
Before he could think of anything, the girl's scream sounded again from the top of the tower.

Kirisu Mafuyu's eyes widened as he looked at this guy who pinched his calf directly.

Tears almost welled up.

One can imagine the power of Izumi Masamune. Even if it was just casually, without directly beating the opponent's general body into powder, it was already the result of quickly closing his men. Otherwise, he could have beaten Fujikura Yu directly now. I called him to handle the follow-up questions.

Maybe a death student will appear, thus starting a pleasant journey of solving the case.

There are slight undulations on the calf, except for the part that is already rapidly reddening. If it is not taken care of properly, I believe it will quickly turn into an embarrassing blue color soon.

There are thick sweatpants piled up above, blocking the scenery above, and they can be vaguely seen in black.

Although this kind of thing can't stop Izumi Masamune's hand, it only takes a moment to Sui Kai, but after all, I played a lot today.

There is no rush to attack him so quickly.

Even if you want to move, you must first know the other person's name.

Putting it on it, it felt a little warm and cold to the touch, What's your name? The guy who rushes up to disturb others for no reason. Silently thinking about some tips on controlling the body and treating injuries that he got from Erkoya.

As the man's movements were touched like this, mainly because of the pain that was almost like falling apart just now, Kirisu Mafuyu resisted the thought of kicking the other man directly, and could only talk to the other man, reluctantly diverting his attention. This time I came up to climb Kyoto Tower with my friends. My name is Kirisu Mafuyu.

He did not forget to introduce that he had a partner to prevent this guy from doing anything strange.

Masamune Izumi despises him in his heart, just relying on his force, even if you really have a partner coming over, it will be useless.

If you are a boyfriend, there will be no problem if you play once.

But when he heard that name later, it made his heart change.

The five fingers that were originally placed on it subconsciously tightened their grip and sank in.

He was relieved when he noticed the change in the woman's expression.

The calves, which are well-proportioned and elastic due to exercise, have not changed at all and look very interesting.

It's like facing a sponge with memory function.

And this sponge still has a bionic function.

Kirisu Mafuyu blushed, and cursed in her heart the man who had taken advantage of her through so-called treatment.

Okay, stop making trouble.

Time passed, and as Izumi Masamune placed his palm on it, Kirisu Mafuyu felt that his Izumi Masamune's hand was getting hot, and the place where it touched seemed to have heat flowing into it.

Yeah, ahhhhh.

Originally, it was because he accidentally made a sound, his face was red, and he was flustered, so he just shouted loudly to cover up his embarrassing situation.

Seeing the strange Natsukawa Mareyo looking at him, Kirisu Mafuyu fell forward slightly, like a lobster.

The amazing flexibility of his body was displayed, his cheeks were slightly red at the moment, and his eyes were narrowed into the shape of a crescent moon.

If she was pretending just now, then she really had a strange feeling now, which made her almost become a different person.


I've given up.

Watching this showman adding drama to him with an expressionless face, Izumi Masamune explained that Kirisu Mafuyu made a big fuss in an instant.

Especially when Natsukawa Masamune kindly handed over his handkerchief and asked Izumi Masamune to wipe the healing palm, his mood reached the extreme.

Doesn't the other party think of me as some strange person?

Probably not.

He looked over sadly.

My dear, let's go quickly and go up and have a look.

Having already achieved his goal, Ma Ryo-san doesn't have any good impressions of an ordinary woman now, especially one who deliberately used her bad voice to add drama to her boyfriend.

In comparison, Yui and Miura on the other side are indeed easier to deal with.

With this thought in mind, Natsukawa quickly turned around and took Izumi Masamune away.

Hey, hey.

Kirisu Mafuyu raised his hand, trying to save the misunderstanding guy in front of him.

But he could only watch the other party disappearing further and further away.

I walked forward and endured it. I frowned at what I thought was pain, but I didn't realize that the pain had already affected the body's protective mechanism. A large area of ​​numbness seemed to have insufficient blood supply. What? The feeling is gone, but now the situation has improved.

After taking two cautious steps, I was surprised to find that there was no problem.

Are all those who are preparing to apply for the medical school so good now?

This can no longer be solved by so-called massage, right?

Could this be the legendary mysterious old Chinese doctor?

Kirisu Mafuyu suddenly thought of many things.

This situation really had to make her suspicious.

But the next moment, he started shaking his head crazily.

The image of an old Chinese doctor with a head full of white hair, a bent body full of medicinal herbs.

Like Izumi Masamune, the little pervert who dragged his lovely girlfriend to play a super humiliating and violent game in the middle of Kyoto Tower, the kind who couldn't hide the smell of perfume on his body.

The two are completely different species.

Why are you still here?

Just when Kirisu Mafuyu was still struggling, Hiratsuka Shizuka's voice sounded.

Because of a lot of things that happened during the day, the female teacher was completely hollowed out, but it took a lot of effort to climb up.

Let's go back.

Seeing that Shizu Hiratsuka still wanted to go up, Kirisu Mafuyu shook his head crazily.

What just happened was so shameful. If she went up and met that guy again, she would really be embarrassed to see him.


I climbed the tower just to relax. My current condition is very good and my energy has been fully restored. I will continue my classes after the day after tomorrow. I must prepare lesson plans.

Kirisu Mafuyu tidied up her hair, which was a little messy due to being knocked away, and spoke seriously.

As for your little boyfriend, don't worry. I will go there when the time comes and help you talk nice to your little boyfriend.

Seeing Hiratsuka Shizuka's expression, Kirisu Mafuyu reluctantly agreed.

