The two girls are known to the world for drawing only good-looking pornographic books, which once set off a heated discussion.

He had read all the top-secret ju* no-takeaway books that the two had just to please Izumi Masamune, so he couldn't think of it at all when facing these.


It's a pity not to choose.

Izumi Masamune found that he couldn't do it even though he wanted to experience the hardships of ordinary people.

After excluding the book factory area, what is left are some new magazines for sale.

This time, it satisfied Izumi Masamune's idea.

Although there are others such as Kirino and Ayase Aragaki, these two famous models and Izumi Masamune already know clearly which ones have moles, there are also some relatively new ones.

There are also some magazine promotions of popular idol stars in District 11.

It looks very good.

It includes some serious photo albums. Although there is nothing to show, it is still pleasing to the eye. It is a must-have for boys to kill time.

While he was picking it up, someone walked over beside him.

He stood on tiptoe, as if trying to reach a magazine.

Here, long time no see, Nicole.

Helping the girl take down the things, Izumi Masamune, who had just handed them over to say hello, was suddenly stunned.

I just had a quick glance without looking carefully, so I thought it was Nico Yazawa and helped me. But then I realized that although the other person was very similar to Nico, they were not the right age.

She looks about the same age as her own Sagiri-chan.

Big black eyes and bright crimson eyes, short black hair, and a light yellow bow on the left side.

The whole person is wearing a white long-sleeved dress. The simple-looking clothes look like a pure white lotus in full bloom on the girl's body.

He looks extremely cute and well-behaved.

Finding Izumi Masamune staring at her, the girl's hair tied with butterfly ends trembled.

The small palms were raised, and the big eyes blinked.

I won't tell you where my home is, even if I try to tempt you with a delicious matcha drink, I won't tell you.

The delicate voice was full of energy at the moment.

But the above statement is a bit confusing.

I'm not a bad person, I just said hello because I thought I saw an acquaintance. Yazawa Nico, Yazawa Nico, you should know, I am her classmate.

Izumi Masamune looked at the girl in front of him.

She almost looks like a smaller version of Nico Yazawa, who is probably one of the younger sisters she once mentioned.

It's really easy to get confused if you don't pay attention at first glance.

My sister's school is obviously an all-girls school, so how could anyone know her? I'm telling you, I'm good at it, and I won't be deceived.

The girl waved her little hands, trying hard to look like she was powerful, but in the end, she didn't know that her appearance was more and more revealing of her guilty conscience.

I thought I looked scary, but turned out to be so stupid that I almost said I was easy to deceive.

However, these girls are quite vigilant enough.

After all, it is a team led by a single mother.

Although there may be no lack of love on weekdays, sometimes the lack of a man to support the child's education will always be overcorrected.

Izumi Masamune felt that he needed to be comforted recently.

Beautiful girls need not only pure strength but also the right amount of emotion to be able to fill them up properly.

But for beautiful wives, this age and experience no longer pursues those flashy wives.

You only need to use your young and strong body to tell them your attachment and great support to them in time, and that is enough.

I was thinking wildly in my heart, and looked at my daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, and future girlfriend in front of me. Izumi Masamune's eyes became more and more kind.

Just when he was about to explain it to the girl, the girl had already puffed up her cheeks and had a big smile on her face.

But I get it. You must be a fan of my sister. My sister is very powerful and a member of the super idol group Muse, so I will believe you.

The girl gave a thumbs up, showing her neat little white teeth.

Because, my sister's fans are not bad people.

Hello, big brother, my name is Yazawa Kokoro, sister Nicole's sister.

God knows how it was set up that fans of my sister’s idol group = fans of my sister = good people.

At this moment, Yazawa's heart was completely unwary of Izumi Masamune.

I just thought that this guy is very vigilant and is a role model that many little lolita should learn from. I really have nothing to say.

My name is Masamune Izumi, you can just call me brother Izumi. As for coming here today, I just have nothing to do and stroll around.

He shook his head and calmed down this overly excited guy.

Are you here to buy your sisters' idol magazines?

Yazawa's eyes lit up.

So be it.

Seeing the girl's excited look, Masamune Izumi smiled and took a copy without hitting her.

That is, the price of one thousand three thousand noodles is exactly the same as the price of two bowls of instant noodles.

But after all, there are nine muses, so that’s almost it.

By the way, he also helped Yazawa Xin and paid the money.

Brother, you are very aware.

The little guy said with bright eyes.

Then he took Izumi Masamune's big hand.

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