Although the Makishima family on this side is less powerful now, they know a lot.

Otherwise, she would not be qualified to let her daughter attend the Kondo family's dinner.

He was very rational and quickly changed from killing everyone to treating them with a smile on his face.

Then he quickly called his two daughters to Chiba.

And I was still a little entangled in which daughter I should sell, so I stopped thinking about it.

What happened this time was all because of the Tachibana family. I am very sorry for such a tragedy.

After a moment of silence, Izumi Masamune suddenly said, making the head of the Makishima family couldn't help but smile with a sigh of relief.

Shaking his head, Izumi Masamune was also very speechless.

The series of methods you just used have already made Izumi Masamune completely unable to take action.

Just because of the two sisters Saori and Kaori, it is impossible for Izumi Masamune to do anything.

But after all, Yukinoshita-san's suicide requires someone to take the blame.

Masamune Izumi decided that the culprit would be the branch head of the Tachibana family who was defaulted above.

What is it called Jugen?

Izumi Masamune remembers that he is also a male supporting actor who is annoying after all.

In fact, there is only a declining family business.

Even the head of the Tachibana family is unwilling to admit it.

Let's work on this side and add it to the fault itself.

There is no problem in being the last scapegoat.

The only one who is more likely to have problems is Tachibana Chika, and there is no problem in speaking out on her own.

Let Ju Gen take the final blame.

Masamune Izumi has made a decision.

Looking at each other with the head of the Makishima family, this guy also quickly abandoned the new family very immeasurably.

We already have the Kondo family, so why bother about a mere Tachibana family separation.

The exchange between the two was actually much more pleasant.

The wine that Kaori brought out specially.

This was how the two of them drank, and they had a good time.

Izumi-kun, I only have two daughters. This side, Hiccup, will be left to you.

Burping from wine, the head of the Makishima family quickly fainted.

He has gone through hundreds of battles, but when faced with the inhuman Izumi Masamune, he can't fight with his drinking capacity.

Father really is.

Kaori Makishima looked helplessly at her father's drunk appearance, and then walked to Izumi Masamune's side very obediently.

Although the drunken old father is a bit worrying, the sober boyfriend here is more important.

It's okay, Izumi-san.

Compared to her sister, Kaori is still a little jealous of Izumi Masamune.

I also knew a little about the Yukinoshita family, but I was more worried.

It's okay. I'm fine here. The most I need is Kaori to help me sober up.

Feeling that the head of the Makishima family on this side was really drunk, Izumi Masamune directly hugged Kaori into his arms.

Councilor Yukinoshita who is far away in heaven, I have devoted myself to avenge you.

Compared to her younger sister, Makishima Kaori looks obviously much more mature.

But it turns out that in some aspects, Saori is still not as liberal.

After a brief taste, I found that poor Makishima Kaori was about to have her lips rotted, so Masamune stopped giving her a chance.

He put Kaori Makishima, who was all weak, back into the room.

Then he covered the two sisters with a blanket, and Masamune walked out.

I can only cover myself with a quilt.

After all, he was still avenging his poor former father-in-law. Of course, it couldn't be as simple as that. Otherwise, wouldn't it appear that he was seeking public benefit for his own comfort and benefit?

In front, in addition to the vehicle that brought Zhengzong here, there was another car.

There were two women waiting in front.

After noticing Zhengzong's gaze, surprise appeared on his face.

He walked over to Zhengzong.

Lord Izumi, following the order of the family leader, we have brought here the protected members of the Yukinoshita family.


Okay, okay, I understand, this is not the Yukinoshita family you are dealing with. What happened before was all for protection, okay.

This guy behaved in such a flawless manner without showing anything that might make him angry or cause misunderstanding.

Whether it's protection, or the appearance of women on this side, all these things.

Masamune couldn't tell whether he should be happy or speechless.

By the time the brilliance of the setting sun had appeared, Zhengzong had already arrived at his destination.

When he opened the door, he saw the woman sitting there quietly.

A woman who looks more mature.

Her black hair was tied around the back of her head, and she exuded a calm aura. She looked to be in her twenties or thirties.

The figure is also very well-proportioned, and just sitting there is quite graceful.

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