Only Izumi Masamune worked hard and became the backbone of Yukinoshita's mother and daughter.

With their own reliability, strength and toughness, the three of them can continue to survive in this cruel world.

Among them, Yukinoshita Harano and Mrs. Yukinoshita were both sponsored by Fujikura Yu.

As the saying goes, there is no establishment without destruction. With the help of the Kondo family and relying on the existing relationship network, the Yukinoshita family has been rapidly coming back to life during this period.

So he really didn't expect that at such a critical moment in the development of the Yukinoshita family, Yukinoshita Harano would actually come here.

As a former student of Sobu High School, this guy was not at all restrained at the moment. He was wearing a Sobu High school uniform, walking around with a smile and looking at the surrounding stalls.

Then I would pick up some interesting things from time to time, making it look like I was actually playing.

This shady guy who makes trouble, Yukinoshita Harano is very troublesome compared to Sagiri, who has just shown the corresponding characteristics, but is actually very innocent.

Especially in Sobu High, where his harem gathers.

Noticing Izumi Masamune's gaze, Yukinoshita Yono greeted Izumi Masamune with a bright smile and shook his mask with one hand.

Long time no see, Izumi-kun.

Izumi Masamune noticed that the poor mask seller's eyes were completely lifeless at this moment.

It seems that he was severely hit by what happened to Izumi Masamune.

He shook his head and ignored that guy.

It's been a long time since we last saw each other, right? We just saw each other the day before yesterday.

Let the other person grab your arm.

Izumi Masamune said expressionlessly, for such a sinister guy, as long as you keep a cold face, all the other people's problems will be gone.

So you still remember? It really moved me. I experience so many girls around me every day. Isn't there a saying? One day is like three autumns after not seeing each other. There are so many girls, how many days has it passed? ”

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his finger pointed at Izumi Masamune's heart.


If you don’t understand the meaning of Chinese, don’t use it for me!

Izumi Masamune, who really had nothing to say, hurriedly pulled the other person towards another place.

In order to protect himself, Izumi’s authentic campus style review continues to be victimized!

Izumi Masamune directly pulled this guy towards a place with fewer people. He was relieved until he was far away from the group of guys.

I thought it would be a health room or equipment room.

Yukinoshita Harano looked around.

There was a tsk-tsk sound.

I'm really sorry for not taking you with me. How about I make amends now? I pulled this guy, and when I couldn't get over it, I just went straight to him. Don't worry, I won't let you down.

I'm here to see Yukino. Can you bear to have little Yukino's sister hold back the thing in her body to prevent it from falling when she walks around and talk to her sister with a forced smile?

His nose twitched, as if he was aggrieved and about to cry.

Sorry, I'm very moved by what you said.

Masamune Izumi answered directly.


Why do you make me angrier the more you apologize?

Yukinoshita Yono, who felt like her teeth were about to break, was extremely angry.

They were chatting with each other.

Rather than saying that Izumi Masamune took Yukinoshita Harano around the school, it would be better to say that Yukinoshita Harano took a few people around.

It has been two years since he graduated from Sobu High, but there still seem to be many third-year students in Sobu High who know Yukinoshita Harano.

Through her, Izumi Masamune was able to see many new places in Sobu High.

I feel that I will have more places to play in the future.

I've only been away for two years, but I still feel like everything has changed.

Pulling Izumi Masamune to a place called the student club activity room, Yukinoshita Yono, under Izumi Masamune's speechless gaze, actually took out a bunch of keys and opened the door.

As the highest authority among the entire school student body.

The student activity room stands impressively on the top floor of Sobu High School.

As the woman opened the window and looked down.

The breeze blew the black hair on Yangno's shoulders, and her clothes fluttered with it, which was very stunning.

My favorite thing before was standing here, looking at the scene below. Whether it was students of the same age, lower grades, or teachers, they were all under my control.

Feeling the man's gaze, Yukinoshita Yono's eyes flashed with joy and pride, and then she continued.

So, once you were standing here, you thought you owned the whole world?

Ah, that's almost it.

The girl glanced at Izumi Masamune strangely,

What the man said is correct, but why does it always feel so weird?

Your current student council patrol was the most obedient little follower around me at the time. She squatted down when I asked her to squat down, and got up when she got up. Even Xiao Jing had to obey me.

No wonder that Jojo patrol was so weird when he read your name. When you think about the sinister Yukinoshita Harano who is still in the second grade of junior high school, you can imagine what kind of destructive power it will be!

It wasn't until I got to college, and now that I know how difficult life is, that I miss it more and more. In high school life at that time, I didn't have time to do many things. People are getting older now.

No, you're just missing your happy days in high school when no one could stop you.

Although he was complaining in his heart, Izumi Masamune had already taken a step forward and stood side by side with Yukinoshita Harano.

Actually, I can help you make up for the lost time in high school right now.

Izumi Masamune said with a smile, causing Yangno to look over in a different way.

What's missing?

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