Grabbing the restless man's hand through his clothes, Wu Geng Liuli said coldly.

Girl, have you forgotten that Mai Sakurajima is Cupid, the god of love? Hell’s people are simple and simple, so in this age of unreliable gods, Hell is very popular.

He complained in his heart, but Izumi Masamune didn't say anything. Instead, he comforted Liuli, who seemed to be furious at the moment.

Okay, don't get excited. How could I violate it? It's nice, mua.

Looking at the girl who looked away in disgust, allowing Izumi Masamune to kiss her on the cheek, Izumi Masamune laughed out loud.

A long time ago, I signed a contract boyfriend relationship with Liuli.

There are many requirements.

For example, from now on, you can only be nice to me, pamper me, and not lie to me.

You must do everything you promise me, and you must be sincere in everything you say to me. You must not lie to me or scold me. You must care about me. When others bully me, you must come out and help me as soon as possible. Wait and wait for the stringent requirements.

Izumi Masamune felt that if he could really do that, there would be no need for any woman to get it.

Later it was proved that these were only on the surface.

For example, at the very least, Hinata had a pleasant conversation just the day before yesterday.

Wu Gengzhuxi seems to be changing recently and hopefully will be achieved.

Now that I mention it, it is more of a content worth remembering for the two of them.

That's great. Liuli.

Izumi Masamune let out a long sigh.

Xiao Liuli has also grown up, feeling that Xiao Liuli is getting bigger and better, and feels better.

Do you know about Kirino?

Hmm, Kirino? What's wrong?

Izumi Masamune's expression was stunned and he asked carefully.

Of course Kousaka Kirino Kirino and Izumi Masamune knew about it.

Accompanying Kirino*Saori, Kirino*Ayase has played it so many times.

Last time, he almost beat up his cheap would-be father-in-law, Daisuke Kosaka.

How could you not know?

But, but, but.

I say important things three times, even though my relationship with Kosaka Kirino is very good.

But everyone has basically slept with the Sobu high school girls in the Harmono series. After the seven-person group at the summer camp, they accumulated rich relationships and friendships.

In this little sister's story, Kirino and Ruri are still at the stage of being close friends with each other.

Hmph, stop pretending. Your body's reaction has already truthfully told me the problem.

Although he was still complaining just a moment ago, Masamune Izumi took advantage of the time he was playing games with Gabriel to ask questions and make demands.

Now Liuli, with her beautiful eyes in front of the man, stuttered out her words, and with the help of the man's body that was least likely to lie, she successfully tricked the man.

Wu Geng Liuli looked extremely fierce at the moment.

She was obviously so beautiful, but after mentioning Kirino's name, this guy became even more excited.

It's simply too much. Apart from having a better figure, what else is better about that guy than her? In terms of cuteness in appearance and prosperity with the help of her own sisters, no one can compare with her.

Ahem, this is a matter of freshness. If it weren't for Ruri, you wouldn't have sex with Kirino. Sensing the girl's tendency to leave, Masamune Izumi, who was enjoying herself with his arms, hurriedly grabbed her.

Explained somewhat awkwardly.

Look, being with you Liuli all the time is like having the seven-year itch. It's very normal. I'm far away from Kirino, so I miss her a little bit.

Although the explanation is scumbag, it is better than saying nothing at all.

Hmph, close your eyes.

Looking deeply at the man, Wu Geng Liuli seemed to have made a decision and stammered.

Huh? Okay.

Izumi Masamune obeyed and closed his eyes. After a long time, he heard Liuli's voice of approval.

Opening his eyes, he was surprised to find that Liuli was actually wearing black decorations at this moment, which looked familiar.

Hmph, contractor, have you even forgotten the honor of the great Night Demon Queen? It seems that the evil god still has a seal on your memory. Liuli said dissatisfied.

But the clenched palms showed the girl's nervousness.

It seems that it is very necessary to restore your memory through magic healing.

Is this using the freshness of COSPLAY to counter Kirino’s model status bonus?

Izumi Masamune looked at the whole person at this moment, and it seemed that he was actually a different Night Demon Queen.

It means you city people are really good at playing.

Then, let me have some fun too.

As an ordinary person, it is very interesting to be able to bully the Night Demon Queen wantonly.


Be a good breeding ground for my children.

Holding Liuli tightly, looking at the girl's surprise and panic expression, Izumi Masamune helped her cover her with a blanket, and was about to fall asleep here today, but she suddenly grabbed her arm.

About Kirino.

The girl's voice was hoarse now, but she was still asking.

Ruri, regarding Kirino, actually... Unexpectedly, Ruri was still asking. Izumi Masamune could only explain, but found that the girl shook her head.


It's about her studying abroad. I always think it's pitiful for her to be alone there. Let's find a chance to see her sometime.

Izumi Masamune was stunned. Kirino was going abroad to study in the Country of Hope this semester, taking advantage of the fall. When I chat with him on weekdays, I always have a good time.

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