God said directly, and Gu Li's exaggerated voice could still be faintly heard at this moment, as if she still didn't understand what was going on.


Listening to the blind voice on the other end of the phone, Masamune Izumi felt very complicated at the moment.

The resolution of the matter is undoubtedly gratifying.

Although there were some surprising problems, such as the fact that he had already entered the sight of this middle-aged uncle.

It may even be that she is being considered as a candidate for her daughter's boyfriend.

A little surprised, but mostly relieved.

After all, as an abnormal physical mutant, he is still constantly strengthening in that kind of magic, and has the psychology of so many ordinary girls.

In any other world, being turned into a demon king representing desire would actually be very easy and no one would need to question it.

At this moment, with this god's endorsement, he finally felt completely relieved.

If I have to describe the change in mentality, it is probably from the original state of being timid about having a protective umbrella and giving extra meals to girls, to the state where I can finally relax and let those cute things that make my heart beat. Let’s change the mentality of girls to become excellent breeding grounds for their future daughters.

Although he is already developing towards this point now.

Hey, do you need a drink?

He walked over to the girl who was in a daze and handed over the drink in her hand.

Then, with Jiabaili's disgusted eyes, he squeezed him, squeezed him again, and successfully squeezed out a small seat.

After receiving Izumi's drink, Gabriel successfully pried it open with a thumb, and then drank it in one gulp.

At first glance, it looks like it was created by exercising with Feizhai Happy Water.


Coughing badly.

Gabriel looked at the name of the drink in his hand frantically.

Matcha soda.

Looking at Izumi Masamune, his eyes have changed from a mobile human natural disaster to a super weird one.

Why would anyone like to drink this kind of thing?

Why do you like drinking? Of course it's to share common interests with others and develop relationships.

Seeing the girl's surprised look, Masamune Izumi smiled even more happily.

God's method of relying on other people's past behaviors and then conducting psychological deductions, which leaves no trace but is full of personality, is really great.

Next time, please investigate for me first before coming back, okay?

Gabriel also seemed to be exhausted, and he was no longer as aggressive as before.

Sorry, I was talking about other girls.

He, Izumi Masamune, likes nothing more than saying no to self-righteous people.

Now I have been drinking matcha soda. The original purpose was to have something to say with Sanjiu in the future.

According to the current contact progress, Nino has completed the home run and Ichika is also making gratifying progress. The next step is to start the progress of Sanjiu.


No more clicks needed.

The entire soda can was completely crushed and exploded.

The light green drink just covered the girl's body, and then the next moment there was a golden light flashing, and everything was isolated.

It seems that the use is much smoother. This is because the ideological awareness is high.

...Why did you come out? Why didn't you accompany Raphael to see the child?

Gabriel sighed and asked aloud.

It seems that because of the upcoming punishment, he is too angry to even move now.

Why did you come out? Why didn't you accompany Raphael to see the child?

Sitting on a chair, lying down like a salted fish.

I think you are the one who should go take a look at that child.

Smoothing the blond hair of the girl's head as if teasing a golden retriever puppy.

It has nothing to do with me, unless I happened to come over with La Fei to see it.

Gabriel is quite open-minded.

This happened to me when I was with Raphael after school.

I have never met that unfortunate girl before.

After this incident, the girl's memory will also be erased, and she has no hope of being thanked.

I did it just because I wanted to. As an angel, I had compassion for humans.

In other possible situations, her mentality remained very calm.

Xiaojia, only today do I feel that I have really seen an angel.

Izumi Masamune looked at the girl in front of him.

This kind of high consciousness, and a guy like him who just helped to deal with things, came here to see if he could go further with the help of kindness.

Well, I am going to be melted by this divine awareness.

So at this moment, Masamune Izumi urgently needs to feel the warmth of the angel again.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it and took Gabriel into his arms.

The palm of his hand came to Gabriel's arms on his own initiative.

The kind that is very close, without the annoying piece of cloth separating it.

Angel smells so good.

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