
Along with the coldly shouted sound, it was the solidification sound of space blockade. In the territory of Han Family, hundreds of thousands li in radius were completely blocked!

"Not good! Powerhouse is coming!"

Meng Qianmo and the two senior Elder's expressions changed in awe!

Lin Chen immediately swept out of the sky, and the three of them followed closely from behind. ten thousand zhang high Above the sky, thousands of miles away, a group of silhouettes slowly landed one after another. In terms of numbers, there are at least about 150 people!

"What's the matter, who would dare to mobilize so many powerhouses to attack Han Family? More than 150 Yuanzun realms! All of them are Yuanzun 5th layer and above, 30 of them are Yuanzun realms 8th layer, 20 people are Yuan Venerable Realm 9th Layer!"

Meng Qianmo’s small face reveals a rare trace of horror. Even the Heavenly Song Academy has to weigh this power!

"Something is wrong, the space is completely blocked, we can't get out!"

Lin Chen's eyes were squinted. Under the investigation of Purple Gold Eye, he saw Han Family's All the spaces are blocked and confined. Judging from the strength of Space Formation, simply is not the level that Yuanzun realm can reach!

It is Battle Sovereign level! Only the powerhouse of Battle Sovereign level can achieve this level of space blockade!

"Oops, the space is completely blocked, and the space jade slip is useless!"

Meng Qianmo's small face is solemn, this time, maybe they really want to show up major event!

"Who dares to offend my Han Family!"

"Is Han Family really no one?"

Mixed with angry shaking from Han Family all The directions reverberated, one after another Battle Qi Guangxia rushed straight to Xiaohan, across the sky, dozens of silhouette walking on air, all of them were the Elder of the Yuanzun realm of the Han Family!

But it pales in comparison with the more than 150 people in the sky. The number of Yuan Venerable Realm 9th Layer is less than 4, and the 8th layer has only 10 people. Most of them are Yuan Zun realm 4th layer. And below the 4th layer.

"Big brother, what's going on?"

"It seems that the Han Family is surrounded!"

Everyone from Class 66 is flying off quickly, Sister Su Lan Worryingly, Han Family still has part of the ancient ancient aristocratic family. Even the general ancient aristocratic family dare not destroy it. If the Han Family fights back, the price will not be small!

"Everyone, don’t leave, with a few high-level people, things seem to be not simple!"

Lin Chen looked solemnly, and he suddenly discovered that half of these incoming Yuanzun realms People from Bai Family!

Apart from this, when Lin Chen urged the eyes of Nine Tribulations to spy, he found that all these powerhouses have one characteristic, that is, they have all absorbed the seeds of the Holy Fire!

The person who can get the tempering of the Holy Fire seed is at least the previous Holy Son Saintess level. Even if it is not, he will later become a high-ranking Elder; he can be called a genius of Ling State!

It is no accident that people from different ancient aristocratic families can be brought together to launch such a meticulous attack!

"Do you Bai Family treat my Han Family as a squeeze?"


The old man's coldly shouted shattered the crystal wall of the space of thousands of miles, and the Yuanzun realm was shocked to retreat again and again, with a slightly solemn expression.

In the broken space crystal wall, a yellow robe old man slowly stepped out, standing up ahead of the Han Family's many powerhouses, with his hands down, his eyes were as sharp as electricity, and he scanned every element present. Respect.

"Han Xuzi Old Ancestor is out!"

"Congratulations to Old Ancestor!"

Many Elders are on the ground, or in the sky one-knee On kneels, the yellow robe old man raised his hand and looked towards the faint in the sky, indifferent way.

"Bai Family’s old bastard, I have already appeared, you should have appeared too."

"cough cough cough, sure enough, Han Family, the ghost place, has lost an adult The number of seeds of the Holy Fire for so many years, there are still Battle Sovereign grades, it is really a tricky family!"

The hoarse voice coughed a few times, and an illusory silhouette appeared out of thin air, leaning on a cane. No warning! As if the void exists from beginning to end!

The two coughs of his light cough made the Han Family's cultivation base lower, and Elder felt pain in his eardrums, and horrified the strength of this old man!

"Baiyou old ghost, you Bai Family want what the hell is happening, who gave your leopard the courage to provoke disputes between ancient aristocratic families! Are you not afraid of Yan Family's sanctions? "

Han Family Old Ancestor, Han Xuzi questioned awe-inspiringly.

"hehe, Yan Family? Yan Family is now powerless to defend himself. Under the control of adults, the entire Ling State will be unified, and you are just mantis trying to stop a chariot that's all."

The hoarse voice of the old man Bai You made Han Xuzi feel a little bit inside! Yan Family has been standing in Ling State for hundreds of thousands of years. Does this Bai Family still have the ability to move Yan Family?

"Is there a big change in the outside world of Ling State?"

Han Xuzi just had a similar thought in his heart, and Baiyou flicks with the finger on the other end, a flash of fire hovering in The sky suddenly illuminates the entire Han Family!

This is the rays of light of the Holy Fire!

"Well, as expected, no one has ever got the sacred flame? Huh?"

Under the shining light of this flame, three people emitted rays of light!

That is Han Ziyun, Han Yizhi, and Lin Chen! !

Among them, Lin Chen’s rays of light are dozens of times brighter than the former two! The stigmata rays of light on the foreheads of the three of them became more dazzling, like the stars of the aurora emitting rays of light!

"Nine, nine stigmata?"

For the first time, Bai Youcang's old and dry eyes widened. When he stared at Lin Chen, he showed a mouthful of yellow teeth, ghastly said with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, I caught a big fish! You are the Lin Chen who is the most famous in the celestial spirit list, right? Strange, you three have not received the call of the sacred fire from the adults and have absorbed so many seeds of the sacred fire Can I stay sensible?" Meng Qianmo’s petite and exquisite body abruptly stood in front of Lin Chen, as did the other two senior Elders. They understood very well what Lin Chen meant to Heavenly Song Academy. !

"Come on to the old man! Dedicate your body to the grown-ups, and presumably the old man can also get rich rewards!"

Bai You's dry palms lightly hold the void , Ghost Qi, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, the huge hundred acres of ghost Qi, suddenly grabbed Lin Chen with the endless howling wind!

"Old Ancestor!"

Several Supreme Elder exclaimed, Lin Chen, but their life saving benefactor, there must not be the slightest mistake!

Han Xuzi waved his sleeves and shattered the palm of his Ghost Qi, and shouted-"There is an old man, don't you want to touch my Han Family youngster!"

"Hehe, Han Xuzi, since we dare to attack your Han Family, we naturally have absolute certainty."

At this time; another cold voice slowly descended, making the expressions of many top powerhouses present in shock Big change!

Han Xuzi fixed his eyes firmly on the space behind Bai You, and his voice trembled a little.

"Battle Sovereign 2nd layer late?"

An azure robe silhouette slowly emerged, with a sword in his body, with a cold and lonely expression, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth, scanning Everyone present finally fixed their eyes on Lin Chen!

Feeling this person's gaze, Lin Chen felt a faint tingling sensation all over his body, as if being pointed at by a sword weapon, thousands of miles away could absolutely suppress him!

Two Battle Sovereigns!

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