Under the sunshine, his body exuded a light that many girls envied.

She also has a normal bathing fragrance, even if it comes from teacher Chihiro Chihiro who seems to be out of place. It seems that she has taken good care of her own hygiene, unlike someone who smells like rouge all day long.

Misaki's face suddenly turned hot.

For some reason, as soon as she met Izumi Masamune, she couldn't help but compare him with her childhood sweetheart Mitaka Jin.

She told herself in her heart that this was wrong, that she should like her childhood sweetheart Mitaka Jin, but for some reason, she always had thoughts of comparison.

In terms of talent, one is a terrifying being who has already written tens of millions of books and is heading towards hundreds of millions of copies. The other is still obediently attending classes. Every time he comes up with a script, he cannot be satisfied. There is no comparison between the two.

In terms of appearance, these two angels have been captured one after another during this period. As they get along with each other, it can be said that the whole person has been equipped with an eternal light BUFF. From the original simple physical changes to the biological instinct of attraction, that kind of weird His devil-like temperament is camouflaged with some angelic holiness. There is no big difference in front of familiar people, but among strangers like Misaki Kamiigusa, Izumi Masamune seems to be real in the sun. Like an angel descending. As for Mitaka Jin, because he is a lustful person, he has no shortage of contact with ordinary girls on weekdays. The long-lasting femininity still has the paleness under the kidneys*/xu.

Misaki decided not to think about these things anymore. The more she thought about it, the more disappointed she felt.

No matter how hard he tried to score points for Mitaka Jin, Misaki Uekusa always discovered the gap between the two sides.

‘Well, it’s wrong for me to do this. How can I think like this? I’m really a bad girl. ’

He kept shouting this in his heart, but Misaki couldn't help but slowly get closer to Izumi Masamune.

The fragrance of lavender is the smell of sunshine, and it seems that even the trouble of staying up late last night has completely disappeared.

In such an environment, even ordinary interactions on weekdays will make you feel very happy.

Misaki suddenly had this thought in her heart.

Okay, it's signed.

Izumi Masamune's voice sounded in Misaki's ears, and the girl just woke up from a dream.

Looking at the other party's smile, the signed book, and the close distance between the two parties, even Misaki Kamiigusa, who had always been carefree and cheerful, felt a sense of embarrassment at this moment.

How could I think about so many things just now?

Teacher Izumi is so serious and responsible, but he actually has so many disrespectful thoughts in his mind. He is really guilty.

I lamented in my heart.

Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first.

Izumi Masamune looked at the time and saw that the gathering was about to arrive.


Nodding, looking at the man's appearance, Misaki felt increasingly guilty, and then couldn't help but think of Teacher Sengoku just now.

Misaki Uekusa grabbed Izumi Masamune's clothes.

With a comforting look: Izumi-kun, regarding what happened this morning, Teacher Qianshi has some special circumstances and may sometimes go too far. Don't be too stressed. If the other party really wants to threaten you, you can ask us for help. You must pay attention to your safety and don’t let her ruin it.”

Izumi Masamune was stunned as he clenched his hands into fists to encourage himself.

Is this a misunderstanding?

Misaki-senpai, you know so much.

The steps he took were taken back.

Masamune Izumi looked at Misaki Kamikusa with a weird smile.

No, no, it's just, well, I happened to read some books, you know, health classes, so I know a little bit.

Originally I just saw Izumi Masamune coming out of Sengoku Chihiro's room.

I am deeply aware of my teacher’s experience of hating marriage during this period of time.

Thinking about some of her own situations, she was afraid that someone would use some unscrupulous method to get married. Misaki felt that she was not worthy of Izumi Masamune. Of course, she did not want Izumi Masamune to be deceived by Chihiro Sengoku like that.

So with a hint of jealousy that she couldn't express, Misaki reminded her.

It's just that I feel more and more that the topic of both parties is a little off.

The redness on his face became increasingly uncontrollable.

Misaki Kamikusa is not absolutely cute, her appearance is only excellent.

But the combination of the previous vitality and the current shyness made Izumi Masamune admire him very much.

Misaki, thank you,

He said gratefully, and then quietly got closer.

These are just my experiences as a senior. You will understand sooner or later. I'm just worried that you will take a detour.

Her amber eyes looked at Izumi Masamune with shame. For such a close distance and smelling the scent that she could only secretly get close to just now, Misaki Kamikusa felt dizzy. She felt something was wrong and wanted to leave, but her legs felt like they were filled with energy. Like a lead, I don't want to retreat.


Izumi Masamune looked at the girl in front of him thoughtfully, which made Misaki lose all the courage he had just mustered up.

Don't think too much. I just heard and saw some things. Hey, you know.

He rolled his eyes at Izumi Masamune and deliberately changed the topic in a cute way. However, the coexistence of purity and charm made Izumi Masamune unable to control himself anymore and took Misaki's little hand. In his surprise, he was already The distance between the two parties was shortened.

No, no, no, having your reminder already makes me very happy.

Masamune Izumi's grateful gaze made Misaki Kamikusa laugh and cry, but she couldn't help but feel a hint of joy in her heart. She even ignored the fact that the two sides were extremely close at this moment.

After all, she is a girl. With a boy who can't find any shortcomings in any aspect, why is she unhappy in her heart?

Looking at the complacent Misaki Ueizusa, Izumi Masamune secretly laughed at the girl's innocence and continued to fool him: Actually, Misaki-senpai, I was really kind to send Teacher Sengoku back yesterday, but I didn't expect that she would be so drunk. But it was like that, and then I realized that no matter what, it didn’t make sense.”

After finally rinsing his mouth, Qianshi Qianhiro, who felt that there was no weird feeling in his body, suddenly sneezed and didn't know what happened.

Then she was a little worried. Should she go and see the crew filming today? I always feel that it would be a little weird to see Izumi Masamune,

But she had no idea that the man she was thinking about was right next door to her, holding another girl in her arms.

Misaki was also a little embarrassed at the moment.

She, who was originally a master of theory, was dumbfounded when she was suddenly involved in such a deeper and terrifying problem.

Staring closely at Misaki, Izumi Masamune pretended to be a little distressed and said: I have no experience at all, Misaki, can you teach me.

Get to the point.

If we divide love problems into ABC three levels of difficulty, from A-level holding hands, Izumi Masamune is now C-level in difficulty.

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