Looking at the extremely quiet area below, it is really a very real scene.

Hiratsuka Shizu had a headache.

I am an ordinary Mandarin teacher. Because of my young age, I was pushed into the ranks of life guidance teachers by other teachers in the name of so-called training.

She just found it particularly troublesome. Looking at the silent situation below, especially at this moment, Izumi Masamune was still standing beside him eager to try, which made the female teacher afraid that if she didn't decide to come out, she would be embarrassed by him.

But compared to Izumi Masamune, who is familiar with him and can cheat casually, for these girls.

She couldn't do anything like just write a random name to shirk responsibility.

After all, girls are not like boys who can use iron fist education at will.

Izumi Masamune is my boyfriend, so I can cheat him casually.

The worst thing is to just let him bully you afterwards.

It just so happens that Izumi Masamune can sign the marriage application for the eleventh district.


Jing Keai thought for a moment, and as her eyes swept across, all the girls lowered their heads.

If you still can't decide, let's arm wrestle.

With a hearty smile, Hiratsuka Shizuka gestured with her arms.

The whole class fell into a strange atmosphere.

No wonder I couldn't find a boyfriend before.

Masamune Izumi looked at the heroic Chinese language teacher Xiao Jing. He was speechless. He really had nothing to say.

I think the cultural executive committee determines the final effect of a class's cultural festival activities. It must be someone who is both popular and capable of leadership, and girls will have a harder time.

Hayama Hayato suddenly raised his hand and said directly.

This guy who was originally sunny and cheerful has changed a lot in his temperament after experiencing repeated blows.

The meaning of the words at this moment made Izumi Masamune narrow his eyes slightly.

Do you think he will be in trouble?

Remember, this guy likes Haruno, and he is still an enemy as expected. Should we pair him with Sho Tobe first?

Or the Hikigaya*Hayama-gumi based on Ebina Himina?

Sagami Minami, who had just escaped the influence of Izumi Masamune and barely returned to normal, now had eyes twinkling.

Well, if there's no one else like her, there's nothing we can do about it, otherwise.

Sagami Minami glanced around.

She likes the feeling of being in the spotlight, but she has an idea here.

And you can also get in touch with Izumi Masamune in a natural way.

Then you can have the opportunity to complete the transaction quickly and delete all your photos.

Sagami Minami, who would never admit that she had fallen in love with something, was about to raise her palms at this moment.

Teacher, let me be the one.

Natsukawa Maryo raised his hand.

The girl by the window was bathed in the sunshine, with a breathtakingly sweet smile on her face.

Sagami Minami's unconfident voice, which she wanted but knew deeply that she was not capable of, was directly interrupted at this moment.

Sagami Minami frowned, bit his lip, and looked at Natsukawa Masuo, who was two places behind him.

I just came to the class, and I also want to contribute to the class.


Natsukawa Masuo's speech moved many people in an instant.

The girl looked around with a smile, and finally focused on Izumi Masamune.

Just fall into the sweet trap of my love.

A great victory for Natsukawa Masuo.

The girl's gaze made Jing Kei clenched her palms on the table.

Including Izumi Masamune's quiet movements at this moment, he couldn't care less.

This guy.

Definitely the enemy.

Hiratsuka Shizuka came to a conclusion based on the experience of countless small green ponds that she has seen for more than 30 years.

They are no different from those annoying women who seem to exude the so-called bad aura of seeking pleasure all the time.

Especially after the target is his own man.

Although there was some regret in her heart, Shizukai, who was very particular about face, could only acquiesce in the two-person list of Natsukawa Masamune and Izumi Masamune.

I'm leaving first, get out of class is over.

The female teacher walked down holding on to the wall.

Inexplicably assisting a potential love rival, the female teacher's back looked as desolate as the wind and cold water.


School has just started.

I haven't been able to make good use of my time at school yet.

Put on a show that I like to study.jpg, and then temporarily put aside the girls who are peeping at their own inherited genes and trying to usurp the highest position of wife by entering their souls.

Izumi Masamune asked his younger brother to take a vacation.

It is a pity to find that things on my side have finally been disrupted.

It was decided that this matter should be left to Xia Chuanzhenliang.

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