Hello, Honda Weiyang, second year of high school! Please give me your advice.

Her natural vitality and energy, which she has shown since she became an idol in the first year of high school, still show no signs of weakening and infect everyone who meets her.

Hello Mr. Izumi, my name is Shimamura Ogetsu.

The girl behind also bent down to introduce herself, with a flower-like smile, very beautiful.

As for the one at the back, it was Shibuya Rin who Izumi Masamune had met once.

A strong girl with a beautiful butt and long legs.

Except that the first one is not very distinctive, the other two are very obvious.

Welcome in.

I didn't expect that tonight would be so lively, but Izumi Masamune didn't refuse.

Just treat it like a tea party.

758 A blooming banquet for seven people

Room 520, Imperial Hotel.

When it is designed, it is designed with the highest grade.

All kinds of facilities are available.

In the past, living alone in one room was not a luxury.

But today, it finally has some effect.

Seven girls were sitting on the sofa surrounded by each other, and there was no crowding at all.

The various complete facilities also make people feel very good.

The girls are either idols or big stars, and all of them are heroines with more or less their own plot lines.

He also has a good temper, and there is no problem in talking with him.

Mai even started talking to Shibuya Rin very smoothly.

It's hard to imagine how a guy with a sharp tongue and a seemingly untouchable person could have such a cheerful conversation.

Even Ogata Rina, who initially regarded these guys as Morikawa Yuki's enemies, was infected by Honda's vitality and became eager.

Izumi Masamune looked at this scene with a smile, not feeling any restraint due to the large number of girls.

On the contrary, I also communicated with everyone.

The number of girls in the Izumi family once reached its limit, with twelve girls living together.

The mere seven in front of me are not worth mentioning.

However, among the many girls, there is one special one.

That was Toyohama Kazuka who was looking sad at the moment.

Of course, in the eyes of others, it was Mai Sakurajima, a big star, who was in a bad mood.

However, Toyohama Kazuka could no longer care about the damage to her sister's image.

The current situation is really too bad.

Looking at the cookie box that was gone in front of me.

She wanted to put it away, but her sister, who seemed a little angry, was very generous and gave it to many people.

Except for Ogata Rina's preconceived hostility, the subsequent threesome all suffered a lot.

Toyohama and Hana wanted to cry. The plot was originally good, and when both parties were eating cookies together, an activity was completed naturally, and she did not need to seduce the man with a blushing face.

After the body swap with my sister is completed, it will be over.

It's all so perfect.

However, people who came out one by one interrupted the matter.

And why are you all so unconscious?

Toyobin and Hana looked at the three people coming from behind. Originally, Toyobin and Hana could have driven away the others.

As a result, these three people were inexplicably laughing and chatting about various topics, heating up the atmosphere.

My older sisters are all interested in him, and Waka has already solved the problem, and is completely unable to behave disobediently.

But the girl didn't know that Shibuya Rin and the others were taking a big risk by coming here.

Especially after Shibuya Rin explained Izumi Masamune's situation, the three of them emboldened themselves to come over together, intending to leave after one more plea.

As a result, they were surprised to find that there were so many people in the room, which actually made the three girls feel relieved.

When a man and a woman are alone in a room, the girl is in danger.

One man and two women come to get along, and the girl ensures safety.

One man and three women were alone, and the boy shivered.

Do you have other thoughts when one man and seven women get along? crazy?

So when she no longer worried, Honda Weiyang exerted her strength, and the conversation turned out to be unexpectedly happy.

Toyohama and Hana were a little dizzy after seeing it.

The only thing that gave her some comfort was probably because the biscuits were divided and eaten by many people. The effect of the medicine shouldn't be too serious?

As long as you pay a little attention, there won't be any problems.

As time progressed, Izumi Masamune was not affected at all. He would comment on girls' topics from time to time, and then take a good look at the seven girls in front of him.

Although there are more costumes at home.

But the seven people in front of me are different. Except for Mai-chan, who has already played with it completely, the others have only just been exposed to it for a short time.

Fresh and energetic, which is very good for Izumi Masamune.

