While the Ling State wiped out hundreds of Yuanzun realms, Lin Chen gained a lot of Spirit Crystal and cultivation techniques, but he still lacked a lot of cultivation resources, condensing eight kinds The Heavenly Tribulation battle body’s Battle Qi Yuanfu is in great demand, and it still needs countless cultivation resources to hit the important dividing line of the 4th layer of Yuanzun realm.

"I'm Lin, oh no, Xiong is not practicing today, and the materials have been collected for four episodes one after another. Everyone will go back to each house and find each mother. There will be no deadline."

Lin Chen stood up, making countless powerhouses onlookers anxious, and quickly persuaded him.

"Don't, don't! Master, do it again! I'll point to this medicine pill breakthrough Yuanzun realm seven!"

"Master, I am willing to make four Ten kinds of sixth rank high level medicine ingredients, as long as you name them, I will get them for you. This nine-phoenix bihuang pill, please make another shot!"

Lin Chen waved his hand impatiently— — "I said that the stall has been closed, I'm not welcome if you commit another crime!"

"City Lord Mansion Yang Qing'er, can I ask the master to refine One Time Pill again?"

The lithe and graceful voice sounded like a cloud of light and graceful, and everyone was shocked to let go!

The beautiful lady comes in, with long hair reaching waist, beautiful face, pure temperament like hibiscus water, exquisite body, a pair of delicate peach eyes look at Lin Chen in secret, while her cherry lips lightly open said with a smile ——"Qing'er would like to ask the master to make another move?"

Her voice is very lithe and graceful, which is easy to be intoxicated, and there is a mist of smoke. The men who are as strong as Yuanzun and the Old Senior are like a spring breeze, without exception, showing a comfortable and comfortable look.

However, the first thing that attracted Lin Chen was not her voice or appearance, but the light on her head!

Yes; that is the rays of light of the attribute light ball! A golden amethyst treasure chest flashing!

"This girl, Interesting, the things in the Amethyst Treasure Box are generally not simple goods. You have to find a way to touch her head and leave."

Lin is in the When heart was playing with his little thoughts, his eyes suddenly narrowed and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"It turned out to be a big family, and there are two Venerable Realm 9th Layers next to it for secret protection. This is a bit tricky..."

It is not only Lin Chen, but Yang Qing'er who is surprised. The same is true. The young man didn't pay attention to himself at first sight, and was not convinced by his charm at all.

"Why did he keep staring at Qing'er's head? Is there anything on Qing'er's head? Really a weird guy..." He muttered in his heart, and the Lin in front of him said seriously. .

"I said I don’t practice, I just don’t practice, please come back, girl."

See Lin Chen refused, Yang Qinger said with a beautiful smile ——"master, don’t worry, sunny Er was born in the City Lord Mansion of Xuyang City. As long as the master can refine the medicine pill that Qing'er wants, and what medicine ingredient the master wants, Qing'er can provide it."

"Oh Yo, City Lord Mansion "

Lin Chen's heart moved, jokingly said with a smile——"I don't want medicine ingredient. If you insist on asking me to do it, you can. I only have one condition. Let me touch your head. "

Hearing this condition, not only the beauty, but also the many powerhouses on the scene were stunned!

Why are you touching someone's head? If you want to plot a bad idea, it's also other parts, right?

"Master! Help me refine the medicine! I'll touch it!"

A fatty Yuanzun realm rushed out excitedly, and someone Lin kicked him— —"Who wants to touch your dog's head!"

"How about, Little Lass, do you agree to my condition? If you don't agree, I can go!"

" Bold! Miss is the body of ten thousand gold, how can I tolerate your nameless junior blasphemy!"

Two gray robe elders scolded Lin Chen coldly, and suddenly stood up, all around the space of all directions. Distorted, many powerhouses receded one after another, their pupils shrank slightly, these two were actually the Venerable Realm 9th Layer?

The powerful Battle Qi oppression surrounds Lin Chen!

"You can't be sincere, Little Lass."

