The 1st Rate Influence myriad in the Ling State area has more than two Yuanzun realms and is the 2nd Rate Influence.

Have eight Yuanzun realms, and the lowest two are Yuanzun realm 5th layer or above, which can be called 1st Rate Influence, and the upper limit is extremely high. Individual 1st Rate Influence inheritance has lasted a long time, and powers like the Sun Temple will even have a Battle Sovereign-level powerhouse. Of course, it is only a very small number.

Far from the ancient aristocratic family, it is not a level where latecomers can intervene. They are all powerful families survived by the Ancient Times. Sovereign does not know the geometry, but rarely appears in Ling State.

The most powerhouse of Sixiang Pavilion is Yuanzun Stage of Seventh Stage, 15 Yuanzun Stage, and there are five above 4th layer cultivation base. This lineup is already considered as crowded in the category of 1st Rate Influence. In the upper class, but for Lin Chen, although this bone is hard, it does not mean that he can't chew!

"Wait a minute! Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon? Is this kid Lin Chen?"

The Pavilion Lord of the Sixiang Pavilion cry out in surprise!

"Lin Chen? What, does this kid have any special origins?"

A Supreme Elder in the middle of the 6th-layer cautiously said, because the three of the four-phase pavilion Supreme Elders are closed all year round and don't know Lin Chen's reputation in Ling State.

"This child is the new rising star of Heavenly Song Academy..."

I haven't waited for the Pavilion Lord of Sixiangge to finish speaking, dozens of wind tribulations Battle Qi is like a stream of wind The blade burst to the Pavilion Lord of Sixiang Pavilion!

Dozens of Wind Tribulation Battle Qi turned into streamer wind blades and suddenly struck, the Pavilion Lord of Sixiang Pavilion was shocked to back again and again! His cultivation base in the middle of the 4th layer can't handle this kind of attack!

I saw, the Supreme Elder in the middle of the 6th-layer grabbed a palm; the faint claw marks of five fingers shattered the void and stopped Lin Chen's offensive!

"Little friend Lin Chen! You and I have no grievances in the past, and I have no grudges in the past. Why do you want to make things so big? Can't you just sit down and talk about it? Is there any misunderstanding between us? "

Pavilion Lord said quickly, Lin Chen's mouth was drawn with a sneer arc—"Misunderstanding? Ask Yun Canghai and Yun Ming two Old Dogs yourself!"

Pavilion Lord looked towards the two elders in a panic, they were silent, and they suddenly felt a thud!

Seeing Leng Yueqi's presence, Yun Canghai knew what the reason was, and after looking at Yun Ming, the two reached a consensus!

"Since these two Old Dogs do not speak, they are naturally a little forced to count. Today I said that if you kill the Sixiangge, you will definitely be wiped out. I can't speak well for the King of Heaven!"


Lin Chen's eyes were full of fierce light, and the phantom rune was suddenly launched! The group of 66 people around him and Lin Heavenly Sword and the others jumped down from the dragon head!

According to the original plan, Lin Chen is responsible for the top three battle strengths of the opponent, and the rest are to destroy the four-phase cabinet's cabinet formation.

If they start the cabinet formation, they will unite the power of the entire Sixiang Pavilion and concentrate on the three Supreme Elders!

"The people of the Sixiang Pavilion, open the cabinet and fight! Don’t let them succeed!"

The Pavilion Lord of the Sixiang Pavilion hurriedly drank, but he watched the sky. The person on the scene of the Spirit Battle Tower, Lin Chen is someone who has even passed through the Ninth Layer. The battle strength is at least comparable to two Yuanzun realm seven layers!


Lin Chen’s two Phantom Clones started to move and took the lead in crippling the two Venerable Realm 3rd Layer Elders who were about to start Formation!

In the Sixiang Pavilion, Class 66 and the others, led by the Avatar of Lin Chen, immediately entered the Sixiang Pavilion, and the entire mountain range fell into chaos! Some cabinet dísciples have fled hastily, and only some cabinet dísciples are hesitant!

"Not good! His Avatar was displayed without warning! Don't let him ruin our Four-phase Pavilion!"

