Are you kidding? Don't you have a physical education class in your school? And don't boys like you have the means to pick up those CDs?

She always felt that she seemed to be in some strange state at the moment. If Izumi Masamune wasn't in a different state at the moment, she would have pushed him away with force.

No, I didn't look at those. I didn't think it was good to look at those, so I was always alone.

Although there are similar things in this world, compared with the girls in my family, they are completely incomparable to each other, and it will only make people sick to look at them.

The more he comes into contact with Misaki Ueizusa in front of him, the more Izumi Masamune is able to notice the difficulty of the girl.

Is that so? You.

On the other hand, Misaki Uekusa didn't know what to say and looked at Izumi Masamune.

But he thought about what Mitaka Jin showed in his daily life. Although he always tried his best to confess to him, his jokes about staying out all night kept him from having any complaints in his heart.

And in just this moment, the girl's perfect body, which was not the size that a girl of the same age could possess, was already stuck in front of Izumi Masamune, changing into various appearances.

Feeling that astonishing feeling, Izumi Masamune felt that he could not get anything from Chihiro Sengoku, and now he had found a new way to achieve his goals.

No, no, it won't work like this.

She was naturally aware of Izumi Masamune's changes, but Misaki Uekusa felt as if she had been struck by lightning at this moment. She never thought that it was true, and Izumi Masamune acted like this.

Misaki was really frightened and struggled wildly, trying to leave before things got out of hand.

That's right, Misaki, I've fallen in love with you since the first time I saw you, and you will definitely help me? Isn't it normal for you to be such a nice person and teach me some experience? Is that so? Don’t speak too loudly, it would be bad if Teacher Qianshi hears it.”

Izumi Masamune grabbed Misaki without any hesitation and whispered in her ear.

After hearing such a sentence, the girl's resistance movements were much smaller, but she was still full of resistance.

She still wanted to protest, but Izumi Masamune, whom she recognized and admired, had lowered his head and hugged her.


I'm back.

A boy with eyes yawned, got out of the car, and walked into Sakurasou.

However, there was no girl who came to greet him cheering as usual.

Just when Mitaka Jin was a little confused and planned to go back to the room to rest, suddenly, he heard Misaki's cry from the other side.

A cry?

Mitaka Jin was silent for a moment and wanted to go to Misaki's room, but when he opened the door, he found that the door was locked.

Why lock the door?

As a boy who had lost experience, Mitaka Jin's heart began to beat fiercely.

Could it be that?

Panicking in his heart, he put his ear to the door, and then he heard the voice of Misaki Kamoigusa.

Ah, Masamune-kun, no, I'm going to break...

The familiar voice was exactly what Mitaka Jin was looking forward to, Misaki Uekusa's voice.

But the different tones, even if you can't see it, the girl's joy and the sound of the wooden board shaking, can already tell everything.

Sitting on the ground in a daze, Mitaka Jin's mind was blank at the moment.

Facts have proved that if boys are not properly satisfied, it will be really harmful to their health. Fortunately, there is Misaki Inakusa who is eager to help Izumi Masamune.

From the beginning, it seemed that there were other people here.

But after Izumi Masamune told her softly, there seemed to be a boy outside calling her name.

Poor Misaki went from being in a trance of regret to the sudden look in her eyes that looked like revenge, but it made Izumi Masamune truly satisfied.

Surprisingly, I can only say that she is indeed a senior in high school. She is only a few months away from graduation and getting married as a wife.

Unfortunately, one person was still a little worse. After he fainted after being unbearable, Izumi Masamune stopped. After packing up, he looked at the time that was almost noon, sighed, and rushed out. Qianshi Qianxun exclaimed with joy again, and carried her to the other side.

It's already too late anyway, so we might as well go there in the afternoon. It's not in a hurry anyway.

At noon, Izumi Masamune also met everyone in Sakurasou.

Including Sorata Kanda, an inexplicable boy, Misaki Uyegusa who was blushing and acting awkwardly, Jin Mitaka who was staring at him bitterly, and another one who didn't come out, who seemed to be a very powerful genius programmer Akasaka. Ryuunosuke.

I have to admit that in this Sakurasou, except for Kanda Sorata, who muddle-headedly relied on the privileges of the protagonist, and then adopted a cat and successfully entered, everyone else is more or less talented.

However, Masamune Izumi has no intention of soliciting.


There is no shortage of geniuses in this world.

Even Ryunosuke, who was able to independently develop an intelligence called a maid.

In the two-dimensional world, his talent is only acceptable.

In comparison, it is not as capable as Misaki Kamikusa.

The main thing was to chat with Chihiro Sengoku for a while, and then after exchanging contact information with Misaki, Masamune Izumi got up and left.

This time we are here to start work on the crew, so we can’t waste any more time.


Sorry, I'm late this time.

Arriving in front of the crew, Masamune Izumi apologized with a smile.

On the other side, Mai and Ichika were drunk and hungover. They kept sleeping because Izumi Masamune didn't arrive, and the sensible guys in the crew didn't bother them.

It's okay, it's okay, just let us have a good rest.

Kawabata Shiro came forward first, nodding and bending.

Although he may meet a certain Shinigami elementary school student in the near future and become a prop to show off his IQ, but for now, he is still very sensible, and Izumi Masamune is also satisfied.

Soon, after this incident passed by, the filming of Love Metronome began.

The real actors in the entire crew are actually only a dozen or so, but they can't stand the money and willfulness here. Counting the other members of the entire crew, there are almost more than two hundred people.

They were divided into two groups and started the plot respectively.

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