Lin Chen's whole body is instantly tumbling with the surging dark energy and the blazing flames of fire from hell, making his figure rise ten zhang more than just, condensed into a brilliant demon!

"Charge, penetrate rune, ceremonial demon sacrificing to the sky!"

Lin Chen is incarnate as a radiant demon, holding guns in both hands, and the five dragon dynasty spears are intertwined with an abyss-like dark system Battle Qi, when the rage pierced out, the tip of the gun shot out a bunch of dark fire spiral spear glow, like a long rainbow crossing the sun, spanning ten thousand zhang beyond the sky, containing the formidable power of broken chaos!

"Wh, what?"

"How could this be the formidable power that can be displayed in the later stage of the 4th layer......!"

The purple stage of the two The incomplete battle skill'Meteor Finger' was crushed, and the spear glow penetrated through the two, sweeping the sky!

There is no momentum of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, only a flash of silence, Heaven and Earth returns to silence, countless dark fire stars embellishment and fall, one after another, as if the world is desperate.

A purple phoenix wing flapped in the sky, Azure Dragon appeared out of the sky, biting the three of them, like throwing a dead dog, and threw the three Supreme Elders of Sixiangge In front of Leng Yueqi.

At this time, the three Elders were dying, with broken hands and feet, and even the Battle Qi Yuanfu was sealed by Azure Dragon's breath, and they couldn't even do self-destruct!

Many powerhouses who watched the battle couldn't help but tremble! Capture the three Supreme Elder of Sixiangge, Lin Chen, this child, how strong is it?

"Are you going to kill them with your own hands."

Lin Chen flew into the air to relieve the 5th layer change and the ultimate moment, and there was a feeling of extreme exhaustion in his body, especially It's Battle Qi. After using the "Ultimate Moment" twice, Lin Chen's Battle Qi consumption is about to affect the original foundation of Battle Qi Yuanfu.

"Are you okay?"

Leng Yueqi hurriedly held Lin Chen, he shook his head and smiled, swallowing two Profound Nether Tango, his complexion improved, to the beautiful woman Whispered softly-"Exterminate these two people, I believe your parents will rest in peace in the Spirit of Heaven, and don't do anything that is quite dangerous in the future."

"Um..."——Leng Yue Qi let out a happy "um", and then her expression returned to her former coldness, and she questioned the three of them.

"Did you kill my parents back then? My parents should have no grievances with you Sixiangge. Why did you commit murder!"

The dying Yun Canghai looked towards Leng Yueqi, with a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Little Lass, how can there be that many reasons, your parents are performing family tasks, and the goal of the task is the colorful glazed flower we want. We just follow the rule of weak are prey to the strong that's all, Your parents’ skills are not as good as others, and they were defeated by ours. You should die right?"

"It’s just that they didn’t expect their descendants, who grew up so fast, and let you take them. It’s really a misstep for us to have such a strong helper. If we knew this before, we shouldn’t be afraid of those three Heavenly Song Academy cubs, and kill you together!"

Yun Ming grinned. The indifference revealed in their eyes is heart palpitating, and it seems that they no longer regard human life as human life.

Leng Yueqi's pretty face became paler and paler, and then, a palm wind suddenly penetrated Yun Canghai's body!

Five fingers penetrated Yun Canghai’s body, Lin Chen’s eyes were cold and gloomy, and his smile was emotionless ice-cold saying-"Since you follow the rule of weak are prey to the strong, Then I should kill you now, right?" Leng Yueqi concealed her voice and sobbed softly. Lin Chen slapped their top of the head with a palm, and the three were angry on the spot. Absolutely, rolling down a large number of attribute light balls.

【Host skipping grades to defeat a powerful enemy, trigger a special reward mechanism, and get an amethyst treasure chest. 】

Lin Chen held Leng Yueqi for a long time before her mood stabilized.

Just as the two were about to speak, in the sky a crack burst open, and a sneer surrounds the sky!

"Very good, very good, Heavenly Song Academy Lin Chen, you dare to destroy my Murong Family affiliates, I will capture you first and let the vice president of Heavenly Song Academy come to my Murong Family Leading!"

tone barely fell, in the sky, crashing down a crystal seal of energy that suppressed the ages, it was an attack from Yuan Venerable Realm 9th Layer Peak!

It is the powerhouse of Murong Clan! When they were about to rush to the Sixiang Pavilion, they had already discovered that the Sixiang Pavilion had been destroyed in such a short period of time!

"Just because you dare to mention our deputy dean?"

"The coward with the head and the tail, go!"

The light of Battle Qi greeted us, crushing the energy crystal seal, and three silhouettes slowly walking on air. It was Meng Qianmo, the deputy dean, and another high-ranking Academy Elder!

"Heaven, Heavenly Song Academy?"

The Murong Family Yuanzun realm who had never appeared screamed, his breath disappeared, and he hurriedly fled.

"little fellow, singlehanded kills a 1st Rate Influence, it was a pleasure."

Meng Qianmo came to Lin Chen, and the dainty and delicate loving body jumped to him In front of him, beautiful eyes flashed with blue waves, Yingying said with a smile.

"Very enjoyable, I even want to do it again."

Someone Lin laughed, but suddenly coughed violently. Everyone wanted to care about asking, he waved to say with a smile.

"It’s okay, it’s just over-consumption. I’ll find time to recuperate and it’s okay. How did all Elders find me?"

Meng Qianmo gave him a white look. The jade finger played with the tips of her hair--"As soon as you left the Academy, the deputy dean was aware of it. You are now the hope of the entire Academy. Even the deputy dean will come out to meet you personally. You can't let you have any shortcomings."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen cup one fist in the other hand to the deputy dean very seriously.

"Vice Dean, thank you!"

"Hehe, now you are the man of the entire Ling State, whether it is Tianzhou or Ling State, I want your life There are a lot of people at, I naturally want to watch it more tightly."

The deputy dean’s rare cover-up chuckled, this seems to be the most energetic moment Lin Chen has ever seen her.

At this time; everyone from Class 66 rushed back excitedly. They were holding a large number of high-end weapons and spirit rings. There were countless kinds of cultivation techniques, all belonging to the Sixiang Pavilion!

They even copied all the family property of Sixiang Pavilion. They were so skilled in the case that they were exactly the same as Lin Chen!

"hahaha! It is worthy of being the 1st Rate Influence, and even the blue-tier top cultivation techniques are available. We can make a lot of these!"

Bai Junhao and the others laughed excitedly When they saw the deputy dean, they looked even more excited! This legendary character is equivalent to the ordinary existence of Spiritual God in the case of the 66 class members who came from the wasteland!

The deputy dean has no pretensions and communicates with everyone calmly. In her opinion, these young children are full of probability.

Lin Chen laughed and shook his head, and then took away the attribute light balls dropped by the three Supreme Elders of the Four-phase Pavilion, as well as the amethyst treasure chest floating in the purple beam of in the sky, and theirs spirit ring.

[Host gains 850 Heavenly Dao points, 100 cultivation technique essence, 5800 Qi and Blood Energy, 12540 Battle Qi Essence, 1 spirit strength,]

【Host Obtain the cultivation technique attribute light ball, obtain the blue-tier top cultivation technique,]

[Host gains 1500 innate talent points, 25 Wood Element energy...]

[Host opens purple Crystal treasure chest, get: 10000 innate talent points. ]


Lin Chen’s third Battle Qi Yuan Mansion is a success!

The deputy dean took a look at Lin Chen in amazement. This pair of air has stepped into the Yuan Venerable Realm 3rd Layer after catching the air? This little fellow is really full of secrets!

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