Kaori’s engagement?

Izumi Masamune nodded slightly. As the eldest daughter of the Makishima family, Kaori Makishima had no lily tendencies and had a very good personality, so she naturally had her own arrangements.

We had an engagement agreement while we were abroad.

This was also an opportunity for Saori Makishima to cheer up and start an otaku club that was no weaker than her sister, and finally became the administrator of the online community Otaku Girls Gather!

Someone who can sign a marriage contract with the Makishima family is not weak at all.

First, he deliberately handed over Saori and let him get along with Saori.

Then this side took the initiative to release the matter of Makishima Kaori.

Show your absolute goodwill.

This kind of politician is the most terrifying.

As long as you agree with your own interests, the other party will even take the initiative to show their face to you for a beating.

Compared to the one who married into the Yukinoshita family, he has an indescribable arrogance.

Yukinoshita-chan, who was obsessed with saving face and couldn't figure out his own position at all, finally committed suicide under a lot of pressure, was simply too naive and stupid.

I want to talk about something.

Izumi Masamune gave Kaori a look.

The girl walked away knowingly.

When she left, she did not forget to take away the long sword model on the table.

A strange look flashed across Kaori's face as she noticed the water stains on it.

After Makishima Kaori left, Izumi Masamune was able to take it a little more seriously. He looked relieved and watched the other person follow Izumi Masamune's order and leave.

Kaori is my daughter. I have watched her grow up since she was a child. Whether it is her or Saori, I hope they can find their own happiness. As for the rest, it is not an exaggeration. Isn’t it true that working hard to build a large family business is just to make your descendants happy?”

He looks like a warm-hearted old father.

Izumi Masamune just looked at each other seriously.

Okay, regarding the Yukinoshita family, I want to know something about them.

He directly interrupted the man's chattering image. He didn't bother to look at the appearance of this so-called old father from District 11, and directly stated his request.

Well, actually, I can't do anything about the Yukinoshita family. Looking at the two daughters of the Yukinoshita family, I can almost see the shadow of my children. Thinking about what happened to their family, I Everyone feels pity.”

I saw the shadow of a fart.

Yukino and Saori, Harano and Kaori.

It's a completely non-stop type.

Still pity.

Send Saori over with pity, facing his possible anger?

Are they okay?

Well, actually we can't do anything about this matter. Although it's almost in decline, we still have the Tachibana family to rely on.

After a pause, he wanted to explain something, but noticed Izumi Masamune's indifferent gaze, and the man sighed inwardly.

Those like us below have no choice but to act according to the rules. In the end, Senator Yukinoshita was also very brave and took the initiative to settle the matter on his own side. I have already taken the initiative to protect the remaining people. As long as Izumi Sir, you want to see me.

Protect it?

I just wanted to start, but I accidentally discovered that there is a deep pit on this side.

Izumi Masamune looked at this guy helplessly. This kind of person really didn't make any mistakes when telling lies.

However, there is really no problem with Representative Yukinoshita's side.

The same is true when listening to the news given by Takatsuki Izumi and others.

He is a married man himself.

Although marrying into a wife in District 11 is not looked down upon as much as in Hua Dynasty.

But in reality the situation is not much better.

Senator Yukinoshita was chosen simply because of his slight contact ability at the time.

Councilor Yukinoshita has no status in the entire Yukinoshita family. Even from the news he heard, he and Mrs. Yukinoshita have been separated for more than ten years. It can be said that this has been the case since Yukinoshita came out.

It seems that he has held his breath, and plans to rely on this incident to make the Yukinoshita family go further beyond their original comfort.

However, he discovered that his incident not only failed to bring victory, but actually plunged the Yukinoshita family into a place of no return.

The poor man himself just couldn't handle the pressure.

Choosing the most direct method of suicide by caesarean section solved everything.

Izumi Masamune fell into deep thought, but the head of the Makishima family in front of him fell into uneasiness.

In fact, he was also very bitter.

Originally, when facing the Yukinoshita family, he just acted normally.

This kind of person can't recognize himself, starts to do things stupidly, and ends up being abandoned by others.

Under such circumstances, it can be said that a lot of benefits are freed up.

Even if the Aragaki family takes action in politics, they still want the Makishima family to develop well.

Then her daughter on the other side contacted the heir to the Kondo family.

All kinds of surprises made them all feel that their fortunes had turned around.

As a result, I was not happy for a long time, but I got more news from the eldest lady of the Yukinoshita family, such as a man named Izumi Masamune.


Why is this guy so imaginary with the name of the boyfriend my daughter mentioned?

After realizing what was going on, the poor Makishima family leader almost broke out in a cold sweat.

It is different from the Yukinoshita family, which has only developed successfully in the past ten years with the support of the Tachibana family and the former real estate welfare.

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