The next moment it was gone.

Gu Li looked at the guy who easily turned around and avoided her attack.

What was originally going to be spilled on the man, instead ended up on Morikawa Yuki and Ogata Rina who were following behind.

Gu Li sat down on the ground in surprise with a grimace on her face. She didn't expect that such a surprise would be a failure.

But before the girl could continue to worry about anything, she was already covered by a shadow, My dear Guli-chan, do you know how bad it is to destroy a man's dream?

From the anticipation to the appearance of the pure white bowl, Masamune Izumi felt like he had encountered a fly.

Well, I was wrong.

She raised her hands in surrender. Looking at the man's gathered hands, Gu Li was so frightened that she closed her eyes.


Something hard hit me.

Nothing unexpected happened, instead it was ice cold.

Bringing some turbid fluid from face to body.

It looks very indescribable.

Izumi Masamune was content to continue the brave girl's water gun and create works of art that satisfied him.

I clapped my hands and used up everything inside.

Looking at the pitiful Gu Li at this moment, Izumi Masamune felt much better.

You know you're scared, right? Don't make trouble next time.

After speaking to Gu Li, Izumi Masamune looked behind him.

Guli itself has an invisibility effect and cannot be seen by ordinary people.

However, the props used by the other party will have an effect after they are out of the girl's range of influence.

Morikawa Yuki and Ogata Rina also looked confused at this moment.

Although both of them are grown up, they have seen various prank shows in society.

But it was a bit baffling that I ended up like this while walking.

Izumi Masamune asked worriedly: Are you two okay?

Ah, I'm fine, Izumi-kun, I'm very fine now.

Morikawa Yuki nodded in panic, but she was worried about Izumi Masamune, because in the eyes of the two of them, just now Izumi Masamune was bending over and holding a water gun, smiling inexplicably.

...It's not convenient for you two to be like this, so just come in with me and clean it up, otherwise it won't look good.

Ignoring the strange and worried looks from the two of them, Izumi Masamune pointed to his cheek.

Gu Li's strange thing made both of them look like big-faced people.

And it’s the kind of situation that makes people suspicious easily.

Okay, then I'll trouble you.

Seeing that her friend was still in a daze, Ogata Rina couldn't help but pull her friend's arm, and the two of them followed Izumi Masamune towards the house.

Guli, who was sitting duckly, watched the three people leave and the props that were completely gone at the moment. She took out her mobile phone in distress and sent a text message to Toyohama and Hana.


Here, here are two pieces of clothing, they are just right. You can wash them and change them.

Arriving at the house, Masamune Izumi took out two pieces of clothing and handed them to Yuki Morikawa and Rina Ogata.

The two of them looked a little weird. They didn't expect Izumi Masamune to have spare women's clothes here.

And none of them look like the kind of clothes you would normally wear outside.

For example, police uniforms, light armor, etc.

At this time, it was Morikawa Yuki who took the initiative to drag her friend in and start changing clothes.

Izumi Masamune was lying on the sofa bored alone.

Looking across the living room, Masamune Izumi suddenly felt ready to move.

Unexpectedly, the two guys actually made a suggestion that they just made casually.

Those were all left over from when he used to play dress-up with the girls.

These days because they are all big stars, female idols and the like.

So Izumi Masamune's idea of ​​dressing up and playing was simply irresistible.

That's why I kept so many clothes.

Just now I was using Guli to create a masterpiece, but I was so scared when I saw that guy failed in his sneak attack.

Playing retarded is illegal.

But these two guys should be fine.

Looking at the invisible but increasingly anticipated scenery under the frosted glass, Izumi Masamune was about to get up.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door.

interrupted its original plan.

Izumi Masamune could only put aside his original plan, walked over, and opened the door.


A bright smile, and a dark side that makes Izumi Masamune unable to stop.

Mai Sakurajima, no, it should be said Toyohama Kazuhana.

What are you doing here, sister-in-law?

He didn't have time to play guess who I am with his sister-in-law today.

There were two girls changing clothes inside, waiting for him to play.

