
In such a bad state, Zhenliang put his arm on the glass and subconsciously wanted to escape.

But this look made Izumi Masamune even more interested.


The girl's moans echoed in the corridor.

Weeping and complaining spread. I believe that before long, after the various love legends in Kyoto Tower, there will be one more thing, and that is the rumor of a female ghost in the middle of the night.

Natsukawa Zhenliang, who originally wanted to satisfy someone on his own so that he would not do anything to others, has now forgotten his original purpose.

I just want to be addicted to this kind of action forever.

I had experienced Izumi Masamune before, and met again after Izumi Masamune's body achieved a new breakthrough.

Two completely different memories came together, almost driving Xia Chuanzhenliang crazy.

The girl no longer cares about what may happen and the embarrassing situation she may encounter. She doesn't want to be completely broken. She just wants to end this state that makes her almost crazy as soon as possible.

The uneasy trembling of the body, the soft whisper, the obsessed expression and the forgetful movements made Izumi Masamune even more excited.

Turn around here.

Izumi Masamune put one hand around Ma Ryo's waist and lifted his pink buttocks. The other arm held the slender and smooth legs, making them into a half-kneeling position. Ma Ryo had no choice but to rest his arms on the glass. Barely maintaining balance.

Being placed in such a bitch-like posture by Izumi Masamune, a strong sense of shame surged into my heart, and I wanted to struggle, but my whole body was so weak that I couldn't get rid of someone's movements.

Although I am very satisfied with the comfort shown by Zhenliang, I feel a little pity for the girl at this moment.

Including this strange freshness of meeting again after a long separation, it made Izumi Masamune's mood change rapidly.

But thinking of what Natsukawa Masamune said before, Izumi Masamune could only be cruel.

I want and like Natsukawa Masamune, but Izumi Masamune also likes others, likes girls who once could only think about it on paper and on the screen.

He greedily wants to own them all, so even though he knows that doing so may hurt Natsukawa Masamune, Izumi Masamune still persists.

Because only he can bring happiness to everyone, so all girls can only belong to him.

A greedy dictator, even an adult dragon cannot match his ideas.

What's more, there are already the same number of girls around me, and all of them are willing to accept me.

How could it end because of the actions of Natsukawa Masuo alone.

To put it bluntly, Natsukawa Masuo is only at the ninety percentile level among the girls, and cannot be said to be absolutely outstanding.

There may be a girl who is so perfect that it fits the image of all the girls in Masamune Izumi's mind and makes him decide to stop, but it will definitely not be Natsukawa Masamune.

In order to prevent everyone from suffering in the future and all kinds of nasty stomachaches, the best way is to completely smash the bad thoughts in Xia Chuanzhenliang's mind now, so that this guy can completely sink and lose everything. own dignity.

As for what happens next, Izumi Masamune will naturally make compensation, but now, all he can do is suffer from Xia Chuanzhenliang.

So, even though the girl looked almost crazy at this moment, Izumi Masamune still had a cold face and gave orders to Natsukawa Masamune.

It's like bullying a girl.

He just looks like a very bad gangster.

It's like reenacting the scene from the previous episode.

Do these things at the highest place in Kyoto while looking down at the night view below.

To be honest, Izumi Masamune suddenly felt like he was commanding the world and scolding Fang Qiu.

Only Zhenliang, who had no strength at this moment, spit out his fragrant tongue and murmured hum from time to time, looked a little pitiful.

Damn it, let this girl go!

With a voice of embarrassment, I originally thought that there would be no fools like myself and others who would choose to climb step by step, but a girl's voice came from the place.

Kirisu Mafuyu never thought that one day she would see such a terrible scene.

Even if you know that the world is not actually that beautiful.

As a mature social person, it is not that I have never seen the darkness of this society.

But she has always firmly believed that students, especially those in the critical high school period of life, should be the cutest group of people.

With this idea in mind, she is also working hard to become the teacher in her mind, insisting on guiding the students in the appropriate direction.

But I never thought that if I just took my friends to climb Kyoto Tower once, I would encounter something like this.

This can no longer be described as bullying.

From the beginning, I thought it was just some wild mandarin ducks who couldn't help but want to play.

But then I heard Izumi Masamune's orders one by one, and the way he trampled on the dignity of others and completely ignored the dignity of the girl completely angered Kirisu Mafuyu.

This is already a hopeless type.

Such a being should indeed follow Hiratsuka Shizuka's educational philosophy and teach him a lesson with a pair of iron fists.

Not caring about anything else, he just rushed forward.

The gorgeous posture is like an elf dancing under the moonlight.

With the momentum of forward motion, one of his legs supported his body.

The whip leg that broke through the air came directly towards the back of Izumi Masamune.

Izumi Masamune, who was pressing Ma Ryo, couldn't help but frown.

Among the things that men hate most, being suddenly interrupted in the middle of a happy moment is undoubtedly at the top of the list.

Looking at the guy charging towards him, Masamune Izumi just counterattacked casually.

The thighs are delicate, smooth and full of elasticity, but it's a pity that I met Masamune Izumi.

