When Lin Chen was about to leave, Ning Yuntian was only slightly relaxed. If he didn't fight, it was the best result. If they fight, the Ning Family will suffer the most!

Staring at the direction where Lin Chen and the others are leaving, many Elders dared not say anything. This child killed the servant of God stationed in the Ning Family and was able to leave safely.

Looking at the back of Lin Chen and the others leaving, several Battle Sovereign one after another shook their heads and sighed slightly.

"It must be Qingxuan this little girl who persuaded him."

"It should be. It seems that it was a wise choice to control Ning Qingxuan's parents and other family members. ."

"This child is too smart, but in the bones is innocent and uncomfortable. It is not a good strategy to be able to control her with her family, but the effect is the most direct. ."

"Hehe, sacrifice a Ning Qingxuan, in exchange for the ascension of all of our Ning Family. It is totally worth it. Compensating for her family afterwards, there must be no big problem."

"It's really a terrible youngster. In time, maybe he can really reach the height of our Ning Family ancestors."

"Hehe, even with the power of the ancestors, he can be considered in front of the gods. What?"


Beyond Qian Yang Mountain Range; everyone was flying in the air, and the atmosphere was not good. After all, Ning Qingxuan could not be taken away, and the thought of her staying In that kind of environment that is not considered human at all, everyone feels uncomfortable.

Suddenly; the vice-president’s slender hands flickered, she was holding a space jade slip that flickered rays of light, her eyebrows frowned.

"It seems that the Academy is in a hurry. I want to return to the Academy first. Do you want to leave with me?"

Lin Chen looked at each other and said with a smile —— "It's very close to Han Family. I plan to go to Han Family first and then go back. I took the best pill concocting handprints in the family for no reason. I don't want to owe favors."

"In that case, the three of you will follow this group of little fellows."

The vice president exhorted the three high-level men including Meng Qianmo, Qianying trembled a little and turned into streamer escape. Into the void.

Led by Han Ziyun and Han Yizhi, Lin Chen entire group heads to Han Family first.

At this time, an unprecedented earth-shattering change unfolded quietly, and the history of Ling State opened a new page!


One day later, in the northwestern region of Ling State; a large-scale battle started without warning, loss of life!

Ye Family of the ancient aristocratic family, there were a lot of powerhouse infighting, but it was quickly suppressed by one side!

Apart from this, there are also some hidden old monsters who noticed that in the territory of Ye Family, there have been traces of Bai Family people, and the victory is very strange!

Northern Domain; Ling Family territory.


Several mountain ranges were razed to the ground by the Battle Qi fluctuations that flashed by in an instant. A Ling Family's Battle Sovereign powerhouse was shocked to vomit blood and retreated, and his eyes were full of unbelievable!

"Tianlong, Mingwei, are you two Old Guy crazy? You actually helped the people of Bai Family attack this seat?"

In the sky, two stalwart silhouettes emerged, It is actually a Battle Sovereign-level existence!

"hahaha! We are not playing for the Bai Family, we are playing for the great new god!"

The two Battle Sovereigns laughed up to the sky, one laugh was thunderous, and the radius was hundreds of thousands. li The wind and clouds all changed color, so that the world could only tremble on the ground, thinking that some major disaster was coming to the world!

Those powerhouses of Yuanzun realm that were highly respected in the past were shocked shiver coldly. They didn't dare to act rashly at all. They didn't even dare to fly to the outside world to see why!

"Damn it, I want to see what shit the so-called new god is!"

That Battle Sovereign level shocked both shoulders, and Battle Qi turned into a billowing river. Like grasping in the palm of the palm, just about to fight again, but suddenly stunned and stuck in place!

Ten ten thousand zhang high Above the sky, on the top of the cloud dome, ten Six Paths silhouettes faintly appear. When every silhouette stepped on, it was like an ancient creature outstripping the sky and the earth, shaking the space constantly! Even this world is shaking!

The first one is floating like an immortal, slowly descending, the violent wind dances her veil like a cloud of smoke, and the dust is peerless, beautiful as Mysterious Immortal descends, the beautiful woman's blue eyes are turning, and the pupils are flashing. The fire of creation and extinction.

"Fifteen Battle Sovereigns?"

The Battle Sovereign powerhouse of the Ling Family gasped fiercely! Looking at Ling State, there are no more than three ancient aristocratic families that can come up with this lineup!

hong long long ~~hong long long ~~!

The fifteen Battle Sovereigns above the cloud dome all shot together, their Battle Qi joined together, as if they were connected to Heaven and Earth, their palms were all suppressed and photographed, crushing the void, Heaven and Earth The universe is broken!

A sky-shaking Battle Qi was reversed and suppressed on the Ling Family's Battle Sovereign class body, shocking his seven orifices to bleed, his eye sockets were completely cracked, his hands were reversed and blasted out, condensing into crystals. Battle Qi’s hand pushed forward, and thousands of miles were broken. He used his personal power to counter the 15 Battle Sovereigns!

"It's really tenacious, but die!"

The other two Battle Sovereigns who were originally Ling Family laughed grinningly, folded their hands together, and their fingertips turned into a splitting heaven and earth Apart's sword edge swept out, cutting off his offensive!

At the moment the offensive was interrupted, the entire body of the resisting Ling Family Battle Sovereign was bombarded and killed by 15 Battle Sovereigns, bursting into a cloud of blood mist in an instant!


The sky is overcast and windy, the blood clouds are surging, the sky is raining endless blood, the blood clouds are all over the hundred thousand li, Heaven and Earth roars with countless wailing, this Represents the fall of a Sovereign! !

"My lord, the suppression of Ling Family is complete."

The other two Battle Sovereign class members of Ling Family turned to a cup one fist in the other hand and said respectfully.

"Well, with the current strength, and then along the way to collect the Leng Family and the Blood Family, I must be able to handle one of our biggest threats right now, the Yan Family of the Prediction Master family!"

The lady in the white skirt said with a smile indifferently, she waved her sleeves, and then asked—"Apart from the Yan Family, which force has not absorbed the seeds of this seat?"

A Battle After the Sovereign level hesitated for a while, cup one fist in the other hand said-"Tell the adults, it is better than Heavenly Song Academy that there are many powerhouses that have absorbed the adults' seeds. If you really want to count, there will only be one Han Family. But the Han Family is no longer far from the ancient aristocratic family. It has not been in contact with the Holy Fire for 10,000 years, or there is still a Battle Sovereign level in the Xu Family, with several Yuanzun realms."

"Oh? The whole family is If you haven’t absorbed the seeds of the Holy Fire, you can’t combine inside and outside. It’s still a bit tricky, Bai You, you will lead the team, one hundred Yuanzun realm, to destroy the Han Family! Then we concentrate on destroying the Yan Family and then go to Heavenly Song Academy gathers together and realizes Ling State in one fell swoop!" The lady in white coldly said, a Battle Sovereign powerhouse immediately one-knee kneels, and cup one fist in the other hand took the lead!

A dozen Battle Sovereign-level powerhouses, following the lady in white, swept in the direction of Yan Family!

What’s more frightening is that after the Battle Sovereign level, there are thousands of Yuanzun realms appearing in the Ling Family, suppressing all the forces of the Ling Family, and if there are rebels, they will be killed on the spot. !

After the Ancient Times, an unprecedented storm began to sweep the entire Ling State with a plague-like trend! Almost 90% of the ancient aristocratic family are not immune to being caught in this unprecedented storm!

At this time in Ling State, the blood cloud of Sovereign's fall began to spread from various territories, and the entire Ling State was plunged into panic and despair at an unimaginable speed!

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