
The weird formation made her feel like she was dreaming.

I must be dreaming, I haven't woken up yet.

Shaking her head, Ogata Rina, who was almost stunned, stumbled back and planned to leave.

It's not wrong, everything really happened.

A faint voice came to mind beside Ogata Rina.

Gu Li, who floated in from outside, was no longer hiding her figure at this moment.

The god of death's costume also looks like it's floating in mid-air.

Poor Rina Ogata, all she wanted to do now was faint.

No, actually, it's good together.

Said softly.

Ogata Rina, who was about to retreat, suddenly stopped.

Can't move no matter what.

It's like a controlled puppet.

It's obviously just for fun.

Guli lowered her head, then turned to Ogata Rina.

One hand is on himself, and the other is on Ogata Rina.

I go!


All sorts of thoughts were swirling in Ogata Rina's mind.

With a crooked smile.

First, he encountered a plot that unfolded inexplicably, and then he was controlled by a girl who seemed to be suffering from chuunibyou.

Ogata Rina is about to collapse.

Absolutely. So, is this love?

He lowered his head in confusion and looked at his heart.

Or a tablet.

There is only a slight floating, so it seems that the beating sound can be more clearly understood.

This time, what happened to the two sisters Mai and Hua was actually not a coincidence.

The puberty syndrome started, and Mai, who was in a period of turmoil, deliberately guided her to complete a body that should not be interchanged in theory.

The medicine Guli took out and planned to use was to help Toyohama and Hana complete things that they were embarrassed to do.

In fact, Gu Li wanted to verify the efficacy of the medicine.

The potion that acts on the soul only stimulates the hidden love in a person's heart for the person closest to him.

As long as you have hidden love for the person closest to you, you will never be able to contain it.

It is the attraction of two souls.

This is how her father explained it when he cheated on her, being drugged by her secret admirer and unable to cope.

This is why the former God cheated on her mother, the Demon King, and left her.

Very interesting things develop, and there is also the effect of drugs.

Izumi Masamune, who his father said wanted to catch up with him, would have an impact on the person who has the body of Mai Sakurajima and the soul of Toyohama Waka.

A rare proactive attempt by a carefree idiot girl.

The result turned out to be like this.

The beating heart is very uncomfortable.

Looking at someone waving his arms happily in front of him in a sea of ​​pink.

Gu Li couldn't express her bad mood at the moment.

A little scared.

It must be very painful to go up like this, right?

Do you want to add a permanent healing spell?

The girl glanced around, then smiled at Ogata Rina.

Sure enough, it’s better to find a companion.

What are you going to do?

Ogata Rina suddenly became alert, the girl in front of her was so dangerous.

I'm a little afraid of the pain. With you here, there should be no problem.

Gu Li raised her palms and bared her teeth.

A special application of the God Walk.

It was a technique I learned from Gabriel.

All of a sudden, the clothes of both parties were gone.

Just disappeared.

Rina Ogata cried and accompanied Guli cautiously towards the battlefield in front of her.

In the early morning, the soft sunlight shines from outside to inside, bringing light and color to the room with its unique charm.

In the dim space, yesterday's battle was fierce, and no one had time to take care of the curtains.

Slowly sitting up from the snow-white softness, he accidentally pressed down with his palms, causing the girl to moan softly. Izumi Masamune looked at the getting brighter sky and stretched slowly.

In a dull environment, eight people should be in a very bad situation in theory, but after a certain half-god and half-demon girl joins in, with the self-purifying BUFF, it can be regarded as a very good environment for eight people. reached perfection.

Izumi Masamune seemed to be in a dream.

No, to be precise, it is a dream.

Six of the seven girls have not succeeded yet.

The result was that he successfully achieved the achievement of seven consecutive hits again.

Back and forth, back and forth.

Never need to stop.

Especially the shy girls who took the initiative to greet them.

That kind of fresh, all unknown contact, every time is so interesting.

It's so pleasant and touching.

It was as if I had been freed from all worries, and I felt an indescribable sense of relief.

Even Izumi Masamune, who had experienced so many girls, was rarely excited.


The door was pushed open directly again.

Yazawa Sumi was obviously shocked by the situation inside after entering.

I didn't expect that there would be such a situation, but I just thought of my mother and daughter's situation, and I quickly became cold.

You seem to be having a good time? Izumi-kun, what are you going to do next? Continue to use your power to control the families of these girls? I will go and investigate for you now?

Izumi Masamune smiled, facing Yazawa Sumi's words, he didn't feel any shame at all.

He waved and grabbed the woman's head to help him clean it up.

I want to make it clear that I didn't do anything yesterday. Everything was a big accident. Secondly, control their home? This method is useless for me. I just rely on my own body. oh.

Pushing Yazawa Sumi away who kept coughing, Izumi Masamune looked at the girls sleeping in different places around him.

Do you need me to prepare medicine for you?

Yazawa Somi suggested very 'viciously'.

All you need to do is go and renew the room for another day.

Shaking his head, Izumi Masamune said, and then waved his hand to drive Yazawa Somi away.

Mai, how are you? You should be recovering now.

Izumi Masamune looked at the girl who stopped talking and covered her head with a quilt, pretending to sleep.

Isn't it recovered? Is it going to happen again?

Izumi Masamune pretended to be worried and walked up directly.


Screaming, the girl suddenly stood up.

The quilt spilled.

The girl has been jumped directly.


On the other side, Toyohama Kazuka, who was hugging her sister for warmth, rolled out because of her sister's sudden movement.

The original disguise is also impossible.

Although Guli cheated the two sisters in many ways.

But he never cheats on real issues.

Just do whatever you say.

The two people who originally exchanged bodies have now recovered.

There was no need to wait for Fengbin and Huaxintou's original problems to be completely resolved before they had already recovered.

Then Toyohama and Hana were in great pain.

Before, I had the mental state of my sister, which was a physical difference that Izumi Masamune had communicated with many times.

In the current situation, it is still the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair.

Although I find this kind of thing very comfortable.

But with so many people together, I always feel like I’m going to be broken.

elder sister?

Toyohama and Hana raised their heads, looked at their sister, and asked silently, and then the other party responded back.

what can I do.

What about you? Aren't you awake yet?

The last girl in front of him who left him was Yuki Morikawa.

The girl lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

The biggest advantage of seven people is that they can take turns and have enough time to take a rest.

It's just right. I've been thinking about how to contact you Qi after the crew ends this time. It's good now. The two of us no longer need to worry about these problems.

Masamune Izumi grabbed the girl and wouldn't let go.

The overgrown girl, in yesterday's battle, except for Gu Li and Toyohama Kazuka who used their sister's body to cheat, Morikawa Yuki was affected by both states.


Suddenly Izumi Masamune said this, the girl was very happy.

Is this an informal confession? It turns out that the other party also likes me.

Thinking of this, I feel very good, but I still can't hide the embarrassment at this moment.

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