone!

Boom~~! The terrible Spiritual Fluctuation moves along with the pill concocting handprints. The handprints of the silver robe youth are extremely fast, the left hand is soft and the right hand Flame Seal is heavy, and it is displayed like a lightning!

Massive treasures of heaven, material and earth, fish and dragons penetrate into the nine sixth rank pill furnaces, and the order of each plant entering the pill furnace is perfect, orderly and not chaotic!

In the pill furnace, suddenly the mighty Battle Qi is rolling, and the rolling spirit strength controls every medicine ingredient into the pill furnace!

Remove impurities, deprive medicine ingredient essence, extract energy spirit transformation, refine into liquid, and melt into crystalline solid state.

There is no error in every step! So skilful to the pinnacle, Major Perfection!

This Yang Peak is simply not bluffing, he can really use nine pill furnaces to refine medicine pill, and it is completely controlled, there is no burden at all?

This is not what can be described in the word crazy! This is really going to overthrow the world of refining medicine!

"Pill concocting two pill concocting mudra at the same time?"

"My God! And it's still a one-handed imprint! His realm is too terrifying! What level of refining medicine is this? Level?"

When there was a wave of heated discussions and waves in the venue, some of the well-known Alchemy Sect divisions trembled, and they discovered even more terrifying anomalies!

The medicine ingredients in the nine pill furnaces are matched, and each pill furnace is completely different!

In other words! The medicine pill in the nine pill furnaces refined by this child is different for each furnace!

The rhythm, fineness, and mental control of each pill furnace are completely different! equivalent to nine Alchemy Sect divisions pill concocting in the venue!

Drive nine pill furnaces to refine medicine at the same time! Don't say you have seen this kind of thing, you can't even think about it!

Ning Que, who was on the side, looked at the sky from the distance, and when a dazzling array of medicine ingredients fell into the pill furnace, he suddenly stayed in place, and his throat made a gu gu cry like an owl.

"He, he can actually control nine pill furnaces?"

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