The most concerning thing is that clear and familiar face.

In appearance and temperament, he is really similar to Yukino.

However, unlike before, whether with Yangno or Yukino, who seemed to be slowly revealing their majesty when communicating with each other, this guy at this moment looked very weak.

From the inside out, it seemed as if the entire bone had been crushed.

A lion without its claws.

It makes people feel happy just looking at it.

Shaking his head, Zhengzong suppressed his bad emotions.

Come with me.

He took a deep look at the guy in front of him. When he saw Zhengzong, he was surprised at first, and finally turned into a calm feeling as if he was relieved.

I just don’t know whether it’s the calmness of having prepared for the possibility of having to deal with things like picking up customers, or the calmness of recognizing the authentic appearance.

Probably both.

It seems that no matter how unexpected things happen, he still has his own strength, which makes it easier to deal with it.

First, he apologized and turned down the original date with Komachi, and promised to make up for it by having a good date with him next time.

Masamune took this guy to the original Yukinoshita mansion.

Yes, the original Yukinoshita mansion.

The Yukinoshita family's industry has reached its current state.

Basically, they were devoured by the guys who came after hearing the news.

The only thing left is the original mansion.

After suddenly realizing that everyone had collided with each other, the head of the Makishima family, who had recovered from the situation of exterminating the corpse of Donkyowan in time, gave up the action against the Yukinoshita sisters very gently.

As for Mrs. Yukinoshita, who was already under control and ready to take action, she carefully watched over her until Masamune came over.

This is Masamune's first time coming to Yukinoshita's house.

Compared to the modern small villa on Saori's side of Makishima just now.

Yukinoshita's house is very square with Japanese decoration style.

Whether it's the garden or the deep courtyard, it's peaceful to eat sweets.

You can all see the unusualness in it.


Masamune can't understand now. The Yukinoshita family can be considered a famous family in Chiba.

This is how it happened.


Is the so-called madman-like spirit of gambling on the fate of the country really reflected in the bad nature of the nation?

Always like to have a good fight? Will you win if you love to fight?

If there is no sudden intervention of the authentic.

Senator Yukinoshita, who committed suicide, was extremely happy to go alone.

It's hard to say what will happen to the remaining Yukinoshita family, mother and daughter.

A big scam for getting married.

Zhengzong finally concluded.

Went into the living room.

Just open the door.

What was going on at the moment was a normal funeral in District 11.

Originally, there was a transition from the Buddhist style to the theistic style, and most of them still followed the Buddhist style, but the rituals were mostly the same.

The basic process is divided into four steps: placement, receiving the coffin, staying up all night, and farewell ceremony.

But for poor Yukinoshita-chan, it seems that everything has been simplified.

This is an all-night process.

That is, the ceremony started on the third day after Senator Yukinoshita's death.

The incident with the Yukinoshita family happened to happen when Masamune was accompanying Kasumigaoka to play in the mountains, and something happened when the signal was not very good.

All I can say is that fate is there, and no one can stop it when something goes wrong.

At this moment, there is just an altar, and photos of the deceased hanging on the wall above the altar.

It should have been a process where many relatives and friends came to pay homage, but here it was simplified to a simple matter for one person.

Only Yukinoshita Harano, who was wearing a solemn long robe, sat silently kneeling there.

It was originally a Japanese classic house.

In an instant, it was filled with that terrifying supernatural aura.

In the middle is a super large black and white photo, which looks very weird.

I thought you would scream.

Masamune's appearance was obviously beyond Yangno's expectation.

Especially Mrs. Yukinoshita who was following behind him silently.

Masamune swore that he had never seen such a wonderful expression on Yangno's face since he first met her.

What is this?

I found something wrong with my little Yukino, so I came to take a look.

Said softly.

The look at Xiangyuno is also good.

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