It's just a pity.

There were so many people that we didn’t even eat.

So if you want to take action, there is no hope at all.

Izumi Masamune felt a little regretful.

Among the girls, depending on their physical fitness, some were already sweating on their foreheads, and even with the air conditioner on, some were dizzy.

Shibuya Rin quietly touched Shimamura Ogetsu.

He signaled the girl to take advantage of the current atmosphere to talk about the problem quickly.

The girl who was still wary of Izumi Masamune felt that something was wrong with the situation.

Looking at the man, various scenes appeared in her mind, including the scene when she was approached by a man in the arcade, which made the girl panic.

By the way, Izumi-kun, actually us.

The original title of Mr. Izumi was also quietly changed.

But it makes people unable to feel any resentment.

The girl was about to voice her request.

Morikawa Yuki suddenly stood up and pushed him aside.

He, Izumi-kun.

He lowered his head and looked red.

She had eaten the biscuits, and had been affected by Gu Li's indulgent water before. At this moment, all the girl's defenses had been opened.

Finally, as if a string had broken, Morikawa Yuki whispered softly, took only a few steps forward, and suddenly fell limply into Izumi Masamune's arms.

All he saw was his beautiful amber eyes staring at the man, and then he held Izumi Masamune's face with trembling hands and kissed him directly.

Without waiting for Izumi Masamune to move, the tip of his tongue had quietly opened Izumi Masamune's teeth.

The limited version of Active Attack Yuki Morikawa is online.

Hey, hey.

The only one who was not affected, did not eat biscuits, and did not have a good impression of Izumi Masamune, so she was not affected by the indulgent water. Ogata Rina looked in shock at Morikawa Yuki who was sure to win with one hit.

I can't believe that this is my image of a gentle friend who keeps all his feelings in his heart.

However, what happened next made Yuki Morikawa even more unbelievable.

Just like the fuse that ignites explosives, the effects of the drug were dispersed and the girls were in a special state. Because of Morikawa Yuki's actions, the situation was directly made up.

The remaining five girls came over in unison, with blushing faces, and tacitly surrounded Izumi Masamune.

This is wrong.

Mai is pretty good.

But having been educated by someone, she had already tasted the taste of it, and she couldn't resist the man's changes at all.

He hugged Izumi Masamune from behind and didn't want to let go.

Let his head sink into his own softness.

The fragrant fragrance.

It seems to smell like milk.

Izumi Masamune smiled happily.

Although he didn't know why, he would not stop at this point.

Putting Morikawa Yuki on the ground, Izumi Masamune directly pulled Shimamura Uzuki over and laid him down on top of Morikawa Yuki.

From now on, I have been very interested in this big ass.

Lifted up her long skirt.

Lift a corner from the pure white fat.

He went up to him directly.

The other two people were stunned by their friend's wailing. They seemed to have woken up from the sudden state, and subconsciously put their hands in front of their bodies, but it was a pity that it was too late.

Izumi Masamune, who succeeded one, held Shibuya Rin and Honda Mio on the left and right.

The palm of his hand went in along the collar, letting the two balls change shapes in his palm.


Damn it, I don't care!

Giving up on himself, he looked at the mess in front of him.

Starting from Yuki Morikawa just now, the plot has been going crazy, which completely exceeded Toyohama Kazuka's expectations.

The strange and shameless girls made Fengbin and Hua very excited but they had no choice.

Stand up and walk straight up.

I found that I had no place for myself before and after.

Thinking of the scene before with Sengoku Chihiro, Toyohama Kazuhana knelt down with a strange smile, and put her bare hands in front of Shimamura Uzuki who was walking in and out.

It's already reached this point, and she doesn't care anymore.

The girl who became the girl in the built-in compartment next to the two floors looked at her sister holding Izumi Masamune who was facing her.

The face that controlled him, and was the same as his own, looked dazed.


Shivering, shivering.

As the only one sitting there who had never encountered either of these two things and nothing happened, Rina Ogata felt that she must be crazy.

It's like a scene from a legend.


women and men

female female

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