If we really have a problem, we will come to you instead of trying to say good things to you. He glanced at Izumi Masamune with a resentful look. Wu Geng Liuli really didn't know what to say about this guy.

I felt that I had actually signed a couple contract with Izumi Masamune before, and I was really blind.

Is that so? Listening to Liuli's explanation, Izumi Masamune couldn't help but think of the previous Yukinoshita Yukino. Wasn't it the same?

I am always stubborn and unwilling to talk about the problem.

Okay, I understand, just wait a little longer. I've been quite busy recently. After the school festival and Shiyu's movie will be filmed, I will be very quick when my role is done.

Izumi Masamune explained.

Although this side of the love metronome movie is not difficult to shoot.

The main scene is in the school, and no special effects are needed.

The most troublesome financial problem was easily solved by Izumi Masamune, so the filming was still very fast.

It will only take about a month or so, and we can also shoot his scenes first.

As an investor, Izumi Masamune has this willful ability.

It's true that noble people have many things to do.

Of course, I knew that I had started preparing for this movie very early.

But when I think of the movie Ruri, I can't help but think of Mai Sakurajima, my co-star, even though I know it's okay, I still feel really bad.

The Night Demon Queen expressed that she was feeling very unhappy at the moment.

Just as Izumi Masamune was comforting the dissatisfied girl and planning to take a good rest, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Turning over his phone, Izumi Masamune was very surprised to find that the source of the information this time was actually a message from the email address of Tachibana Marika, whom he had just received yesterday.

So proactively?

I was thinking wildly in my heart, and then Masamune Izumi saw the first of them.

[Please don’t come near my mother again, this is for your own good. 】

He moved the other side restlessly towards him to see what was going on, and then pushed Wu Geng Liuli away as he looked at her with the eyes of a big Hentai who actually fell in love with other people's mothers.

Izumi Masamune looked at the news in front of him with interest.

I never expected that Tachibana Marihua would actually make such a statement.

Even if it is just a piece of information, it seems that you can feel the coldness inside.

Not to him, but to the so-called mother in the words.

Even between Yukinoshita Yukino and Mrs. Yukinoshita, there is actually only awe, not anger.

For someone like Tachibana Marika to find someone to talk to her mother about, this is already an act that has crossed the line.

[Actually, what happened yesterday was an accident. I just happened to visit the Tachibana family. 】

Izumi Masamune thought for a while and then gave the answer.

Although I have a good relationship with Tachibana Chika and even got a samurai armor, I was thinking that the other party's physical condition is not good enough, so I want to bring Tachibana Chika with me for fun in the future.

But as a qualified hunter, he would naturally not expose his target now.

Otherwise, the difficulty of the next step will increase linearly.

His answer was very ambiguous at the moment.

Don't lie, but that doesn't mean you tell the truth.

[Don’t worry, I understand you, you must be careful. The tenderness she showed was just because she needed to use your Kondo family. Recently, due to some things, her original relationship with the Sanzenin family was also affected, so she did this. 】


Izumi Masamune was stunned for a long time by Tachibana Chika's recovery. Did this woman misunderstand that she was deceived by Tachibana Chika?


The great Miss Tachibana Marihua.

The reason for the cancellation of the engagement between your Tachibana family and the Sanzenin family was ultimately because Tachibana Wataru disturbed the Yukinoshita family, and then Izumi Masamune found Tachibana Chika to kill them.

As for Tachibana Chika's tenderness, it was only because Tachibana Chika was played by Izumi Masamune.

The pitiful one is a frail and sickly body. When he meets Izumi Masamune, he naturally has to show his tenderness softly.

Izumi Masamune felt that there were a lot of misunderstandings between the two sides.

[I think you may have some misunderstanding. Miss Chika Tachibana is a very nice person. 】

Masamune Izumi said he needed to explain himself.

【Miss? That immortal monster? Don't be fooled, that guy is a monster who won't give up until he achieves his goal. 】

Tachibana Chika responded very quickly, and you could see the girl's anger at the moment, while Izumi Masamune remained silent.

[I won’t be deceived, because, in fact, compared to Miss Tachibana Chika, I like you more, Wanlihua, I think you are more beautiful and cuter. 】

Seeing that Tachibana Chika seemed to be still telling him questions about Tachibana Chika, Izumi Masamune yawned and sent it back.

Sure enough, there has been no such news on this side for a long time.

On the other side, Tachibana Marihua, who was huddled in her room and pressing the keyboard quickly, was stunned when she saw the last message.

This guy, this kind of eldest young master, is indeed a talkative guy. He deserves to be deceived by that old witch. He dares to talk nonsense like this to any girl he meets. Only Mr. Qiu is different.

Tachibana Marika looked at herself and reminded Izumi Masamune with a kind heart, but in the end, she was ashamed and angry after receiving such news.

Just mentioning the so-called Lord Raku, his original expression darkened again, full of exhaustion.

Because of her appearance and physical problems, she is very similar to Tachibana Chika, both of them are frail and sickly.

Chika Tachibana feels that she overlaps with Marika, so she has always been cold towards Marika Tachibana. As a result, Chika Tachibana does not have a very good attitude towards Marika Tachibana, especially not long ago, her original favorite Ichika Raku, But after the news of unexpected death suddenly came out, Tachibana Chika always felt that this was all because of Tachibana Chika who was stopping her.

Except that he kept asking his father to mobilize the police force.

She went to all the famous detective agencies in the country, hoping to know who was responsible for the death of Ichijo Raku and his father.

I came to that villa to rest yesterday because I just came out of the famous Maori Detective Agency and it was too late to go back to my original residence.

[Believe it or not, it’s up to you to say this to a girl you meet for the first time. Sure enough, the person who is with that guy is not a good person. 】

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