Izumi Masamune looked back at this man who took the initiative to become an executive member.

It interrupted the woman who was supposed to be in the position of Sagami Minami in the original plot.

Although I remember that originally this guy should be a sinister and vicious figure similar to Shiyu and Mai.

Why are you so proactive now?

We hadn't been playing for long at that time, so our temperament wouldn't have changed drastically due to being played with?

But since she took the initiative, just leave the matter to her.

Thinking like this, Izumi Masamune felt much better.

Such a smiling expression made Xia Chuan really stunned.

Amid the surprised gazes of others, the girl patted her chest vigorously, finally calming down her heart that was suddenly throbbing with smiles.

I will never be deceived by this guy's smile again, absolutely not.

The day's class was over quickly.

It should have been a pleasant time to go home or a club activity.

But it is a pity that as the executive committee member of this cultural festival.

Masamune Izumi and Masato Natsukawa still need to go to the executive committee meeting organized by the student union.

Masamune-kun, can you come with me?

Natsukawa Masamune cleared the table, stood up leisurely, and then came directly to Izumi Masamune.

The warm afternoon breeze blew through, carrying the girl's fragrance.

Natsukawa Mayo slightly pressed down the hem of her skirt, which looked as classic as Marilyn Monroe's skirt-pressed photo.

But Izumi Masamune knew that this guy was like this just because there was a vacuum inside.

The girl winked at Izumi Masamune and made an invitation.

Somewhat helpless.

But Izumi Masamune nodded.

After all, Jing Keai has already given such an order.

The female teacher finally relied on a pair of iron fists to win the title among a group of high school students, including various high school students who pretended to be serious and looked like they could see through everyone, or they were just terrible rotten girls, and there were so many problem boys and girls. own status.

He became a dignified person instead of a pitiful poor guy who couldn't get married, whose age became a taboo, and who was secretly viewed with pity by countless students.

He should stop damaging the female teacher's little dignity.

After all, without the majestic female teacher, the sense of accomplishment when riding on the bed is much less.

I was a little reluctant, but decided to go.

It's cool. After all, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Why are you suddenly thinking of transferring here?

Walking with Natsukawa Masamune along the way, Izumi Masamune asked with interest.

In fact, it has been proven that even though he is reluctant, having a beautiful girl following him can alleviate the discomfort to a great extent.

of course......

He was silently following Izumi Masamune.

Take deep breaths.

Just like adjusting the rhythm of breathing by running a thousand meters, Natsukawa Masato, who was planning to accumulate enough strength to suppress the joy in his heart, and then launch a love attack on Izumi Masamune, suddenly became entangled.

A: I missed you, so I came here.

B: Don't be so sentimental. It's just because my father asked me to do it, so I can't help it.

C: What does it have to do with you whether I transfer to another school or not?

Love Theory Master, Summer River, the legendary master of love magazines.

At this moment, several options came to mind in an instant.

They correspond to the straight ball group, the tsundere group, and the coquettish group.

Did you realize that we haven't seen each other for a long time? Now you know that if you ask me, Mr. Izumi, Izumi Masamune, or in your paramecium-like head, you can't remember when we didn't talk.

All the theoretical knowledge and thoughts that came up disappeared, turning into the girl's last embarrassing doubts.

Do you know how uneasy and uncomfortable she felt when she wasn't contacted for such a long time?

She was so hurt that she transferred to another school and came here to look for him, no, to take revenge on him.

Emmm, but is this the first time we've spoken formally since we met? I've been busy, so now I have time to ask you.

Izumi Masamune's words stunned Natsukawa Masamune.

It seems, probably, that's what it looks like.

After transferring to another school, Izumi Masamune has been running around everywhere. He has half of the first day's classes, and the second day's classes have just arrived now.

The two of them had no time to say anything to each other.

I haven't spoken yet, so it seems.

He muttered softly, and his aggressive look was gone all of a sudden.

Classmate Natsukawa Masuo is very embarrassed at this moment.

Okay, don't worry so much. I know you really miss me, and I miss you too. Isn't there a chance now?

Looking at the girl who was bent forward in frustration, Masamune Izumi couldn't help but smile.

He walked forward and held the girl in his arms, with one hand on her waist and the other slightly downward.

Sure enough, compared to Xiaojing's elasticity.

Xia Chuan is really cool, just like himself.

A girl like this is simply the most perfect type in Izumi Masamune's mind.

Just find a place where you can lift up your skirt and have fun, which is very beneficial to men.

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