The auras of the seven Heavenly Tribulation battle bodies skyrocketed, Lin Chen released a faint blue light all over his body, and the innate talent points were reduced by 1000 points! Rune points reduced by 150 points!

The ultimate moment is superimposed on the Asura Jiuhuang change·5th layer change! Lin Chen's strength has reached an unprecedented peak!

He wielded the Five Dragon Emperor Spears very quickly, and the 100,000 dragon power was vividly and thoroughly, one after another dark one after another The shadow of the four-light shuttle shot soaring into the sky, piercing all the dragon claws. mark!

"Thousands of demons penetrate the heart!"

The vast and empty dark light pierced the void, crushed the attack of the three people, the imposing manner remained undiminished, and rushed to the three of them. Strike!

The palms shook sharply, and Lin Chen's shot was even more violent, making the expressions of the three people amazed!

"How could this child be so strong? Withdraw!"

Yun Canghai wanted to cover the two retreats, patted three palms in a row with his backhand, and turned into a dozen or so Mu Qi palm prints, layer upon layer, suppress Qian Yue, the terrifying Battle Qi weight crushes the crystal wall of thousands of miles!

The shadow of the dark spear pierced through the wood-qi palmprints, and countless spear glow penetrated the sea of ​​clouds. Although the other two successfully avoided the attack range, he was seriously injured!

"How could I, my Ziyang treasure was crushed more than half by this kid with a single shot?"

Blood overflowed from the corner of the mouth, clutching the broken purple light armor on his chest , Yun Canghai’s eyes were full of disbelief, his sixth rank high level life-saving weapon was nearly half shattered by Lin Chen!

Lin Chen stepped into the late stage of the 4th layer. With the ultimate moment and penetrating rune, plus the formidable power of seven Heavenly Tribulation battle bodies, even the charged rune penetrated Yun Canghai without even activating the rune. defense!

Tear and pull~! A shock of electricity passed by, and the speed was so fast that it was unimaginable! Nine dark black dragon patterns engulfed in the palm of the hand, and hit the 6th-layer Elder Qi!

"Not good!"——Supreme Elder in the middle of the 6th-layer have one's hair stand on end, subconsciously running Battle Qi defense!

Boom! boom! boom!

The Dark Dragon strangled and exploded, shattering all of his Battle Qi defenses, and fell into the void bloody! Stunned to death!

The mark of the violent dragon claw suddenly struck, the golden gun was swept out, Yun Canghai desperately approached Lin Chen, frantically delaying his actions!

"Hurry up and grab that kid's woman as a handle!"

Yun Canghai sound transmission hoarsely, Yun Ming immediately understands, his body shape is like a starlight. A step flashed to the space not far from Leng Yueqi!

Yun Canghai thought that Lin Chen would rush to him desperately. He didn't expect that he would concentrate attention completely and fight himself completely. The golden gun was swung and hit, and he suppressed one of them. The powerhouse in the late seven-fold, all that is left is to parry!

"What's the joke, isn't he worried about his woman?"

Yun Canghai was horrified in his heart, but more of it is the winning ticket. This kid dares to do it for him. The woman who came to attack Sixiangge, as long as he controlled his woman, he wouldn't dare to act rashly!

On the other end; Lin Chen's Phantom Clone stepped out indifferently when facing the attack of Yunming, holding the hilt of the black blade of the purple sheath in his palm.

When Lin Chen casts the "Ultimate Moment", only the ontology is effective. If the Avatar is to enter the "Ultimate Moment" state, additional innate talent points must be consumed. So at this time Phantom Clone is just Lin Chen urging the 5th layer to change its strength!

"With your Avatar, can you still stop the deity from being unable to die!"

Between Yun Ming grinning, his palms are like a slap, and his fingers shattered life and death destruction aura, all around All around the battle Qi of deep green is turned into a trace of dragon claw!

Choke~! boom! boom! boom!

