Obviously, when Yukino was there, she could only feel a series of ribs, but here, she could feel the girl's softness and comfort.

It's the perfect size and can't be faulted.

Masamune Izumi nodded secretly in his heart.

If you move again, I will abandon you and go downstairs.

Feeling that someone was still unwilling to protest, Izumi Masamune threatened him very seriously.

Natsukawa Masuo immediately learned the lesson.

She quietly closed her mouth and allowed the man to take her up.

The act that I had hoped for countless times in my dreams was finally realized in this way at this moment.


Hey, are you sure you still need to go?

Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at her friend in front of her, never expecting that the other person actually had the idea of ​​climbing the Kyoto Tower.

This afternoon, when facing someone, Hiratsuka Shizu took the initiative to pounce on him out of anger, but it took a lot of energy.

Then he faced the angry Yukinoshita again and exchanged a few moves with the opponent's Aikido.

Without armor to cover her body, Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was restrained, once again lost her physical strength. She really felt guilty about these places to climb.

In particular, my good friend Kirisu Mafuyu used to aim at professional skating. Although his physical strength is not as good as mine, it is not too bad.

At that time, it was discovered that he was tired halfway up the tower. From the other party's point of view, if he discovered the specific problem, wouldn't he be laughed at again?

So looking at her friend, Hiratsuka Shizu felt guilty and suggested a different approach.

Huh, why, now that you have a boyfriend, are you afraid that he will misunderstand you? Are you afraid to even climb the tower with me?

Kirisu Mafuyu put one hand on her waist and looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka deliberately provocatively.

The female teacher, who is usually cold in the eyes of her students, will not hide anything when facing this close friend who knows everything about her.

We are all female teachers, and you are the only one who is single. Now you are not even willing to climb a tower to show your face?

This is too disrespectful.

As long as you can climb the tower before me, I can help your little lover withstand any questions your uncle and aunt may have at your house tomorrow.

Finding that Hiratsuka Shizuka was still indifferent, Kirisu Mafuyu made the most unacceptable reason for Hiratsuka Shizuka to refuse.

Okay, let's do it! If you lose, you must help me.

Xiaojing, who was still a little bitter in her heart, was now running up aggressively.

Seeing his friend's energetic look, Kirisu Mafuyu sighed silently.

Is this really exciting? Want to consciously walk into the tomb of love?

I was a little envious, but I also decided that no matter whether I won or lost, I must go there and keep a close eye on her.

However, he quickly gathered his energy.

Even though she has all kinds of ideas, she is not willing to lose in this competition!

So, this time, there was another group of people climbing the Kyoto Tower.



I shuddered, suddenly felt an inexplicable strange feeling, and the warning radar in my heart went off.

The hand that was originally placed on the girl's plump thigh could not help but exert a little force at this moment.

This made Xia Chuanzhenliang snort a little uncomfortable.

Well, sorry.

Although he is domineering in some aspects, Izumi Masamune will not refuse when he should apologize.

The sweet smile is almost unrecognizable. This is in the whole school. In just one week, the new cold queen Natsukawa Masuo, who ruthlessly rejected the confessions of dozens of boys, said to the man in a sweet voice, It's nothing. ,Very good.

Then he rubbed the man's back.

Find a more suitable place.

They rubbed their temples together, whispering softly into their ears in the corner, and there was a push that was not quietly rewarded to the man because of his actions.

In this way, the two of them slowly climbed up in a close posture.

A moment that made Xia Chuan so cold that he was willing to stay here for the rest of his life.


Why does Kyoto Tower become a building that everyone who comes to Kyoto knows?

That's because Kyoto Tower is the tallest building in the entire Kyoto.

Standing here, you can have a panoramic view of almost half of Kyoto.

Climbing up all the way, with Izumi Masamune leading the way, there was almost no pause. When we were almost there, we could see the prosperous night view under the colorful lights.

It's really good.

Izumi Masamune also had to sigh.

Although I have always been an otaku and firmly believe in the longevity of my family, some scenery can only be experienced outdoors.

Humph, of course. This is a good place I have chosen a long time ago. Let's stop here.

Suddenly, Zhenliang spoke up.


Some doubts.

