Just let's take a look at the lines and facial expressions.

The others didn't understand what Izumi Masamune was thinking. They thought that this outdated idol was still too nervous in front of the camera and there was no need to go to such trouble. However, Izumi Masamune had no choice.

After adjusting, Morikawa Yuki looked at the people in front of her.

Miraculously, everything has changed.

It's me, it's me first, it's obviously me who comes first... whether it's holding hands, hugging, or falling in love with that guy.

Pain, sadness, and the entanglement and discomfort involved.

The girl suddenly changed at this moment.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't help but look at Morikawa Yuki in surprise at this moment.

Whether it was Izumi Masamune's lines that perfectly matched her wishes, or the performance of the girl in front of her, including Mai Sakurajima, who also looked at the girl's acting skills in surprise.

It's almost like being there.

Only Izumi Masamune was snickering.

Finally, I remembered where Yuki Morikawa was from.

After reading the lines, Morikawa Yuki finally came back to her senses.

He looked at Izumi Masamune blankly with a dazed expression.

The lines just now were written by Masamune Izumi, and she also saw them.

She just felt that every word Izumi Masamune said penetrated deeply into her heart, and her dazed expression has not yet recovered.

You're doing very well. Go back first and wait for news from me.

Izumi Masamune was the first to applaud, and then the applause also rang at the same time.

Morikawa Yuki's dialogue performance is like a divine help.

The lines are quite in line with my own experience, and the performance is impeccable.


Morikawa Yuki bowed deeply towards Izumi Masamune and walked out with a rather dazed expression.

With Yuki Morikawa's perfect performance, several girls came one after another.

They were interviewed one by one, but Izumi Masamune didn't interfere too much. He mainly asked them to do a few actions by themselves, and then read the lines to see the effect.

There are also high school students among them.

His face is considered to be above average, and he is of the type worthy of Izumi Masamune wasting an evening. However, compared with Morikawa Yuki's performance, it seems quite inferior. Izumi Masamune can guess the ending without looking at the score.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the girls going back and forth in front of her with an expressionless face.

From the first time, she didn't speak, but it was hard to calm down.

Although she was confident in her own beauty, she had seen a lot of beautiful girls because of Izumi Masamune, but she couldn't help but feel a little dazed at this moment.

Beautiful, youthful girls come from all aspects of life.

There was even a girl who was working as a cashier just now, and this time she came to audition.

Life under the flashlight, people's adoration.

This is something that girls find hard to resist.

I really saw a lot of beautiful girls.

Saying this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Izumi Masamune with a half-smile.

Although I know that here I am facing the screening of my own movie roles.

In order to ensure the box office, so-called pretty girls are also indispensable.

Normally, he would remain calm in the face of the surprise attacks by Eiriri and Kato Megumi, but looking at this situation at the moment, a scene that looked like the unveiling of the emperor's selection of concubines from the ancient Han dynasty still made Kasumigaoka Shiu feel a little nervous. .

Especially there were a few girls among them. Even Izumi Masamune, who was surrounded by her and Sakurajima Mai, also received a lot of hints.

Even Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who thought she was unparalleled in charm, couldn't help but feel a little anxious at this moment.

Young, beautiful and shameless.

Each of these girls has too many ways to make them uncomfortable.

In comparison, on the other side was Mai Sakurajima. Although she was also a formidable enemy, she was far less dangerous.

Here, you are the protagonist. Teacher Kasumi Shiko, who is the metronome of love, is the basis for everything. Choose whoever you like.

His palms wrapped around the girl's hands, patting them gently to comfort them.

Kasumigaoka Shiu pursed her lips and smiled, feeling extremely moved, and then decided to let Izumi Masamune play with her at night.

This is what Masamune Izumi is thinking.

In fact, Shiyu just glanced at Izumi Masamune.

Am I considered the master of the harem?

Looking at the man in front of her melancholy, Kasumigaoka Shiyu said.

Then looking at the man's subconscious nodding gesture, the depression in his heart was even more indescribable.

Ahem, please pay attention, the next participant is about to come in.

Mai Sakurajima coughed and reminded the two guys in front of her.

Mai-chan, who was just hanging out in the circle, didn't have the same worries as Kasumigaoka Shiu.

He reminded the two of them calmly.

What, is there a problem? Aren't you, Mai, here to grade?

Kasumigaoka Shiha looked at Sakurajima Mai with a smile.

On the contrary, he held Izumi Masamune's hand tighter.

Xia Laofei, who was slightly stimulated, was overreacting at this moment.

You guy.

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