The whole person stood there with a fierce aura.

General manager of Meicheng, serving as the general manager of the idol business department.

The woman's main focus at this moment was on Izumi Masamune, with fear and dissatisfaction.

When she first took office, she made a plan for the office to disband all the current project teams of the idol business department and return to the original starting point.

As a result, the appearance of Masamune Izumi interrupted everything, and a movie casting event suddenly appeared.

She was also very dissatisfied with Izumi Masamune.

But it is a pity that I am facing my good friend Mr. Qian.

Even if she is a typical strong woman with a capable style, she can only be slapped in the face at this time.

Even if Izumi Masamune wanted to find another place to fight, the director of Micheng could only accept it obediently.

Don't ask why you know.

Because when they first met, Izumi Masamune took the manager of Midori to let him understand his heart, strengths and sincerity.

I was so moved that I cried until I was dehydrated.

Next to him was Chihiro Chikawa, who was smiling and calming the atmosphere silently.

This girl with rare braided braids already occupies a very high position in the office after being spotted by Masamune Izumi.

This time we also come together for casting.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyes flickered.

I didn't expect that there would be so many women in the office that my boyfriend was in charge of.

To be precise, there are no men at all.

But these dazzling things are not the point.

The most important thing is Mai Sakurajima who is sitting on the other side, smiling and chatting with several female screenwriters.

Black is long and straight, black, poisonous, and huge.

A very interesting writer (big star)

It can be said that the attributes of both sides overlap to a very terrifying extent.

He even has some disadvantages.

I don't have a sister to support me.

All kinds of things made Kasumigaoka Shiha fearful of Sakurajima Mai.

This is not the airport-like loser Ying Lili is.

Izumi-kun. Welcome, this movie cooperation is also thanks to you.

Sakurajima Mai's eyes lit up when she saw Izumi Masamune.

He walked up quickly, grabbed Izumi Masamune's right arm and said happily.

He looked as happy as he hadn't seen in a long time.

You can't even see the intoxication that just yesterday he held onto Izumi Masamune's waist and said he would come again.

Mai-chan, I haven't seen you for a long time. What are you talking about? I don't understand.

Kasumigaoka Shiu grabbed Izumi Masamune's left arm and looked at Sakurajima Mai with a smile.

Ah? Did you know that? Masamune-kun is also going to participate in a movie this time, as a straight person.

The wine-red eyes were full of shock. Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't know about this until this moment.

It's really surprising, Izumi-kun.

Looking at Masamune Izumi with joy, the performance of the two girls made the atmosphere on the field a bit strange.

Only Izumi Masamune, who was surrounded at the moment, silently lamented for his little Zuo Xiaoyou who was caught and violent.

From now on, he should let Mai and Shiyu replace his little Zuo Xiaoyou.

Outside the door, a large number of girls stood neatly.

Because this is a love movie.

Kasumigaoka Shiu is the type who looks like Thomas's little train is beeping non-stop, but is actually very innocent and cute, full of illusions about so-called love.

So in the whole movie, except for the handsome straight character, the rest are all kinds of beautiful girls.

The main characters are Sayuka and Zhenwei.

and a bunch of remaining supporting actresses.

It's an innocent love drama where Sayuka is hooked one by one.

Yes, even if it's such a slap in the face, Xia Laofei still thinks it's a pure love drama.

Anyway, that's why.

So the people who came for the role audition this time were all energetic and cute girls.

The original waiting room could not bear such a large flow of people. Many girls could only wait in the high temperature of 30 to 40 degrees, with almost no sweat on their bodies.

At this moment, none of them could care about their slightly dizzy state.

At this point, everyone is applying makeup in a panic.

No one wants to give up.

Anyone with a little knowledge has heard about the success of this movie and the meaning behind it. It can be said that almost everyone is unwilling to give up.

With industry giants such as this firm and even companies controlling everything, they just want to do their best and not miss this precious opportunity.

Everyone feels that they are not bad, because they have retreated this time and watched others continue to be big stars calmly, but they have to continue to linger at the bottom, so they are working hard to persevere.

Fortunately, Izumi Masamune and Kasumigaoka Shiu, who have been playing here for a long time, finally arrived this time.

On the stage, several people were sitting upright. In front of them were the girl's relevant information given in order, as well as paper and pens for scoring.

The first person to come in was a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. She was just above the average height of 160cm. Her long hair was hanging down, giving her a very Yamato Nadeshiko vibe.

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