This is enough. Don't you think the scenery is better like this? It's not interesting to go up any further.

He said with a smile, his silver hair falling like a waterfall on the man's heart.

Zhenliang said.

Take the elevator to the eleventh floor and then climb a little further, so there are quite a few people at the top of the tower, especially the dedicated sightseeing seats.

There was still a word left unsaid.

That's because there will be Yui and Yumeko at the tourist seats.

What Zhenliang has been looking forward to is the scene of two people alone.

Then I'll stay here for a while, and I'll go up later.

Putting the girl down, something was suddenly missing. It was still the kind of place that brought the ultimate enjoyment. Izumi Masamune also felt a little disappointed.

Izumi-kun, do you know? As for the Kyoto Tower, in addition to the blessings that couples who go up together will receive, there are other things. As long as they can be carried up in one breath, then the confession will not be rejected.

Jumped up with energy.

It's as if the person who seemed to be about to fall just now wasn't really cool.


Look at the girl in front of you.

Masamune Izumi feels that Kyoto Tower is very long, but no one is as long as the girl in front of him.

Why, Izumi-kun, why are you like this?

The long silver hair was blowing in the wind in the air, and the eyes that were not covered were full of melancholy and hesitation.

Obviously, he made a promise to us very early on, but he abandoned us like that.


Natsukawa Masuo, who had made a hunting declaration since entering school, confessed her heart to the man.

Because I'm very greedy. I'm not willing to let go of any girl. No matter if it's you, Shina, or anyone else, I'm not willing to give up.

Even if you know, what I hate the most is that kind of man.

Zhenliang's face turned a little pale.

Because of her mother's failed marriage, what Zhenliang hated most was love.

What she hates the most are these philandering men, but she never thought that one day she would face such a man.

This is?

Izumi Masamune said that what he hates most is this kind of thing.

Stomach pain is not his cup of tea.

Hesitating, Izumi Masamune didn't know what to do.

Just when he was confused, the next moment, his eyes widened.

Looking at Xia Chuanzhenliang who suddenly lifted up her skirt on her own initiative.

There is such a very popular action called disgusting face to show you fat times. Izumi Masamune didn't know what the situation was like.

But at this moment, Xia Chuanzhenliang behaved similarly.

Although he is really cool, he has his own clothes since he was educated by Izumi Masamune.

A petticoat made of white silk and two slender thighs wrapped in black stockings, and a slender waist without any cover.

The thin and elastic nylon stockings were translucent and shone softly under the night lights outside the window.

Natsukawa Masuo, who knew someone's sexual fetishes and hobbies, was prepared early.

I mean, well, I mean, if I can satisfy you, at most, plus Mana at most, can you stop attacking those other girls?

Love is war,

As a love theory expert, Zhenliang naturally knows these things.

But there is no other way.

As the defeated person, Zhenliang felt humble and uncomfortable.

After making decisions again and again, there is only this answer.


In the girl's surprised eyes, Izumi Masamune nodded and replied.

As long as you can satisfy me, really cool.

Izumi Masamune said this, then approached the girl and squatted down in front of her.

Suddenly faced with such a scene, Ma Ryo was a little nervous, but at the thought of being able to be with Izumi Masamune again, a glimmer of expectation suddenly rose in Ma Ryo's heart.

I don’t know why, it’s been a long time since I’ve been with someone, but now I feel a strange sense of anticipation.

Izumi Masamune lowered his head and looked at the scene in front of him.

The scenery like Zhenliang is actually not attractive at all. It is displayed too completely, and it actually loses its sense of mystery.

Compared with it, it is not as good as a girl's small t.ui.

There are slight undulations on the calf, which looks full of elasticity. Going up is the thigh at the joint.

Round, and because of the girl's movements it can go upwards indefinitely.

Turn around.

Just when Zhenliang was nervous, as if waiting for trial, a man's voice came.

A little scared, but thinking of what just happened, Zhenliang turned his head obediently.

With the function of the glass, you can clearly see the scene outside. The cold glass surface makes Zhenliang take a breath of air.

There was also the heat coming from the man's side.

Izumi Masamune held Ma Ryo's buttocks with his hands from behind, pushing the plump and round buttocks back.

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