Two Battle Sovereign powerhouses, and one in the late 2nd layer, plus more than 150 Yuanzun realms, almost have an absolute advantage in suppressing Han Family!

Hopelessness, helplessness, enveloping the hearts of every Han Family at this time!

They finally saw a little hope for the revival of the Han Family, and they encountered such a fatal blow!

"Is it true that God is going to perish my Han Family?"

"Even the powerhouse of the Battle Sovereign 2nd layer is born. Is Han Family hard to avoid calamity? "

Some Han Family clansman from Heavenly Dipper Realm and Earth Fiend Realm fell to their knees in despair!

There is no doubt that today they can almost be regarded as mortal!

As long as a war is set off, the aftermath of the battle will cover the entire Han Family. They, the Heavenly Dipper Realm cultivation base, have nowhere to escape!

"The adults still value you very much. After all, if a force that exists in Battle Sovereign and has not absorbed the sacred flame is assembled, it will be very troublesome."

Negative sword azure robe man sneaked, When his eyebrows were like electricity, he swept towards Lin Chen, coldly shouted in an instant!

"It's you damn little bastard, dare to kill my son Tianqi, die for me!"

The azure robe man held the void awe-inspiringly, the sword light of a thousand ways sharp Out of thin air illusion, from Lin Chen all around all around and shoot upside down!

bang! bang! bang!

The sword pressure of the quake Star Fragmentation River will shock the three high-level officials guarding Lin Chen to the point of severe injury and retreat!

Han Xuzi was about to move, Bai You immediately stood in front of him, and shot out with a palm, all around the universe collapsed, forcing the former to forcibly resist!

Bai Youyin said with a smile——"Old Guy, your opponent is me, don’t think about being distracted."

"Damn it!"— —Han Xuzi resisted his attack and watched Lin Chen being caught by the azure robe man in the air!

"Squad leader!"

"Lin Chen big brother!"

"Lin Lang!"



The beautiful ladies turned pale and exclaimed, but they couldn't stop the control of Battle Sovereign at all!

Lin Chen was caught and bound on the spot, unable to move even a little bit, the bones all over his body were squeezing creak creak, causing the corners of his mouth to bleed.

"Seeing you asshole, I would like to let you not have the will to live, impossible to ask for death!"

The azure robe swordsman’s eye socket is cracked. Bai You coldly shouted——"Don’t play this kid to death! He can absorb nine sacred flame seeds without being controlled. There must be a big secret in him. If you can dedicate it to an adult, we might have another chance. !"

At this moment when Lin Chen was arrested and everyone's hearts were hanging; he was extremely calm, even grinning reluctantly!

"Why, your Bai Family only has more than 100 Yuanzun realms and two Battle Sovereigns? With this strength, our Heavenly Song Academy will kill you every minute!"

Hearing these words, the azure robe swordsman looked at Lin Chen with extreme disdain-"hehe, do you think our Bai Family relies on this power to start the war? You Heavenly Song Academy yourself when the time comes are all powerless to defend himself. After you get the Yan Family, the next step is your Heavenly Song Academy!"

"Hehe, I don't believe it, you probably rely on the will of the Holy Fire Seed to force control of other powerhouses."

Lin Chen smiled weirdly, the azure robe swordsman was a little surprised, said with a sneer-"You kid actually knows? Sure enough, it's a bit of a way, it's no wonder that you can get mixed up in Ling State! If you are dedicated to you To adults, not only can you not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death, but also sacrifice to the spirit of my son in the sky!"

"If there is a seed, you can ask more people to come, that's it. Battle strength, who do you want to bluff? When the time comes, my Heavenly Song Academy army is killed, and I’m afraid you will be dead!"

Lin Chen's confident appearance made the azure robe swordsman laugh at the sky, It's like hearing the most ridiculous joke in the world!

When I think that this child is so arrogant, what despair will be ushered in when he knows the truth by then, the azure robe swordsman can't help but look forward to and excited!

"hahaha, it seems that you really have brain issues! It just so happens that Ling Qing Ling Xiao is also in the vicinity, let them lead the team and let you see our power!"

Azure robe swordsman Bai Yisheng, crushed the space jade slip in his hand, an extremely mysterious and abstruse space fluctuation passed out, and flew to endless void!

"Ling Family is the emperor of the wind, Ling Qing Lingxiao? Did you even draw Ling Family?"

Han Xuzi who was fighting was stunned, and all Han was present. Family People suddenly feel scalp tingling!

The other party actually called two Battle Sovereigns because of Lin Chen?

Insane! Lin Chen must be crazy! The current situation is so severe, he actually added fuel to the fire?

"Should we kill the self-destruct, and try to save Lin Chen?"

"What should we do, if there are two more Battle Sovereigns, we will have a lot of points One of the opportunities is gone!"

The two Academy executives who were injured by Bai Xuesheng’s hand struggled a little bit. For Lin Chen, they were willing to self-destruct and take him. come back!

"Don’t act rashly, the strength of Battle Sovereign in the late stage of the 2nd layer is extraordinary! And, most importantly, this little fellow seems to have some strategy!"

Meng Qianmo rubbed the red. With blood on his lips, he raised his hand to block.

"I also think the squad leader might have some tricks! He will never play cards according to common sense!"

Everyone in Class 66 looked at each other firmly, Leng Yueqi did not Consciously squeezing the jade hand, Yun Manqing on the side held her catkin, the two girls looked at each other and encouraged a smile, beautiful eyes staring at Lin Chen.

At this time, a tiny voice secretly passed into Han Xuzi's ears.

"Han Xuzi senior, please lead the Han Family members to surrender, and don't fight meaninglessly."

This sound transmission makes Han Xuzi slightly startled! He glanced at Lin Chen incredulously, could he have any way to reverse the situation in Yuanzun?

The problem is, if you have a way, you fucking hurry up! Does it wait until the other two Battle Sovereigns arrive? Isn't this a pit in your head!


All around Battle Qi Guangxia rushes straight into the sky, and the many Yuanzun realm Elders of the Han Family have already begun to fight to the death!

If they wait until the opponent's four Battle Sovereigns arrive, they won't even have a chance to hold the enemy perish together!

"What should I do, should I believe this kid, he has saved my Han Family many times in the fire and water, and has won four consecutive championships in the Celestial Spirit List...Any achievement is unparalleled in the past and the present Level..."

At one-thousandth of an instant, Han Xuzi was sweating coldly, and many thoughts flashed through his mind. Finally, he made up his mind!

"Everyone in the Han Family obeys the order, all surrender! Don't act rashly! Save the last trace of bloodline for my Han Family!"

When Han Xuzi retreated; suddenly sound transmission, All Han Family Elder thought they heard it wrong?

"What? Old Ancestor let us surrender?"

"When did Old Ancestor become greedy for life and fear of death! We were once a far ancient aristocratic family! bloodline How can the pride in China bow to others, rather die than submit!"

Many Elder expressions were extremely unwilling, and Han Xuzi shook again—"I’ll say it again, this is an order! Don’t resist anymore. !"

Han Xuzi meditated silently with a trembling heart.

Lin Chen boy, I have entrusted the fate of the entire Han Family to you! Don't let me face the ancestors of the Han Family after I die!

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