So, Mr. Souma, you need to be more careful when taking secret photos. I'm going to leave for a while, and I'm leaving it to you. You don't need to do anything. You just need to take action in time before Bai Yang-chan accidentally says something. Change the topic, I believe Mr. Souma must be very good at it.

Izumi-kun, have you already prepared these?

Souma Hiromi smiled bitterly and agreed, but at the end he couldn't help but ask curiously.

Ah? Are you talking about the Confusion Prevention Ordinance inquiry? It was originally to deal with another little cutie who was following me, but later I found that it was not of use to her. Instead, Mr. Souma jumped out directly.

Smiling, Izumi Masamune had nothing to hide.

This was prepared when he first thought about threatening Saki Kawasaki, but later he found that the other party was already affected, so he was not prepared.

Then the current Sōma Hiroyuki appeared.

...Okay, I will help you take care of Baiyang as much as possible.

Looking at Soma Hiroyuki with a sad expression on his face, Izumi Masamune's expression did not change at all.

No matter how sad it is, it has nothing to do with him.

I will have a drama performance at ten o'clock later. I have some things to do in class afterwards, so I can't accompany you. You can move around freely first. If you want to watch it then, you can come over.

After asking Souma Hiroyuki, Izumi Masamune walked towards Nino and Torah.

Izumi-kun's show? I will definitely go to see it.

His eyes lit up.

Whether it was Bai Yang or Er Nai, their curiosity was aroused at this moment.

Both of them were very interested in Izumi Masamune's performance.

Of course, you are welcome to come.

Although he said this, Izumi Masamune only glanced at Soma Hiroomi, and the meaning contained in it is self-evident.

Please find a way to divert the attention of the two of them, so that they don't cause trouble.

Finally having some free time for his activities, without the threat of Shura Field, Izumi Masamune walked all the way towards the locker room.

There are many clubs in Sobu High School, but excluding the service club like the service club, which was established by virtue of Shizuka Hiratsuka's special relationship, most of them are divided into two groups based on style.

Needless to say, the sports department, including the football club that Izumi Masamune gave me a beating before, belongs to it.

Among them, the Department of Culture has many clubs such as the Ocarina Club and the Comics Research Club, among which the Drama Club is one of the strongest clubs.

This time the drama performance also used the activity room of the drama club.

It is more than three times larger than the room in the service department, and there are four to five small changing rooms used as changing rooms.

Opposite the activity room is the school's big stage. You can go there directly after changing your clothes, which is quite convenient.

Are you from Class F in the second year? Is it finally here? I thought you were going to have something to do and wouldn't come.

Izumi Masamune had just arrived here when he heard the girl's anxious call. It seemed that he had been waiting for a while.

He stopped and turned around to look, but they both stopped at the same time.

The one who spoke was none other than the Student Council Nagai Kaguru. This poor guy, who accidentally revealed the truth about Izumi Masamune and Yukinoshita Harano during his nap yesterday, was bullied by Izumi Masamune and Yukinoshita Harano together.

Why are you here?!

There was nothing stammering in the voice, but the trembling tone. The originally soft and powerless voice no longer existed at this moment. The soundless appearance was as if he had encountered a big devil.

Don't you know? I also want to participate in our Class F's performance.

Izumi Masamune looked at Jo Eugou with some confusion, not knowing what this guy was thinking.

Didn't Yangno deal with it yesterday?

Hey, is that so? Sorry, I don't know. I was just asked by Xia Chuan to wait for a boy from their class who hasn't come yet. I didn't expect it to be you.

While constantly bending and bowing to apologize, the girl stepped backwards and accidentally hit her head on the wall and let out a whimper.

Are you stupid?

Looking at this guy speechlessly.

Yesterday I just used a sharp instrument to go in and out of your body. Aren't you quite happy after leaving some blood? I'm afraid of being like this now.

After walking closer, Cheng Yuanxun wanted to retreat, but there was no place around him.

Suddenly, the atmosphere between the two parties became a little strange.

Okay, clothes?


The girl's lips moved and her face turned pale, but she still obediently started to unbutton her buttons.

One, two.

The girl's collarbone could be seen inside the red tie and white shirt. Izumi Masamune visually inspected it and found that at least four five-hundred-yuan coins could be placed on both sides.

Very awesome.

Admiring it, he took over the school uniform from Shiro Eugou until the girl had left the white bra.

What are you doing? I mean my costume.

Seeing the girl's pitiful and frightened expression as she looked out the door, Izumi Masamune blinked his eyes and looked at Shiro Eugou with a puzzled expression.

You! What did you say!

Cheng Yuanxun's eyes flashed rapidly, his face quickly turned from pale to red, and even the small front began to fluctuate.

Then you, then why don't you explain clearly?

I see you're quite happy taking off your clothes, aren't you?

I winked at the girl. I was in such a hurry yesterday that I didn't realize that the president was quite talented.


What are you! I haven't finished talking to you about what happened yesterday. I like to spy on people, and I'm such a bad Jorome patrol-senpai.

Directly interrupting the words of the castle patrol, Masamune Izumi moved forward, further reducing the president's space for movement.

Am I spying?

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