With a shrill scream, the girl flew back directly.


After knocking it away, Izumi Masamune was thoughtful.

It's really cool. It looks like she's a woman.

The angry Izumi Masamune realized in hindsight that she was not only a woman, but also a pretty one.

From his perspective, they are all girls without any problems.


Is that really the reason?

After being knocked away all of a sudden, Kirisu Mafuyu was trapped in a situation where he failed to save others but was captured. He regretted not learning a few self-defense techniques from his friends.

Looking at the enemy cautiously like a wounded lion, trying hard to suppress his mood, listening to the explanation of Zhenliang who was fully clothed, the grief and anger in his heart could hardly be suppressed.

If you fail to save people, you will be taught a lesson.

Such an ugly behavior was then watched by two people.

What a disgrace.

The nagging look is so funny.

Ah, yes, actually we are a couple.

Said sweetly. Even if it was just a temporary fictitious relationship just to keep the nosy guy in front of him from causing trouble, it was enough to make Ma Ryo shout in his heart that Ma Ryo-chan had won a great victory.

But how can you play like that!

Kirisu Mafuyu was shouting angrily without caring about his image.

Auntie, you are old, so you don't know. Aren't we all looking for excitement now? So my boyfriend and I came over to have some fun, and staged a performance like the screams of Kyoto Tower. I didn't expect that there would be You broke in.

Putting aside her sweaty hair, Natsukawa Masashi explained patiently.

Mingming had felt that Yukinoshita Yukino's double-standard behavior without dignity was really embarrassing when he questioned her before. But now that it was her turn, Natsukawa Masuo discovered that she was not much better either.

I was simply happy and excited about Izumi Masamune's affairs.

It's like being poisoned.


At the top of the tower, Yui Masa and Miura Yuko looked at each other.

There were also many people around, all ordinary tourists who had taken the elevator and climbed up a few steps.

The two girls, who had worked hard at Izumi Masamune's place and had honed their amazing physical strength, climbed up the stairs at the same time, but at this moment, they suddenly felt an inexplicable discomfort.

Obviously they have successfully reached the top, but there is always a feeling of winning the game and losing love.

The night view outside is beautiful.

In the city at night, standing above the hustle and bustle of traffic, the blooming neon lights woven the beauty of the night, but could not erase the dim colors in the hearts of the two girls.

Don't call me aunt!

After seeing the Sobu High School student ID cards that Ma Ryo and Izumi Masamune took out, Kirisu Mafuyu actually believed what they said.

After all, Sobu High School is a famous school in Chiba with a high deviation value. This is not the first time that senior Hiratsuka Shizuka has introduced it to her and boasted about it.

Although both of them hate getting married, they are both very serious about their careers as students and teachers.

Since he is a student at Hiratsuka Shizuka's school, there won't be any bad guys.

With this thought in mind, Kirisu Mafuyu also believed it.

But then a bitter look appeared on his face.

The look he was looking at Izumi Masamune was still not good.

With this kind of power, are you sure you are a student and not a student of some martial arts field? What a monster.

Yes, yes, then that's how it is.

Ma Ryo didn't know the relationship between Kirisu Mafuyu and his teacher Xiao Shizu, so he just stuck out his tongue and tried to be cute.

But at this moment, her face was crimson, her eyes were as charming as silk, and there were still teeth marks on her snowy neck, so she didn't have the attributes of cuteness at all.


Kirisu Mafuyu was about to say something more, but he watched Izumi Masamune raise his palm.

He shrank back in fright and looked at Izumi Masamune cautiously: What are you going to do? Don't mess around. My companion is behind and will come over soon. He is very powerful.

It's obviously not like this on weekdays.

But facing a guy who could swat him away like a mosquito with one palm, Kirisu Mafuyu had to be afraid.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was severely exhausted due to various things today, so this time she was unable to keep up with Kirisu Mafuyu.

That's not it. I just hit your calf. It seems to be seriously injured. Let me help you take a look.

He looked at the woman in front of him.

From the time when Natsukawa Malyo communicated with the other party just now, he just felt that something was wrong.

Although there are many beautiful women in this world.

But after more experience, he can also see the so-called heroine and heroine.

The aura on their bodies, or a different kind of temperament, is very different and can distinguish them from ordinary passers-by.

She has green pupils, waist-length cherry-colored hair, flush bangs, and a tall and slender figure among girls.

Although he is wearing a set of sportswear that looks youthful and energetic, judging from Izumi Masamune's experience in dealing with women of many ages, this guy is an old man for many years.

You know these?

Kirisu Mafuyu looked at Izumi Masamune suspiciously.

Although the misunderstanding between the two parties has been resolved, in the eyes of Kirisu Mafuyu, this guy is already an out-and-out pervert.

Seeing this, Izumi Masamune had no choice but to make an excuse for employment that he no longer used reappeared again.

Kirisu Mafuyu curled her lips.

The image remains the same, but there is an extra lustful medical brat.

I don't need it anymore. I just need to go back and recover slowly.

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