Really messy.

Just a little sad.

Even in this state of high consciousness at this moment.

It's obvious that Raphael's guy is about the same size.

It doesn't feel bad now.

The biggest reason for doing all kinds of things to the cute angel is because the girl seems to be in a bad mood.

It’s not because you have other ideas just because you look at the shining angel.

The purpose of feeling her heartbeat at this moment is to help her calm down, not to make her more chaotic.

It has another smell, the smell of perfume.

Gabrielle said with clenched teeth, but at the end, her voice became distressed again.

If there are no problems next, he may be locked in the heaven forever and let this guy do whatever he wants.

Similar thoughts kept echoing.

This made Gabriel's heart soften.

After all, I know many of the thoughts in my mind, but I hesitate to acknowledge them, until the current state.

By the way, Gabriel.

Having almost figured out Gabriel's development over the past period of time, Izumi Masamune decided to give the girl a surprise.

I have just contacted God through Gu Li, so there is no problem with your matter this time.

Izumi Masamune said, and you could feel Gabriel's heartbeat suddenly speeding up.

Is this touching?

Izumi Masamune was smiling in his heart, even Xianyu Gabriel actually had his own ideas.

In other words, I can continue to play hundreds of games in my steam library?

You only know how to cherish when you lose it, Gabrielle shouted excitedly.

Izumi Masamune: ...

Hundreds of games, only nearly a year, what on earth have you done?

No wonder the living expenses plus his support are not enough.

And shouldn't you thank me at this time?

Feeling unhappy at the thought, Masamune Izumi couldn't help but pinch two important points of Gabriel.

It feels so nice to touch.

By the way, although there is no problem with this, there will be punishment after all, so in the next year, all your living expenses will be cleared, and you must work hard to pay off your debts.

Smiling like a devil.

Gabriel's face was completely gray.

Turning his head stiffly, even Izumi Masamune's hand could not stop him at this moment.

Heavenly Punishment! Hundan!

Walking on the way home.

Izumi Masamune was in a good mood.

Especially when he thought about Gabriel who went berserk later because he had no living expenses for the next year and could only kill time by grabbing hundreds of bought games and then fell into a state of madness.

Compared to the divine and selfless Gabriel that he just saw, he was almost like a real angel.

Masamune Izumi found that what he liked was the more down-to-earth kind.

Although the former type also has a unique experience when sleeping, the salted fish Gabriel is cuter.

It's definitely not because Gabriel was angry and wanted to leave Izumi Masamune and when he applied a DEBUFF to him, he accidentally used too much force and Izumi Masamune's hands inside his clothes stretched the clothes open for his eyes.

Definitely not for this reason.

All kinds of disrespectful thoughts about angels were running through his mind that were bad enough to be roasted on the stake.

Izumi Masamune had nothing to do for a while.

When Raphael suddenly called him out, he asked his girls to eat first without knowing what was going to happen.

Izumi Masamune suddenly felt that it was too boring to go home and there was nothing left to eat. When he passed by a bookstore, he stopped in his original pace.

The bookstore in District 11 is a magical place.

You can cross the space here to imagine in various weird and strange worlds, and you can also find some magical publications that can speed up the long time that ordinary otakus spend tossing and turning at night without anyone to accompany them.

Masamune Izumi, who was used to delicious food, suddenly wanted to understand how miserable singles spend their time.

Probably, just to experience that kind of life.

After walking into the bookstore, the first thing that caught my eye was naturally the extremely serious novel stall.

But the ones in it are all novels about Yamada Fairy, Kasumi Shiko-sensei, and Senjumura Sei-sensei.

The girls at home would also discuss a lot of plots when communicating with him on weekdays.

So Izumi Masamune took one look, shook his head with great regret, and walked to the other side.

Next is a dedicated corner.

Various erotic books and magazines are placed there, but the flipped pages are all stuck with tape, so you can't read them unless you buy them.

It seems that he cares deeply about the poor people.

Life is already hard enough without a girlfriend, and all the money I can use as a buffer is given to me first-hand.

However, it was very regrettable, and Izumi Masamune shook his head again.

It was discovered that the side of the building had been occupied by Mr. Eri Kashiwagi and Mr. Eromanga.

As the industry leader in the modern era.

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