A delicate face, even among girls who have experienced so much, is still in the upper-middle level.

After looking at the information, I found that Yuki Morikawa is a female college student who has graduated for a while. She once worked for the female college idol idol under Ogata Studio.

It has been seven years since I graduated.

However, in a place like the entertainment industry, it is not decided based on your so-called working hours.

For example, the girl in front of me has not seen any exciting results even after seven years of graduation.

After entering, the girl seemed a little nervous.

Because I had been waiting outside for a long time, the sweat on my forehead had not stopped yet.

The first one came in and didn't even have his makeup done.

Hello, please sit down.

As the supreme commander present, and this time the male pig's trotter, Izumi Masamune did not speak, and no one dared to speak.

I am the president of 346 Office and the person in charge of casting this talent.


Morikawa Yuki looked at Izumi Masamune nervously.

I didn't expect that the person in charge would actually ask me questions.

Seeing the girl's surprise and nervousness, Izumi Masamune grimaced slightly.

There was no other way. The powerful auras of Mai Sakurajima and Shiu Kasumigaoka on the left and right made Izumi Masamune sit upright for now.

Tonight he was counting on a duet.

Don't be nervous. Next to me is Mai Sakurajima, who plays the heroine Sayuka this time. Next to me is teacher Kasumi Shiko, the original author of Love Metronome. They are both easy to get along with.

Yes, I'm not nervous.

Morikawa Yuki looked at the three young people and felt a deep shock.

Place your palms in front of you and clench firmly.

Shaking and shaking.

Well, children will not go hungry in the future.

As for the nervousness shown by Yuki Morikawa, she is the first one after all, so it would be strange not to be nervous.

First take a deep breath, calm down your emotions, and then tell me, which role in our work do you want to play this time?

After comforting Morikawa Yuki, Izumi Masamune asked.

Well, I want to audition for Zhenwei in it.

Somewhat embarrassed, Yuki Morikawa said to everyone.

The people sitting there all stared at each other, not expecting that the first person who came in wanted to play such a role.

Izumi Masamune's expression didn't change much, but Morikawa Yuki's age was not a problem.

After all, isn’t Sister Liu, who is in her thirties, going to play the role of the fourteen-year-old Hua Mulan?

It is not impossible for girls in this world to look real in their thirties.

This, isn't this good? Then supporting roles are also okay, and supporting roles can be given a try.

Being stared at by everyone, Morikawa Yuki couldn't help but tremble, and she changed her words in a panic, and her words were incoherent.

After all, he is already a has-been idol. He has not successfully transformed, but he does not have the mentality to continue to be an ordinary person.

I can only look in the mirror with a good face and hope to give it a try.

Okay, since you want it, let's start with the heroine first. Go over there and touch up your makeup, and then come over and look in the mirror.

When it comes to beautiful girls, Masamune Izumi is quite patient.


The name Morikawa Yuki sounds familiar.

I don't know why, but thinking about him and Izumi Masamune makes me feel sick in my stomach.

Which drama character is he from?

Izumi Masamune felt it was very necessary to leave his contact information and explore the depth of Morikawa Yuki.

Morikawa Yuki is beautiful.

Maybe it's because the beautiful girls in this world are favored by the gods.

Everyone's beauty can remain unchanged from the age of ten to the age of forty.

She is not a bad girl, but with a little help from the makeup artist, she exudes amazing charm in an instant.

The slightly mature posture also has the vitality of a little daughter at this moment.

If you change into a school uniform, you can already become a female jk.

Now, please face the camera and us and begin the audition.

Even if you have already thought about how to communicate with Morikawa Yuki better, you still have to go through the obvious process.

For example, at this moment, let’s first take a good look at what kind of effect the audition will have.

Nodding, Masamune Izumi handed her the lines he had just written.

Come on, try this sentence and let me see the effect on you.

Passing it to the girl, feeling the smoothness of the palm and a little sweat, Izumi Masamune looked at it encouragingly.

Be good and put your feelings into it.

Okay, let me think about it.

Morikawa Yuki glanced at Izumi Masamune, not sure if it was an accident or something, and then continued to read the lines, thoughtfully.

Okay, now let's show off.

Masamune Izumi has actually made this interview much less difficult.

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