Lin Chen sneered indifferently, and Yang Qinger waved her hand hurriedly-"Two uncles, don't be impulsive."

"Miss, in case you have any mistakes, we can't explain to the City Lord!"

The two old men advised that the oppression of Lin Chen's Battle Qi has been reduced a bit, Yang Qinger said very seriously .

"Qing'er is temporarily unable to meet the condition of master. If the master can meet our requirements, Qing'er can do another thing for Qing'er. Qing'er can give you...touch..."

At this time, Yang Qing'er secretly sounded a transmission to Lin Chen. At the end of the conversation, a touch of crimson dyed her cheeks.

The beautiful woman's blurry and beautiful voice made Lin's ear soft for a while; then he sound transmission said calmly.

"What are the conditions."

"Play in the Xiaodanhui for my Xuyang City and get the top three!"

"No problem!"



Night, City Lord Mansion.

The entire City Lord Mansion discussed spiritedly, Miss Qing'er, who has always had little contact with the opposite sex, would take the initiative to bring back a man of the same age back home!

The guest official room is quaint, simple and elegant.

Lin Chen sat cross-legged and opened the system column.

[Heavenly Path Collection System 4.0 version

Host: Lin Chen

cultivation base: Yuan Venerable Realm 3rd Layer mid-term.

Ultimate strength: 69000 dragon power.

Intermediate Qi and Blood Energy: 218700 points.

Intermediate Battle Qi Essence: 205,500 points.

Intermediate spirit strength: 17 points (Law Manifestation Realm mid-term)

Intermediate cultivation technique essence: 53450 points.

Intermediate talisman text energy: 170655 points.

Heavenly Dao value: 240,550 points.

Innate talent points: 255880 points.

Intermediate element energy: Fire Element 59 points, Earth Element 50 points, Wood Element 54 points, Gold Element 55 points, Water Element 46 points. Thunder Element 58 points, Wind Element 64 points, light system 5 points, dark system 88 points.

Cultivation technique status bar (open or not) bloodline status bar (open or not)

Passive innate talent: Steel Muscles Iron Bones 15%, life increase 50%, Sovereign extinction. Active innate talent: ultimate moment, limit Return to Origin.

Characteristic rune: Rune of Slowness Level 4, Penetration rune Level 4, Charged rune Level 4, Phantom rune Level 4.

Hold treasures: 18,750 sixth rank medicine ingredients, 13 sixth rank medicine pill, 89 seventh rank medicine ingredients, 14 seventh rank odd minerals, 229 blue-level intermediate battle skills, blue-level high 582 types of level battle skills, 190 types of blue-level top battle skills, 59 types of sixth-rank high-level weapons, 18 types of sixth-rank top-level weapons, 9 types of semi-purple-level battle skills, 17 types of purple-level incomplete battle skills, and low-level purple-level 2 battle skills,]

Lin Chen’s cultivation technique essence, rune energy and innate talent points, as well as the attribute value of Heavenly Dao, are horribly high!

Although the innate talent of'Godslayer' will reduce the drop of attribute light orbs, he will destroy hundreds of Yuan Zuns, plus seven or eight half-step Sovereigns and a Battle Sovereign, and the drop will not The growth attribute value is still terrifying.

This high attribute value is one of Lin Chen's capital for breaking into Divine State!

As long as you don't encounter a real Battle Sovereign, a Rune of Slowness with thousands of rune energy is beaten out, and the Sovereign will have to be suppressed by Lin Chen in half a step, and it will be crippled!

No matter how powerful enemies you encounter again, this attribute value, Lin Chen is a short-term level that cannot be surpassed. Once it is used up, I want to replenish it in a short time. It is basically impossible, and it will stop when used up. Battle Sovereign level!

But Lin Chen in a normal state, if it weren't for the life-saving Bihaijie left by the vice-president, the frontal battle would not even be able to handle even Battle Sovereign's move, let alone kill!

"system, I want to strengthen the Steel Muscles Iron Bones and increase the innate talent of life to the highest level!"

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