[This is the first time we met, but I feel as if we have known each other for a long time. 】

Izumi Masamune felt that he needed to become friends with Tachibana Chika, so as to promote Tachibana Chika's gratitude and possible future domination.

【what are you saying? ? ? ? ? ? 】

Several question marks were sent over.

Without facing it, Izumi Masamune seemed to be able to imagine the sneering girl with his arms around him at this moment.

I guess it was a ploy to strike up a conversation.

[Just now, something happened to the person you like. You were suppressing sadness and trying to live, but you couldn't hold back the pain under the sunshine and vitality. It was very cute and very pitiful. 】

【How do you know! You investigated me and know about me? 】

Tachibana Marihua grasped the phone tightly, almost crushing it, and veins appeared on the white palm. You can imagine the girl's mood at this moment.

[Even your going to that villa was an emergency. Before that, I didn’t know you at all. Wanlihua, I understand your pain, but you also need to look towards the future. 】

Izumi Masamune sent the message, and found that the other party really didn't answer this time, and Izumi Masamune just stopped.

Why would he know that the person Tachibana Marika died that he loved?

Because, the person who died was because of him.

In the Shuei Group, a long time ago, several gangsters among them offended Izumi Masamune for harassing Kato Megumi and were beaten up.

Then, before he could deal with it, Takatsuki Izumi, who wanted to take refuge at that time, helped him make a meeting gift and killed him.

The two people who died at that time were father and son, one was Le and the other was Zheng.


The reason for everything is because of Izumi Masamune.

[Life always has to move forward, and I think that there is no one who is the sole heir of the Kondo family who is more suitable for you, Banlihua, than me. 】

Looking at the message that was no longer sent, Masamune Izumi smiled.

The feeling of pleasure in my heart kept surging.

October 3rd.

Earth Sunday. The rustling on the tip of his nose woke up Izumi Masamune at this moment. He opened his eyes and looked at Ruri and Hinata who were hugging him tightly on both sides. The one in his heart that made him unable to breathe and even controlled him was Juhi.

Last night was another happy time for the sisters to serve rice.

In the past few days, the home game has been the family affairs at the fifth watch.

Taking advantage of the free period after their parents left, the three sisters of the Gogeng family obediently lived in the Izumi family to experience their future married life in advance.

Because of Wu Geng's parents, there was no girl from Wu Geng's family who could get the moon first even though she was close to the water. She was in rapid progress these days.

You are awake and you have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court.

There was a muffled sound, and it was a touch of familiar silver hair.

It's my sister's color.

Sagiri-chan was holding the handcuffs that she found from God knows where and the collar that Eluma had left behind at that moment in her hands, looking as if she was angry with her and wanted to kill her family.

Ah? Brother Izumi?

Zhu Xi opened her eyes and looked at Izumi Masamune in front of her, her cheeks flushed.

All the changes in expressions finally turned into a touch of blush on that cheek.

It seems like thousands of words condensed into those silent words.

Izumi Masamune was shocked at first.

After all, when you are playing crazy, anything is possible.

But compared to Gogeng Hinata, who is barely enough to pass the passing mark and can be eaten, although he is despised by others, it is tolerated by legal principles.

The Zhu Xike in front of me was still at an age where she would be sent to jail no matter what the reason was.

I shouldn't be like this.

Good morning, Brother Izumi, Sagiri, why are you here too? Zhuxi, didn't I tell you that you slept alone?

The three people who were connected together, with Sagiri trying to handcuff Izumi Masamune, were finally alarmed. Hinata rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked at the scene in front of her curiously.

This guy is used to it, but he really hopes that his sister can work harder and become a real member of the Izumi family.

Hey, Sister Sagiri said you could come here secretly. She asked me to come here at midnight last night.

Zhuxi touched the back of her head. The little cutie didn't know how to hide it at all and directly told everything.

At the same time, he glanced at Izumi Masamune a little shyly.

If she sleeps next to her elder brother like this, Zhuxi won't be pregnant, and Sister Liuli, who keeps working hard like that, will be too pitiful.

If possible, Sister Liuli’s first baby would be the best.

An innocent girl, no one knows what she is thinking in her heart, but all the answers have been revealed.

Izumi Masamune, who had been blinded by Sagiri's actions all morning, finally woke up.

I really didn't take action against Zhuxi yesterday. The final target was obviously Liuli.

My little Sagiri, can you explain your behavior this morning?

Izumi Masamune looked maliciously at the guy who wanted to find trouble for him early in the morning. His eyes were very dangerous at the moment and his face was very kind.

This is the so-called smile hidden in the sword.

It seems as if blond hair represents the attributes of a proud loser.

The so-called silver-haired sister, who was so cute before, has now begun to awaken the attribute called sinisterness.

This behavior and trend must be curbed.

His crime deserves to be punished.

Killing her on the spot without a gun today would not be enough for the people to be outraged.

Aha, hahaha, brother, didn't I want to wake you up? You said you would take me to your school's cultural festival this morning.

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