One day ago, when Ling State was not in trouble; Han Family.

After Lin Chen arrived in Han Family, he personally rewrote the cumbersome process of many high-level Pill Recipe for Han Family, making their Pill Recipe of Han Family more concise and concise, and gave away a few volumes. The precious sixth rank Pill Recipe burned by him himself.

This is the style and value of Alchemy Sect. Even if you don’t refine medicine, Lin Chen’s experience and foundation are the value of Alchemy Sect. He only needs to teach others, pass on his experience, and change the Pill Recipe, and he doesn't know how many people are obsessed with it!

The value and energy of the Alchemy Sect division is so great, why the sixth-rank top Alchemy Sect division can enjoy the high-end treatment of the ancient aristocratic family, because even if they alone cannot refine the seventh-rank rare medicine pill, but they have at least the qualifications to assist seventh rank medicine pill. With the help of an auxiliary medicine pill, the chance of refining seventh rank medicine pill will increase!

There is no doubt that Lin Chen's current refining strength will be treated extremely high if he goes anywhere in the Nine Provinces.

Han Family secret room; Lin Chen closed the ancient book in his hand.

In his current capacity, Han Family has long been regarded as the star of hope. He came to Han Family and went to the highest-level Hidden Scripture Pavilion to obtain a lot of secret information from that year.

First, the Nine Provinces continent is divided into nine continents, which are divided into Blood State, Ming State, Tianzhou, Ling State, Yun Prefecture, Danzhou, Desolate State, Ming State, and Divine State.

Blood State, one of the most turbulent and chaotic Great Prefectures, is full of killing and cruelty. Except for a few areas where peacefully coexisting, almost all the ground is a murderous area. Strength is king, and the law of the jungle is reached. Vividly and thoroughly, it is the Great Prefecture with the fewest civilians in Human Race.

Ming State, the Great Prefecture with the most Ancient Ruins, is a paradise for Nine Provinces, but it is also a hell. The estimates of the Han Family also recorded: The Holy Land after being injured by the Ancient Times is still lurking in Ming State.

Tianzhou, the area where Martial Dao inheritance thrives and thrives second only to Divine State, is the most peaceful area where all emperors have settled the troubled times.

Ling State, the apparent strength is at the end of Nine Provinces. The number of far ancient aristocratic families is the second only to Divine State area in Nine Provinces. It is said that there are powerful far ancient aristocratic families that have migrated here. .

Yun Prefecture, the prevailing caster, is one of the most outstanding and most prominent Great Prefectures of Casting Item Master in Nine Provinces continent. It is rich in various top Treasure Items and war weapons, and is a large cross-state business group. Heaven.

Danzhou, as its name suggests, inherits Immemorial Era's Great Prefecture, has many secret pill concocting inheritance and Nine Provinces highest pill concocting handprints. It is said that even the high level pill concocting handprints of Immemorial Era inheritance to the present One or two exist in Danzhou!

The barren state is a paradise for beasts. There is the most terrifying and powerful force of beasts in the Nine Provinces continent. It was once a wild area on the entire Nine Provinces continent. The terrain is also the most terrifying among the nine continents. The vast one, Human Race has less power.

Mingzhou, the Great Prefecture like Tianzhou, has a relatively peaceful area and has Immemorial Era's Prediction Master inheritance. It is the only area with more Prediction Masters. From here, the Prediction Master goes to the other eight Great Prefecture will be treated like VIPs.

Divine State, the central area of ​​the Nine Provinces continent, is the most prosperous and highest existence in all respects, and it is the only Great Prefecture in the Nine Provinces that has descendants of gods. The number of powerhouses is several times that of each Great Prefecture. , And has a lot of Human Race historical relics.

The above is a lot of information that Lin Chen obtained from the Han Family. As the former top-level medicine and far ancient aristocratic family, part of the information recorded by the Han Family is not even available in Heavenly Song Academy.

"It seems that if I am going to Divine State, my strength is still far from enough. I have to hurry up to improve my strength!"

Lin Chen turned on the system cross-legged and clicked on the fusion function.

"system, I want to integrate all the cultivation techniques I have now!"

[Host has: 17 blue-tier top battle skills, 5 semi-purple-tier battle skills, There are 2 incomplete battle skills for the purple order, and 1 low-level complete core method for the purple order. If all fusions will consume 9000 Heavenly Dao points, the cultivation technique resulting from the fusion is completely random. Is the host sure to fusion? ]


[Boom~~ding~! 】

The crisp sound made Lin Chen's spirits shocked, and a brand new cultivation technique was born, and a system light screen was listed.

"Purple-level low-level top grade category, auxiliary system cultivation technique: Wood Spirit essence method, Battle Qi transformation, vitality receiving essence, wood essence, endless life, tenacious. Can help. The cultivator quickly recovers from injury, followed by trauma, and internal injury is the best."

After reading this cultivation technique a little bit, Lin Chen immediately glowed with a different look!

"What a great cultivation technique! I already have a True Water Return to Origin Art. I have a True Water Return to Origin Art after the water catastrophe. The restoring power is still very strong, but The main function is to treat trauma, but this cultivation technique is mainly to restore internal injuries, and can condense the inside of one's body more tenacious! When the time comes two cultivation techniques, one outside and one inside, with clear division of work and dryness Life is not tired, hahaha!"

Lin Chen, who was ecstatic in his heart, clicked on the system and consumed 780 points of the intermediate cultivation technique essence to carry out the inheritance of the cultivation technique. After spirit strength became the mid-term of Law Manifestation Realm, Lin Chen accepted system inheritance faster!

Lin Chen has never been too much for the cultivation technique to strengthen his life force! Who would think that there are few life-saving auxiliary secret techniques?

One night later, Lin Chen perfectly inherited the "Wood Spirit Essence Method". When he opened his eyes, the greenness of his eyebrows disappeared, like Wanmu ushered in the warm spring day newborn!

The Battle Qi Yuanfu and internal organs in Lin Chen's body are all covered with a light green film full of spring, protecting the inside of Lin Chen's body!

"This cultivation technique actually has a special effect, but the old tree breaks up in the spring, erupting a terrible vitality to regenerate the body!"

If faced with a crisis, This cultivation technique can also give Lin Chen a certain opportunity. It is worthy of being the cultivation technique listed as the top grade by the system among the lower grades of the purple rank! This wave of fusion is very worthwhile!

Han Family courtyard, Lin Chen left the closed room, Meng Qianmo and the others have been waiting for him for a long time.

"How about, are all the things to be done? We received an urgent notice from the deputy dean to take you back to the Academy immediately!"

Suddenly, Meng Qianmo Waiting for the other two senior Elders to say solemnly.

"What's the matter?"——Lin Chen wondering, what's the matter all of a sudden?

"I don't know, but judging from the response of the space jade slip, it should be quite urgent information. We have never seen the deputy dean use this kind of space jade slip!"

The three of them are very serious, Lin Chen nodded-"Okay, then go back first, have you summoned everyone?"

"It has been summoned, they are all in the lobby..."

boom! !

The explosive explosion resounded through Han Family within the territory of hundreds of thousands li. Both civilians and Han Family Elder were shocked and looked around!

"Han Family, your alchemy inheritance is still useful, those who descend will not kill, those who resist, die!"

Mixed with the energy fluctuations that enveloped the heavens, coldly shouted thoroughly The entire Han Family field!

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