Facing a Morikawa Yuki who is not very good at resisting, and a new acquaintance Ogata Rina, she is still able to hold her own.

But if there is one more uncooperative sister-in-law, nothing can be done.

Izumi Masamune knew very clearly that since he couldn't have a foursome, he should have a good time as a threesome.

This is called trade-off.

Ma Yi, why are you here when you have time?

He asked with a smile, standing at the door like this, blocking the girl's move forward.

Won't you let me come in and play?

He smiled and walked right in through the gap.

The girl's amazing flexibility, toughness, and softness made Izumi Masamune let him in without noticing.

There is nothing that Toyohama and Hana can do.

Since the last time I heard Izumi Masamune's explanation, many of the bad feelings he had with his sister have disappeared.

After getting the solution from Gu Li, she also made the decision not to embarrass her sister this time.

However, as an innocent girl, Waka, who had only been forced to come once last time, really didn't know how to do those indescribable things as a sister without being suspected.

So I asked Gu Li. Of course, out of suspicion of the girl's various unreliable behaviors, Toyohama Kazuhana also made preparations on her own.

I made some biscuits today, want to try the taste?

Beautifully packaged biscuits were taken out of their own boxes.

The girl was a little nervous. This was a fascinating prop she bought online.

Ms. Sakurajima?

On the other side, Rina and Ogata had already changed their clothes, one was wearing a maid uniform and the other was wearing a nurse uniform.

As an entertainment prop, it naturally has its own special features.

Clothing that looks normal perfectly displays the charm of women, and every step can become a shining attraction shot.

Also wanting to assist her friend, Ogata Rina endured the shame and walked out with her, but she didn't expect that in this moment, she would actually see Toyohama Kazuhana.

Are these handmade biscuits? They are really exquisite.

Ogata Rina noticed her friend's retreat, and could only hold her skirt and walked forward, questioning Toyohama Kazuka, and asked with curiosity, but her beautiful eyes were full of scrutiny.


Shouting loudly, Toyohama Kazuhana pushed Ogata Rina's hand away, stopping the girl from taking the cookies.

Masamune Izumi narrowed his eyes and looked at the nervous Toyohama Kazuhana, suddenly full of curiosity about the cookies.

Sorry, I'm a little excited, this...

Lowering their heads in panic, Toyobin and Hana did not expect that such a thing would happen.

Sister, are you okay?

The door was suddenly opened.

Mai Sakurajima controlled her sister's body and walked in.

Ever since she didn't see her sister just now, the girl had a sudden feeling in her heart.

Run towards the man's room.

Having learned the lesson of not being able to save his sister last time, he directly resorted to means to get the room card from the hotel and broke in.

Hello, Kazuya.

Izumi Masamune, who had been watching the show, waved to the girl and motioned for her to come over. Your sister is just going to have a tea party at my place. Come and try the taste of her biscuits?

Izumi Masamune's words made Toyohama Kazuka's face change greatly.



After glaring at her sister fiercely, Sakurajima Mai walked over and ate the cookie.

It's so delicious, sister. I didn't know you had such skills.

Mai Sakurajima didn't believe it. Toyohama and Hana came here just for a meeting.


Seeing her sister's actions, Toyohama and Hana suddenly wanted to cry. What was going on?

Ogata Rina was also a little speechless at this moment.

As Morikawa Yuki's best friend and agent after suffering a lot of hardships.

She suddenly realized that she had misjudged the competition around Izumi Masamune.

Compared to a certain guy before, the man in front of him was more dangerous.

Not only the quantity and quality of girls around him, but also because compared to a certain vegetarian, this guy...

Lowering his head and looking at his clothes, he could guess what Izumi Masamune was doing.

But at this point, Ogata Rina had no idea of ​​backing down.

Especially the 'Sakurajima Mai' in front of her actually wanted to drive them away without any secret.

Ogata Rina became even more angry and refused to leave.

Even if you are a big star, my Yuqi is not bad at all.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was another knock on the door.

Open the door.

Standing outside were three girls.

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