Hikigaya Hachiman knew this after he observed the phenomenon.

The Izumi Masamune in front of me is not a silly otaku who fears men, but a very terrifying super meat eater who stands at the top of the food chain.

However, these have nothing to do with Hikigaya Hachiman, because he has his own little sun, Totsuka Ayaka.

Hikigaya Hachiman, who had always comforted him like this, could no longer bear his envy at this moment.

After comparing the differences between the sisters on both sides.

You, you, little girl, this is wrong. Sister and brother cannot get married.

The masked man, who was almost going crazy, was still talking without giving up.

But we are not biological brothers, we are love brothers.

Little Hinata blinked, her black and white eyes seemed to be clear enough to reflect everything.

Only Sagiri next to her looked away disdainfully.

Hinata, who was once an ally of the Loli League, but later betrayed her and formed the terrifying three sisters of the Gogenga family, could be so naive. From now on, she and Izumi Sagiri would only draw giant ruffles.

He successfully hit a certain poor unlucky guy and let him continue to wear his own mask and have sex with the mask.

Izumi Masamune just pulled the two little guys and walked somewhere else.

Also accompanying them were the Hikigaya brothers and sisters.

Although it’s hard to stare at me with a dead fish eye.

However, when this dead fish-eye was accompanied by the cute Hikigaya Komachi, and the two parties chatted happily, facing the sad and angry eyes of the other party, Izumi Masamune's mood instantly improved a lot.

Sure enough, the sense of accomplishment comes only through comparison with others.

In this way, with two little guys, they fully demonstrated what it means to be a loving sister who can have sex, and after making a group of pathetic guys shout uncle brother and become so sad and angry that they no longer believe in love, a lot of time has passed. long time.

Seeing the two guys was already tired, so Masamune Izumi came to the classroom.

There were not many people in the classroom, and the students who were not on club display duty were in charge of the business of the Samurai Cafe.

It was also at this time that the two little guys realized that what the class had prepared was actually a samurai restaurant display.

In fact, it is very inconvenient to wear this side of the samurai uniform, especially on hot days.

So now there are only two people in the class, Hayama and Tobe, playing the role.

The ones taking the afternoon shift were Hikigaya and Izumi Masamune.

Okay, don't get excited. It's just an ordinary warrior armor. You can see it in the afternoon. Now be good and be good to me. You can see it then.

Holding down the two excited guys, Izumi Masamune ordered.

These two guys fully demonstrated what is called Schrödinger friendship between girls.

They obviously had a falling out a long time ago, but now they are starting to cooperate again.

Just like Izumi Masamune's early Crystal Palace plan, now the two guys are starting to search for Izumi Masamune's target in the entire class and plan to continue to recruit new members.

Izumi Masamune looked at him with a black line on his head.

It would be fine if it was normal, but that kind of directly asking Komachi if you like your brother? like. Have you done it? Did. How many times did you have an umbrella and how many times did you not have one?

Just listening to this powerful speech, Izumi Masamune was a black line.

The eyes of the dead fish next to him almost made him spurt blood.

Xia Chuan, it's up to you.

Looking around, I found that there were not many girls in the class, so I could only look for Xia Chuanzhenliang to come over.

Ah, okay.

Although the girl has spent less time in front of Izumi Masamune since the last question, but just by looking at the way Natsukawa Masamune stares at her from time to time at this moment, one can know what the girl actually thinks.

Thank you very much.

He said to Natsukawa Masuo with a smile.

Although it is just a spare gun mount, if you want the other party to obediently help, you still need some thanks.

No, I'm just fine.

As the top guru of romance magazines, Natsukawa Zhenliang has now become the tian that she usually despises the most, smiling happily.

You see, Commander-in-Chief Sagiri. Another poor person who was harmed by Brother Izumi.

I saw it, but it looks so stupid. I was deceived by my brother like this. I feel that joining our Crystal Palace Alliance will cause the alliance to be mixed with good and bad and reduce its combat effectiveness.

Sagiri analyzed the scene in front of her seriously and gave an evaluation.

I said, you two.

Listening to Sagiri and Hinata's analysis dumbfounded.

Hikigaya Komachi next to it is really speechless.

However, thinking about this, his eyes flickered towards Izumi Masamune.

It's been a long time since I've seen him, and I miss him a bit.

Komachi has also reached the age of four.

Masamune Izumi didn't pay much attention to the two restless little guys behind him causing trouble.

After all, he was already mentally prepared when he brought the two of them here.

Even though he knew that Hinata among them was responsible for monitoring Ruri, and that Sagiri was a double agent, and accepted the commission from Mai and Shiha who were too late to come over, Izumi Masamune didn't care.

Cricket and two idiots will be fine if they fool you a little.

Even if things break out, it's just a sex repair shop. With the addition of a cursive prefix, it has no deterrent effect at all.

While wandering around in school doing nothing, at this moment, he saw a familiar figure.

As he approached, Izumi Masamune discovered that it was Yukinoshita Harano. He didn't expect that this guy was here too.

Because at the end of August, Senator Yukinoshita's suicide attempt caused a lot of trouble.

The final outcome was that Senator Yukinoshita committed suicide and escaped everything, leaving only the orphans and widowers of the Yukinoshita family.

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