Condescending, although Nino's height is actually just below the average average level of girls, it is still enough to crush Cannian Bai Yang.

At the first sight, Nino understood one thing, that is, the girl in front of her was an enemy.

That kind of undisguised love is undoubtedly a huge enemy.

So even if she feels like bullying a child, Nino is still extremely serious.

There are no innocents in the game of love.

Okay, stop making trouble. This is so bad for people to see. Bai Yang, why are you free to come here today?

Pulling the two people apart, Izumi Masamune successfully calmed down poor Bai Yang before he was about to go berserk.

At this time, he had time to chat with Bai Yang.

Why do you, a little guy like you, come out to join in the fun?

Because he didn't expect Bai Yang to come, Izumi Masamune didn't let his support group pay attention at all.

In the end, they were let in instead.

This directly caused the super rampage of his own team.

Didn't Izumi-kun invite me then?

Tempers come and go quickly.

Bai Yang had regained his good mood and looked at Izumi Masamune strangely.

As for Nino, who was said to be short, she has also recovered her mood.

Bai Yang, who has been lively and cute until now, has not even correctly understood the relationship with Izumi Masamune, but simply hopes to get close to Izumi Masamune, and has no idea that Nino has already treated herself as a love rival.

Thinking of this, Izumi Masamune still felt a little guilty.

He actually took down the innocent mascot Bai Yang just like that.

At that time, I should have changed my position to a better position, but it was really a pity in the alley.

At that time, did you forget? When you went to the restaurant, didn't you say that you could come to your cultural festival when you had time? We all came together to help.

Bai Yang waved and waved to the other side.

There was the squinting blue-haired Souma Hiroyuki, Todoroki Yachiyo who was always following Shiratou Kyoko, and the store owner Shiratou Kyoko with an indifferent expression. Izumi Masamune felt that she would definitely have a lot to talk about with Hiratsuka Shizuka.

When this guy came here, he really set his sights on the restaurant and started picking out something to eat on a plate.

Today, the Sobu High School cafeteria is open to the public free of charge.

It looked like he was having a lot of fun.

Just have this snack to eat.


He vaguely remembered Izumi Masamune, who seemed to have made a similar agreement after a certain exchange with the lovely Bai Yang. At this moment, he just wished he could go back to the past and reverse everything.

Originally, I wanted to bring Mahiru over, but unfortunately she just wasn't willing.

No, if you drag Mahiru-chan over, it will directly lead to the extinction of Sobu High School boys!

Don't underestimate Mahiru-chan. She has been practicing hard recently. For this reason, she specially joined a famous kendo kendo gym to practice mind training.

Are you sure you are practicing this way not to hit men, but not to practice how to kill men more effectively? !

Really unable to complain about this guy, Izumi Masamune really wanted to have a good chat with Bai Yang to see what this guy was thinking.

I called out to Alkoa on the other side, but all I got was that guy’s unscrupulous laughter.

He silently made a note of this to Alkoa in his heart, looking at Nino who was grabbing him on the left at the moment, and Torah Taneshima on the right who didn't know what was happening, but was subconsciously grabbing Izumi Masamune.

One was able to cover his arms, while the other could only cover his palms pitifully.


Baiyangjiang is even better.

Feeling sorry for Nino in his heart, Izumi Masamune broke away and waved to Souma Hiroomi in front of him.

Mr. Soma.

After waving, Izumi Masamune greeted the men working in the restaurant who rarely greeted him.

What's wrong, Izumi-kun?

Souma Hiromi responded with a kind smile.

Isn't it interesting to do things like secret photography and other intelligence stealing?


Izumi Masamune's face was expressionless as he looked at his original narrowed eyes and widened his eyes.

Due to some special reasons, I am very sensitive to things like other people's photography, so I am actually aware of Mr. Soma's things.

Izumi Masamune waved his palms.

There were no ordinary people in the Wagonaria restaurant.

Including such a Souma Hiroyuki, he is actually a hidden spy. He is good at gathering intelligence, but he has mastered most of the store clerk's weaknesses. He is a natural spy leader who threatens others to help in the name of persuasion.

Oh my, I've actually been discovered. Maybe that's why Izumi-kun is able to keep his feet on many ships?

Souma Hiroyuki said while maintaining a calm tone.

Although Izumi Masamune didn't spend much time in the store. But as a qualified concealed person, especially since Izumi Masamune had relationships with other friends who got along well with him in the store, he was worried that Bai Yang would be deceived, so he also did a lot of investigations.

Mainly through some daily observations, I discovered a lot of interesting secrets.

This kind of dude is actually the easiest to deal with.

As long as Mr. Soma comes up with some evidence, everything will be fine.

Wearing more than one pair of shoes is only a moral problem at best, but according to the Confusion Prevention Ordinance for obtaining secret photos, you may face up to six months in prison and a fine of 500,000. Yes. Or if I give you more force and make the case more serious, then poor Mr. Souma will have to live in the bureau for a year.

Every time Izumi Masamune said something, you could see that the squinting look in front of him changed a little, and by the time he got to the back, he was already breaking out in cold sweat.

In this country corrupted by capital, what Masamune Izumi said is no joke.

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