A dragon roaring out of the sheath, Phantom Clone draws a knife, Blade Qi is condensed like a horizontal line, cutting through the heavenly void, the space of thousands of miles, even the light is plunged into the disappearance of reincarnation , The void suddenly fell into eternal darkness!

"Hiss! What is this blade method?"

The pupil of Yun Ming, who took a breath of cold air, trembled slightly, and was about to fly away, a flash of light flashed across, dividing the space On the crystal wall, the arms were sprinkled with blood, Yun Ming in the middle of the seventh layer was cut off by the Phantom Clone in the late stage of the 4th layer!

This scene caught the eyes of the surrounding powerhouse watching the battle, and they all gasped!

"It was Lin Chen! How did Sixiangge provoke him?"

"No wonder he was able to break into the Ninth Layer, my god, he broke the offensive in the mid-Seventh Layer with a single blow Add another arm?"

Because Lin Chen drew the sword so fast, no one could see the moment the previous'Yongye' was unsheathed, the sword had already been retracted and died.

Yun Ming bit his tongue fiercely, and his handprints changed rapidly!

"Four Phase Life Sacrifice!"

Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi merged into a terrible blood cloud vortex. Seeing this scene, many Four Phase Pavilion Elder changed their colors!

"No, don't!"

"Two Old Ancestors, think twice!"

Including the Pavilion Lord, a large number of four-phase pavilion Elders have come Weeping, Yun Canghai saw it, and as he flew back, his hands formed the same mark as Yun Ming!

Boom! boom! boom!

There have been countless explosions in the Sixiang Pavilion. All Elders above the 5th layer of the Heavenly Dipper Realm exploded into blood mist!

The infinite blood mist began to fly into the sky and gathered into the bodies of Yun Ming and Yun Canghai. Their cultivation base began to float, and Yun Ming’s cultivation base briefly entered the late seventh stage!

And Yun Canghai touched the 8th layer realm faintly!

But the price is that the entire Sixiang Pavilion is almost destroyed! Elder is completely destroyed, and the contemporary Pavilion Lord is no exception!

"Don't you need to hesitate to kill your own people?"

Lin Chen sneered indifferently, the innate talent points consumed 1,000 points again, and his ultimate moment continued.

"Yun Ming, kill this kid together! Leave his woman alone!"

Sound transmission Yun Ming, he gave up Leng Yueqi, and the two surrounded him. Lin Chen, obviously, they have paid a very heavy price, and they do not intend to capture Leng Yueqi alive, but intend to keep Lin Chen's life!

No matter what your background is, today, you will bear all the losses that you caused to my Sixiangge! "

Yun Canghai's head is full of messy hair, cold and crazy, he and Yun Ming have reached out for a short time, their fingertips suddenly dotted the void, and the two huge energy fingers that crush the crystal wall of the ten thousand zhang space are pressed towards you. Lin Chen !

The 100,000 dragon power is like a ten thousand dragon galloping, all of them exploded. Lin Chen urged Azure Dragon's divine ability "Xuan Azure Dragon Domain" to slightly slow down the offensive of the energy finger, Wulong The Chaohuang spear stabs out at great speed, and two spear glows straddle the sky!

The spear glow slams into the giant finger of energy, and the earth-shattering explosion enrages the four-phase pavilion ten thousand zhang high. Last, Lin Chen’s other two Avatars hurriedly protected the class 66 people.

In the sky, the two old men retreated more than ten steps in a row, and Lin Chen retreated fifty steps before stabilizing his figure.

"It seems that if you don't use the charged rune, the 5th layer change and the ultimate moment against the seven peaks and the late stage are already the limit. "

Lin Chen's heart made up his mind. Seeing Lin Chen was repelled, the two elders saw that Lin Chen was repulsed and the winning ticket was in hand, so he pursued the victory! In the midst of Battle Qi's violent rush, he made another finger and crushed Lin Chen head-on!


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