It was all caused by Yumiko and Isiroha, who took turns feeding him every day.

He kept eating to his heart's content, and then he also ate in an extremely embarrassed manner but never tired of it.

I can only say that the taste is good. There is no chef, but it is worthy of the price. Besides, it is just a canteen after all, so there will be no problems.

Seeing the girl's confused expression, Izumi Masamune could only explain.

This personal taste is different, and I can't explain it. For example, if I ask May to come over to eat, she won't care about anything and can only say one word,

Five more meat buns?*2

They both said in unison.

They looked at each other and laughed.

Although I know it’s not good to bully honest people, the meaty bun monster always makes people laugh.

Honest people are easy to bully, and bullying honest people is fun.

It is impossible to give up bullying May in this life.

I can only bully May and live my life.

In the distance, May, who was picking up food, suddenly felt an inexplicable chill.

Don't say these words to May in the future. That guy is very vindictive. If the time comes, if she opposes us, it will be very troublesome.

After laughing, Nino's conscience relapsed. Out of concern and love for his sister, she did not forget to remind the man, and at the same time, she looked around cautiously.

Today I walked around Sobu High with Masamune Izumi.

The girl's original intention was to take a good look at how many bad love rivals Izumi Masamune would have around him. There are a number of psychological conveniences, and it is best to be able to solve them on the spot.

As a result, under the support of the full-map plug-in and off-field assistance that the man exceeded his attempts to understand, nothing hit him.

As for holding Izumi Masamune's arm on the road, the ordinary Sobu high school girls she met looked at him with jealousy and barked at her incompetence.

Deep down, she marveled at Izumi Masamune's charm and that so many girls liked her. Although Nino felt a little stressed in her heart, she didn't feel too worried.

There was no way those rookies could influence her.

She and Izumi Masamune are the most compatible.

On the contrary, it's my sisters' side.

Although they had said what they liked before, everyone knew it well when they separated them this time, but they were always a little embarrassed.

There will be a feeling of a public execution.

Don't worry, you won't encounter it.

Izumi Masamune smiled proudly.

The five sisters of the Nakano family.

This is the perfect ending to the wedding that he has been working hard to achieve. From the beginning, the four of them have been monitored at all times and will not directly bump into each other.

With extraordinary abilities that go beyond common sense as the bottom line, it is strange that he could overturn today.

There has never been a day when he was as confident as he is now.


There seemed to be a young girl's voice coming from behind.

Izumi Masamune's body stiffened.

Turn around and look.


Izumi-kun! I'm going to be angry.

Although he looked angry, his voice was still so beautiful.


When he lowered his head, he saw a super big fluffy ponytail.

And the feet can't be seen, only the buttons bearing the terrible pressure can be seen

I quickly matched the characteristics in my mind, and then Izumi Masamune remembered.

It's you, Zhongandao Baiyang.

Even the cutest Kangna-chan in the world is incomparable to the attribute of loli.

At the same time, it has two fantasy attributes such as legal lolita and child-like giant nuru.

Taneshima Baiyang, who can be called the number one in the lolita world.

Seeing the little cutie he hadn't seen for a long time, Masamune Izumi felt happy at first.

The next moment, there was a thud.

Masamune, who is this little guy?

Nino smiled.

Just take a step forward.

Then he rubbed the girl's super big fluffy ponytail.

It's like facing a child.

I'm not a little girl, I'm a high school student, a high school student!

She, Zhongdao Baiyang, has never been weaker than others in her life.

But the most annoying thing is that she is short.

The little hands were clenched into fists and shaken, and countless afterimages could be seen.

Compared to Yinglili's twin-tail whirlwind, which has no lethality, it is simply intimidating.

It's a pity that Nino held his head down very sadly. Under the pressure of his long arms, his little fist, which was completely out of reach, could not function.

Where are the high school students? It's really surprising. I almost thought it was a kindergarten group there who came to visit and learn.

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