Pavilion Lord's expression changed slightly, movement method Suddenly, they flashed down, leading the entire Sixiang Pavilion's Yuanzun Realm and Lin Chen's two Avatars to openly fight!

in the sky;

"Yueqi, wait for me here, I will personally capture these two Old Dogs!"

Lin Chen turn Seeing Leng Yueqi, her eyes suddenly became softer, said with a smile-"Just as comforting my future father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

"en! Be careful, I'll wait for you." ——Leng Yueqi is full of tenderness, staring at Lin Chen.

Azure Dragon becomes a stream of light possessed. Lin Chen’s third Avatar wears a purple sheath black blade, which is tightly guarded by Leng Yueqi, and the pure power of the body, Soaring to 100,000 dragon power!

"With you alone, do you still want to fight against the three of us?"

Yun Canghai was extremely angry and laughed; the Pavilion Lord secretly sounded the transmission.

"Old Ancestor, be careful! This child has at least the strength to match the two Seventh-Earth-Essence Realm. Don’t be careless!"

tone barely fell, the expressions of the two elders just changed, Lin Chen's body bursts out of Battle Qi, which covers the clouds and covers the moon!

"Jiuhuang Transformation·1st Transformation!"

The Thunder Tribulation battle body suddenly detonated; Lin Chen's whole body released thousands of lightning, thousands of thunders screamed, and the situation changed suddenly! Battle Qi rises 3rd-layer Early-Stage steeply!

"2nd Transformation!"

The wind catastrophe battle body merges into the endless wind eye, swallowing the eight wastes, Lin Chen's eyes, the wind catastrophe Battle Qi shatters the crystal wall of space! 3rd-layer mid-term!

"3rd Transformation!"

Gengjin Battle Qi hangs from the sky like ten thousand heavenly rivers, the golden robbery battle body has transformed into Lin Chen, and every hair is glowing with no firmness. Unbreakable sharp edge, late 3rd-layer!

"4th Transformation!"

Millions of volcanoes erupted together, the mountains roared, the fire sea swept the sky, the fire disaster came like a doomsday, and the people burned the world. The four Battle Qi Yuan Palaces are condensed! 4th layer Early-Stage!

"5th Transformation·Enlighten!"

The rolling dark Battle Qi is like ten thousand zhang hell, across the sky, the atmosphere of the dark catastrophe is like the sun, menstruation, and sky, making Lin Lin Chen is like Demon King coming to the world, watching the world! The final step is the cultivation base in the late stage of the 4th layer!

At this moment; the Yuanzun powerhouse in the hundred thousand li radius was all shocked!

The breath of the five Heavenly Tribulation battle bodies are fused together and released in the form of Jiuhuang Transformation. The fluctuation of Battle Qi is equivalent to a large-scale mixed Heavenly Tribulation suddenly coming!

"What an overbearing Battle Qi fluctuation, isn't that the direction of Sixiangge? What happened?"

"There is a big battle in Sixiangge! What's going on, can it? Is it related to the infiltration of the Leng Family Saintess a few days ago?"

Many powerhouses cast horrified eyes. These four-phase pavilions are affiliated forces of the Murong Family, and behind them are the ancient aristocratic family of the genuine. who dares to attack them?

When the 5th layer change of Jiuhuang Change was completed in less than half a breath, the expressions of the three Supreme Elders showed horror!

Far away from several thousands li, they can still feel Lin Chen's Heavenly Tribulation warfare aura that suppresses the ages, so powerful that even the seventh stage of the late stage is trembling!

"Shoot! Suppress him!"

At the moment Yun Canghai drank heavily, the three of them shot one after another! The veins of the arm were exposed, and Battle Qi wandered and condensed like a Dragon Mark, grabbing out in awe!

Twelve traces of light white dragon claw straddle the firmament, and Lin Chen, who has been hit beyond a thousand li, is a three-stroke four-phase Azure Dragon power! It is the Absolute Art of the half-purple stage of Sixiang Pavilion. Facing this junior, their three people without the slightest hesitation have their strongest strength to attack Lin Chen!

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