Izumi Masamune once started such a liberation movement in the Izumi family, a small residence like this. I don't expect everyone to have the normal skills of not being discovered outdoors like Zhenliang. I just want it to be convenient for girls at home. he.

It's a pity that apart from being relatively bold, Earth Dragon Lady doesn't have human-like concepts to accept it.

All the other girls were reluctant.

Maybe we can ask Gabriel to help?

I still remember that when I was giving Natsukawa Mana her first experience in life, she was faced with Natsukawa Mana who barged in with a knife.

At that time, Izumi Masamune was still an ordinary person, and he did not have any invulnerability. He could only hold himself to death because he was well trained, and his physical strength was superior in certain martial arts.

At that time, Izumi Masamune, who felt that the death omen was shining brightly, and was the new spokesperson for the tragic scumbag, naturally called Gabriel in a hurry.

As a result, that idiot directly passed on his own fatness.

Izumi Masamune, who was stunned at the time and felt that he was going to be tricked to death, was deeply impressed by this.

The sudden failure forced him to take action on his own, and finally solved the problem.

Although the Divine Walk failed, it still requires skill to achieve such an effect. Maybe you can learn this skill from her and transform it into a magical skill of your own?

Anyway, that guy Gabriel has been acting strangely lately, as if he has some little secret to hide, so it shouldn't be difficult to make such a request to him.

Holding Natsukawa Masamune, and then helping the girl who seemed a little angry and turned into an iceberg at the moment to melt, Izumi Masamune's thoughts were already flying in other directions.


Hastily pushed Izumi Masamune away.

As a person who personally experienced Izumi Masamune's normal unmutated body, now I saw the brand new Izumi Masamune, and felt that the contact was only for a short period of time, and I seemed to have the tendency of the ice melting into water.

Natsukawa Masamune, who wondered whether he should prepare some safety devices, looked at Izumi Masamune in horror.

Before, I still thought that I would never be fooled by Izumi Masamune again.

But at this moment, just such a touch made her feel like her body was about to melt.

This man is even more terrifying.

I won't give up.

Lowering his head, seemingly calming down his turbulent body and mind, Natsukawa Masashi raised his head and said with a sly smile.


Izumi Masamune looked at this suddenly changed guy and said that he could no longer understand what these young people were thinking.

Natsukawa Masamune, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, had already been delayed a lot of time on the road, so Izumi Masamune stopped delaying on the road.

I stopped a person casually and got the location of this meeting room from there, and then Izumi Masamune walked directly there.

Pushing open the door, the discussion in the conference room stopped abruptly.

It looked like he had done something outrageous.

But understand that this is actually the executive committee members of each class uniting together to conduct so-called communication and assign corresponding tasks.

Therefore, under everyone's gaze, Izumi Masamune's expression did not change.

He looked at the girl who was talking just now.

The other party is now standing in the center of the conference room.

She has short black hair that reaches her shoulders, and two strands of hair braided into a ponytail.

Pure white long sleeves are worn on the body.

You can vaguely see the size hidden under the clothes.

There is an orange hairpin in her hair, which shows her charm just right.

The girl was clasping her hands in front of her heart with a warm smile.

It is a type that makes people feel calm when they see it. Even if they do nothing, it will make people happy.

If you could just sleep with your pillow on his chest, you would be able to sleep very peacefully.

This classmate, are you also an executive committee member?

The girl looked at Izumi Masamune with a searching look in her eyes, but also a strange familiarity.

It's like it's not the first time we've met.

Obviously he didn't speak, but just by looking at the girl's appearance, Izumi Masamune felt that he had read her thoughts.

He is a cute type who can easily express his emotions on his face.

The girl seemed not to have expected that Izumi Masamune, who had suddenly barged in, was staring at him so fiercely.

He couldn't help but take a step back slightly.

At this moment, Izumi Masamune felt two obvious glances.

One seems to have endless contempt, and the other is cold and cold.

Two glances that seemed to have materialized made Izumi Masamune stop bullying this poor guy.

Yes. I am the executive committee member of second-year Class F, Masamune Izumi.

Ah, hello, I'm the Great Wall Patrol of the Student Union. Since you're here, come in and sit down quickly. Let's quickly elect the executive chairman.

The tense atmosphere was finally broken.

Calling herself a city patrol girl, she quickly started the purpose of this meeting.

City tour?

Remembering this girl with a unique temperament and a laid-back and comfortable feeling, Izumi Masamune turned his head and looked for the empty seat this time.

There was Ishiroha who looked at him with a strange smile.

The cute school girl seems to be the executive committee member of their class.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw Izumi Masamune, as if I were meeting the owner's well-behaved puppy.

On the other side, Natsukawa Masamune, who was following behind Izumi Masamune, the one who gave the contemptuous gaze just now, had already taken advantage of Izumi Masamune to enter the conference room first, and successfully found a place to avoid the dazzling eyes of the surrounding people. sit down.

Noticing Izumi Masamune's gaze, he blinked happily, without any shame that he had just come in through Izumi Masamune's direction and actually escaped early.

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