Izumi Masamune looked at the girl in front of him. She was energetic and moving, but she didn't have the stupidity of Satania, who was thoughtful.

I'm not from Suimei High School. I just happened to send Teacher Qianshi back yesterday. Hello, my name is Izumi Masamune. It's just that the crew has a movie recently and I happened to come here to film it.

Masamune Izumi, filming? Are you Mr. Masamune Izumi?

Misaki Kamiigusa, who was still looking familiar at first, could no longer calm down the next moment.

The hand placed on the shoulder was hurriedly withdrawn at this moment, looking a little cautious.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

If you were in China, it might be okay to just mention your name.

But in District 11, because names often come from place names or even business affairs, and there is no such word limit, there is almost never a case of duplicate names.

So after saying this, Misaki Kamiikusa understood it in an instant.

Misaki Ueizusa also heard about the previous drama on Twitter.

I knew that the famous light novel master in the industry was invited by a friend to participate in the filming of a movie, but I never thought that the movie would be in Suimei High School, and the teacher Masamune Izumi looked so young.

Even though she works in animation, which is different from the light novel world, Misaki Kamikusa still knows the power of Masamune Izumi.

Especially in the recent animation of his works, many seniors who he considers extremely admirable have joined in.


Izumi Masamune was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the girl in front of him actually recognized him.

In fact, it is mainly because the previous security measures were not done well.

On the contrary, it was at Sobu High because everyone was familiar with it, so nothing really happened.

It's really Mr. Izumi.

After receiving the response, Misaki Kamikusa was also very excited.

He never thought that this boy who he thought was very pitiful and who was harmed by Chihiro Sengoku, who had been worried about not having anyone to marry, so he finally attacked ordinary students, would actually be Mr. Masamune Izumi.

Don't be so nervous. I'm actually just an ordinary person. Didn't I say it before? It's just that at yesterday's meeting, I happened to meet Teacher Qianshi drunk, so I just sent her back.

He explained, looking at the girl who was about to pounce on him.


Misaki Kamikusa suddenly clapped her hands, as if she had thought of something, and ran towards the room excitedly. Izumi Masamune shook his head and followed.

Passing through the ajar door, I saw the girl's room inside.

Although she looks a little careless, she still has a very feminine look in the room.

At this moment, as the girl jumped onto the bed, bending over and hooking something, the part became more and more obvious because of her movements.

White cutie.

There is also the overall eye-catching arc.

His development is very good, or is it just because he is a senior in high school?

Among the high school seniors that Izumi Masamune met, except for Nico Yazawa, who was in a twilight condition, all of them had surprisingly good figures with the attributes of a senior.

Whether it is good fertility or good fertility care, they are all top-notch.

Izumi Masamune, who was completely unsatisfied with Chihiro Chihiro yesterday, was a little distracted at the moment.

Um, teacher, can you sign your name for me?

Misaki Kamiigusa, who had no idea that someone was already thinking about it in her mind at the moment, finally found her own light novel.

Then he excitedly handed it to Izumi Masamune.

This is it, Reincarnated Silver Wolf is included?

Izumi Masamune was a little surprised. This was written by him when he traveled back in time to his original body. It was an urban supernatural novel. After finishing it in a hurry, he started the flow of the otherworld in his memory.

There aren't many circulating on the market, and it's called its dark history. I didn't expect that Misaki Kamikusa would exist.

In addition, Misaki Uekusa has a complete set of all the novels published by Izumi Masamune subsequently.

Excitedly, he handed the light novel in his hand to Izumi Masamune. The girl's face turned a little red.

Because the title page of the novel is already a little wrinkled, it looks a lot old, and it still has this amount. If it were a good-tempered person, it would be no problem to just throw the book away and leave.


Smiling, Izumi Masamune signed his name.

Masamune Izumi, dedicated to Misaki Uekusa, the title of my book.

Thank you very much. I must like it very much if I can watch it so many times.

After passing it over, Izumi Masamune didn't mean anything else.

Yeah, I like it the most.

Looking at the words on it, the unexpected surprise that it turned out to be Izumi Masamune's real name filled Misaki Kamikusa's mind.

Misaki Ueizusa is a third-year student in the art department.

He has superb art skills, and he likes to make animations most of all. He has even produced many animations on his own, and the response has been good.

So she understood even more how excellent a good script is.

Izumi Masamune's novels and their perfect plot designs are exactly what animators like her need most.

After this formal meeting, my favorable impression of Izumi Masamune increased exponentially.

Izumi Masamune's novels have deeply captured the heart of Misaki Uekusa from the beginning, and the wild imagination in them is very suitable for Misaki Uekusa. I feel that only when faced with such a plot is it suitable for her to make animation.

Compared with his childhood sweetheart Mitaka Jin, he is completely different.

Every time she saw Mitaka Jin's script, she would always be disappointed, but facing Masamune Izumi, Misaki Kamikusa had an inferiority complex that she could not keep up with.

If she hadn't graduated yet and didn't have much accumulated experience, she would definitely have worked hard as a producer of Izumi Masamune's light novel animations after working. Only in this way can she fully utilize her talents.

While thinking about it, Misaki Kamikusa couldn't help but look at Izumi Masamune, who was still seriously signing the novels handed to her one by one.

He is very serious. It is not like the assembly line style of one-second continuous writing practice, which is purely for selling books to make money. It is different, but every book is filled with his own heart.

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