Looking at Hinata with sadness and anger, Sagiri raised her hand with a smile.

If the prank fails, Sagiri-chan will never sit still and wait for death.

I am very happy. When I think of being able to go to the school of such an excellent brother, breathe the air that my brother once breathed, and meet my brother's classmates, Sagiri herself feels very stressed. She must be a cute person. Sister, I don’t want to embarrass my brother. Because of this, I cried and couldn’t sleep all night. So, when I woke up in the morning and saw that you were still awake, brother, I was a little worried.”

There was a hazy mist emerging in the blue eyes.

The sparkling eyes are so hazy and beautiful at this moment that it is admirable.

Her body, which was not much bigger than Tsumugi's, was now pressed together with Tsumugi's and lowered, just enough to stabilize Izumi Masamune.

Don't let his palms use kung fu to do anything.

Really? But I think you should choose to apologize if you do something wrong. What do you think? Sagiri-chan, let's choose which one to use to apologize?

If you stay up late all day drawing notebooks, it’s okay if you don’t sleep all night, right?

It took him a lot of time to get started and play at the cultural festival when the dead house arrived. It was so noisy all day yesterday that he didn't want to go. How dare you say that you are happy?

Not to mention his sinister attributes, the way he tells lies with his eyes open could be compared to a certain sinister angel.

My conscience is greatly damaged.


Realizing that his pitiful starry eyes had no effect, he rolled his eyes at the man in front of him. After Izumi Masamune's open-minded help, Sagiri now had begun to possess the charm of a woman.

Sagiri was slowly moving downwards at this moment.

Next to him was Zhuxi who was applauding and looking over with the same curiosity.

What's going on? It's so annoying.

Disturbed by the girls' movements again and again, Liuli, who had been the focus of yesterday's firepower, finally woke up at this moment.

The Night Demon Queen, who was almost played as RBQ, just opened her eyes.

What he saw was his younger sister Zhu Xina in this life cheering and Sagiri taking charge of the first part and the other taking charge of the main body.

Queen of the Night Demon, damn her!

Ruri-chan's voice echoed throughout the room.


You guy, you clearly said you wouldn't take action until they are fully developed.

Sitting on the chair angrily.

Looking at Izumi Masamune coldly, Nanami, who handed him breakfast with a wry smile, ignored him and just stared at Izumi Masamune, trying to kill Izumi Masamune with his eyes.

As for the original eighteen-year-old limit for adults not to take action against Hinata Tsumugi's two younger sisters, it has now been quietly lowered to the age when they are almost developed.

Isn't this true yet?

Thinking of the unexpected surprise this morning, Izumi Masamune was in a good mood, so he didn't argue with Liuli much.

Instead, he smiled and nodded to Nanami, who was in charge of breakfast today.

Because Liuli played late yesterday, all the breakfast burden that Liuli and Nanami were originally responsible for fell on Nanami's head.

Such a little cutie is really rare.

To be able to take action against such a girl, Tenchu ​​is too cheap for him. Liuli, I have durian and sea urchin to provide here, and keyboards too.

Nanami calmly wiped her hands clean, and then pulled away a small position. Nanami could finally sit down and have breakfast.

As if a devil gave the answer.

Izumi Masamune ...

After breakfast, I didn't bother to think about why the lovely Nanami-chan, who was originally the most typical and submissive person in District 11 and whose husband was Tian, ​​never questioned her, suddenly changed her appearance.

The few people could not delay any longer, but headed directly towards Sobu High.

That means you can't be late today.

At the beginning of October, summer was almost gone. After everyone had been preparing for nearly half a month, the cultural festival finally officially started.

Each of the enthusiastic students could not care less about the boredom of going to class on Saturday. Instead, they were extremely excited and enjoying this rare and happy time in their student life.

Even though Sagiri had just been punished by Izumi Masamune in the morning, she was still looking around with curiosity.

Although she hasn't completely left the side effects of squatting at home yet, Sagiri can't hold back her interest when she thinks that this is her brother's school.

Just being on campus with her brother, Sagiri felt that she couldn't bear it anymore.

Next to her was Hinata, who was also very curious, but tried hard to look like a lady.

As for Zhu Xi, after what happened this morning, Night Demon Queen Wu Geng Ruri had deep doubts about Izumi Masamune's integrity. No matter how much the cute Zhu Xi asked, she was unwilling to let Zhu Xi pass.

After seeing Izumi Masamune next to him, he could only express that he was helpless.

After all, he hasn't grown up yet, and such a guy is not attractive to Izumi Masamune at all.

When you arrive at the school, you can feel the noisy atmosphere.

There are colorful ribbons hanging one by one and balloons floating in the sky.

As an old school, in addition to students with high scores, there are also many children of aristocratic entrepreneurs enrolled in it, and Sobu High School is never short of money.

This time it was even more lively.

At the very least, the otaku Sagiri-chan felt like she was going to be burned to death by this terrifying aura at this moment.

The cultural festival is an inevitable plot that will be mentioned in many comics or novels, and its actual popularity is also very scary.

Not only students, but also family members of other students can join.

According to the arrangement, the first morning was the presentation session for various clubs and classes in the school.

On the second day, there will be unified activities, such as the drama performance that made Izumi Masamune complain about it. It was at that time.

Even Sobu Gao, who is known for his high deviation value academic masters and high nobles, will start to let himself go during this cultural festival day, and many interesting clubs will appear.

Including Sagiri, who was still a little depressed after being punished by Izumi Masamune, her mood couldn't help but feel better at this moment.

The two of them were chatting, and Sagiri-chan suddenly pointed to a teaching building.

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