A girl's daily life after school.

His palms were placed on the woman's waist.

When it comes to what kind of clothes in this world he is most familiar with, Sobu High School's women's uniforms are definitely among the best.

Stretched comfortably.

It was only then that the city inspector took off the dark blue goggles from his eyes.

He yawned and hurriedly covered his mouth with his little hands.

After Sobu High's cultural festival started, even though there were many executive committee members, many coordination tasks still required the girls to work hard to solve them.

Everything is very troublesome.

There is only one lunch break that will never be missed at noon every day, which is the most comfortable for the city patrol.

I took out my phone and took a look at the messages and found that several people had sent me questions.

Sighing, the good mood that appeared at noon was ruined like this.

I miss it a bit. When I had Harano-san in Sobu High School to do things, although her personality used to be a bit embarrassing, I still feel a little scared when I think about it now. But as long as you simply learn to obey Yukinoshita Harano's orders, , you never need to worry about any problems.

No member of any club dares to disobey the other party's orders, and everything can be resolved with peace of mind.

It also made Jo Eugou secretly envy and hope to become someone like Yukinoshita Haruno.

And not like now.

Although as the student council president, everyone listened attentively, and her satisfaction in several surveys was very high, but the city patrol always felt that she lacked a sense of majesty or something else.

But her personality also prevents her from doing anything reprimanding.

The only thing that can make his expectations more relaxed is that after this cultural festival is over, he can start thinking about the student union's changing ceremony.

She is about to graduate and will start thinking about becoming the next student president.

Maybe we should find a stronger student council president.

Thinking like this, Yukino couldn't help but appear in her mind, and then Izumi Masamune appeared in her mind.


He had just stood up and was about to walk out. Cheng Yuxun, who had not yet woken up from his dream, stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence.

Izumi Masamune, who had just been under consideration to become the new student council president, was now leaning against a very beautiful girl.

Facing each other, the girl in Sobu High School uniform had her head lowered on the other person's shoulder, and there was a purple piece of cloth hanging on the datui supported by her hand.

At this moment, my mind fell into a blank state.

Looking at the scene in front of her, she never imagined how Izumi Masamune was allowed to enter the student union office that she had specially locked.

But at this moment, her mood was about to explode.

What to do, what to do, calm down, think carefully, what to do, what to do so as not to hurt Izumi-san and the girl, how to resolve this matter politely without losing etiquette, if it's Yang What will Sister Nai do?

I kept comforting myself in my heart to calm myself down.

Then, Cheng Eunxun saw that the girl suddenly raised her head.

Eyes facing each other.

Why does this person look so familiar? !

Ah, isn't this Xiao Xun? Why are you here?

Yukinoshita Harano, who was also stunned, said in a strange voice while holding back her hot cheeks.

The palm of his hand almost sunk into Izumi Masamune, expressing his strange mood.

When did you learn to spy on others? I remember you were not such a bad boy before.

The voice was accidentally distorted. This was because of a certain Izumi Masamune who got excited. Cursing a man in his heart who would break his own comfort without even looking at the time, Yukinoshita Haruno continued to stare at Jo Euguru. .

If she were normal, she would be very imposing, but at this moment, she was full of weirdness.

Peeping? I'm not.

Cheng Yuanxun shook his head crazily. The girl who always seemed to be weak and limp now was shaking her braids very fast.

I just happen to be taking a nap here, senior sister, you know, it's you two instead, no, Izumi-san and Yukinoshita-san, she... He stuttered, and it was already difficult to speak. So.

Aha, why are you still so naive now? You are already an adult who is about to graduate, but you really don't understand anything.

Glancing at the nervous Jo Eugou and looking at the door that was still far away on the other side, Yukinoshita Harano tried to maintain a normal tone.

Don't you find it interesting? My sister's man is fascinated by my beauty and is crazy about me. He calls out Yukino's name again and again and then joins me. This sense of accomplishment, oh, by the way, You are still very young now, you will understand later.

Izumi Masamune, who was just continuing to be happy, looked at Yukinoshita Harano who looked like an old man at this moment, and then proudly announced his peculiar preferences to the city patrol.

What does it mean to be confused and crazy about him? It's obvious that you can't control your body, so you are chasing him crazily, okay?

You can tell lies with your eyes open.

But, but this is wrong.

Cheng Yuanxun suddenly plucked up the courage and said angrily.

This is the student union office, not a place for you to play around. I don't understand what it means. Sister Yangno, what you are doing is obviously a very bad thing. It is not a normal relationship. Stealing your sister's boyfriend. This kind of thing is No, I misjudged you!

Even though he was shouting angrily, his voice was still so soft.

Shiro Egami-senpai, I'm getting more and more curious, would you also have a voice like this when you were in bed?

You don't understand the beauty of this kind of thing.

Yukinoshita Harano tried her best to argue, but later on, she also knew that her situation was not convincing at all.

Especially at this moment, her enemy, Izumi Masamune, was still not cooperating at all, but instead kept trying to undermine her.

While having to deal with Izumi Masamune, and at the same time trying to fool Jogōgōu, even a strong woman, no matter how strong she is, is still a little powerless at the moment.

I don't care, Senior Yangno, it's wrong for you to do this. I won't talk nonsense, but on Yukino's side, I will definitely tell her.

Shiro Eugou glanced at Yukinoshita Harano with disappointment, and wanted to walk outside in a panic.

Stop it!

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