Haha, I knew I was right about you.

Xiaojing walked up excitedly, put her arm around Kirisu Mafuyu's neck, and shook it excitedly.

Oh, it hurts.

Even now, the sequelae of the disguise I just had with Izumi Masamune are not as clear as day.

Finally, he finally made it to the top of Kyoto Tower. Although he was surrounded by three girls who were eyeing each other, he had just barely reached a peace agreement with Izumi Masamune. Natsukawa was finally relieved and did not cause any trouble.

The four of them were also able to enjoy the night view of Kyoto.

Under the colorful city lights, the four of them finally reached a temporary peace.

The three girls temporarily agreed to put aside their disputes with Rin and develop the Eight-Character Mantra together.

Except this time, after the wailing female ghost in Kyoto Tower, there are rumors of an expert who accompanied three girls to the tower at the same time.


In the evening, everyone returned to the hotel. Of course, what they saw was the energetic and recovered Yukinoshita.

It was too late to play and I didn't eat dinner. When I came back, I lay down and rested under Yukinoshita, just in time to make up for it.

The keen girl immediately noticed the cheerful aura exuding from Natsukawa Masuo's body at first sight, and she almost wanted to engrav on her face that she was no longer a loser.

Xiaoxue, are you resting now?

The cute little Yui had no ability to resist Yukinoshita. As soon as she came back, she took the initiative to pounce on him.

Yukinoshita's body hung like a koala, unwilling to come down.

After trying his best, he pushed away the guy who was relying on him, straightened his clothes, and buttoned the buttons that were almost knocked open by the two big guys. He silently thought in his heart that this guy didn't do it on purpose. Suppress your absurd mood. After I come back, no one will disturb me. An hour of deep sleep will basically replenish my energy.

He replied casually, but in the next moment, except for Zhenliang, everyone else's expressions became very exciting.

Yui and Miura looked at each other.

When Izumi Masamune was cleaning up Yukinoshita last night, Yui took it as an emotional interaction between the three of them and came up to mess with it. Miura was not like this. He just wanted to see the ugly appearance of the cold Yukinoshita, so Take action.


Yukinoshita, who realized what he said was wrong, suddenly turned red, and pulled the two guys to get ready and wait for this dinner.

In addition to the inexplicable coldness, a few people sat around and started eating the dinner provided by the hotel.

When it comes to what kind of cuisine is most famous in District 11, people can probably think of many.

For example, things like sashimi and sashimi have left a curious thought in the hearts of many people because of repeated health science popularizations.

For Izumi Masamune, after actual contact, he tasted each one and lost the illusion of excessive demonization.

My favorite is the kaiseki cuisine.

Even though they are culturally influenced by Western and Chinese cuisine, many upper-class people in District 11 still insist on their own favorite cultural cuisine.

The original Kaiseki cuisine was a meal that the host invited guests to taste during the tea ceremony.

But now it is naturally not limited to tea ceremonies and has become a common high-end dish.

Kaiseki cuisine with one sauce and three dishes is extremely exquisite, both in terms of tableware and food placement, and at the same time, the portions of the food are very small.

Just perfect for coming back in the evening to replenish your energy.

This time, it is a tofu kaiseki dish that is paired with Kyoto's unique tofu. It can be said that it can be regarded as a work of art. Even the girls who are careful about controlling their weight can't help but look over with joy at this moment.

Izumi Masamune silently looked at the girls moving their chopsticks.

After a while, I decided to supervise them to brush their teeth.

As for the exercises that should be done after meals, he will do it for you.


Kaiseki cuisine is a set meal, and the first course is paid in advance.

The fresh texture and light seasoning made even Yukino, who had eaten a lot of dishes in Chiba before, couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

As for Yui and Miura, who are ordinary people, they rarely go to these stores on weekdays. Now they are even more immersed in the layered taste and can't extricate themselves.

Not to mention, this place belongs to the Shinomiya family who specially sent people to introduce Izumi Masamune, and it is not a store that ordinary people can enter.

But naturally there will be no one else here to make fun of the girls. Both Natsukawa and Yukinoshita left it to Izumi Masamune very tacitly, and they both had the skills to slowly introduce it to the girls.

It is very pleasant to show one's knowledge in front of women.

In addition, there was another incident, probably because Xia Chuan was still trying to talk to Yukinoshita from time to time during the meal.

Because of what happened last time, it was after questioning Yukinoshita that she was able to make up her mind to learn Izumi Masamune and achieve her own goals. So, out of gratitude or other unspeakable feelings, Natsukawa It was so cool that he even took the initiative to pick up food for Yukinoshita.

Such an action made even the idiot Yui narrow her eyes. Looking at the guy in front of her, it was as if she was facing a bad guy who failed to steal her boyfriend away and then started to attack her best friend.

Pay first, eight inches, and serve one by one in order. At the end, there is also the special tofu.

The tofu soaked in soy milk tastes amazing.

Unknowingly, Miura had finished the food in front of him. He glanced around and saw that everyone was still taking a leisurely look. Even Yui did not take action because she was staring at what happened to Natsukawa and Yukinoshita. She felt a little uncomfortable. He packed up comfortably and said to Izumi Masamune: Masamune, what about our arrangements for tomorrow?

The school trip is said to be three days, but in fact, including the round trip, hotel, and travel time, the actual travel time is less than two days.

Tomorrow can be said to be the last day of official play.

And Miura has not forgotten his request to Izumi Masamune.

About when? About Sho Tobe's plan to confess?

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