Originally, it looked like Natsukawa Masaki wanted to be comforted when facing the new sisters on the common front.

His expression froze.

Could it be the legendary Stockholm Syndrome?

Although he is an opponent of love, in order to successfully let a man know the danger of abandoning him and successfully realize his revenge in love, Natsukawa Masuo has learned a lot of knowledge about love psychology, just to be able to make a man know the danger of abandoning him. I'm so lost that I can't find Bei.

Later, he successfully got a place in the fashion love magazine Pachi Lemon and successfully submitted an article. His pen name was Summer River and he became the spiritual mentor of countless little girls.

Natsukawa Masuo looked at Sagami Minami with pity.

Being bullied and humiliated mercilessly by a certain man, and then just because of the other person's slightly better attitude, I feel grateful, and then even prefer the other person for this reason.

Really a super evil tactic.

As expected of her, Natsukawa Masuo had to personally take action, sacrifice herself, and even consider calling her sister to capture the enemy together to have any hope of defeating him.

To be able to use this psychological tactic so skillfully is so easy.

This poor red-haired girl was ruined like this.

You're a weird guy. I'm fine. Please leave quickly.

Although it seemed that his body was getting cold, his breasts were still stuffed aside and had not been taken off. Minami Sagami could not walk away, so she could only continue to look at Natsukawa Masuo with disgust.

This kind of little Bichi who is extremely beautiful and cute, and also has the bonus of foreign ancestry, is indeed the most annoying.

Well, since you insist, here is my phone number. If you want help next time, you can come to me.

Natsukawa Zhenliang nodded and said politely.

With an impeccable smile on his face, he turned around and left.


Sagami Minami, who was feeling embarrassed but unable to vent to Izumi Masamune, looked at Natsukawa Masamune leaving and muttered softly.

The girl who was still calm stumbled and almost lost her footing.


Unknown to him, Natsukawa Masamune on this side had already found Sagami Minami, and then began to build a huge anti-Izumi Masamune front.

Izumi Masamune is currently taking a drink in front of the vending machine next to the campus.

Everything in the sports equipment room is good.

There are few people coming and the environment is deep and quiet.

Then you can pull out a bomb pad at any time and use it as a fighting place.

But there is a very big problem, that is, there is no air conditioning.

It was okay when I played with Sagami Minami. Watching the girl sweating in order to satisfy herself and then get tired, even gave people a special sense of satisfaction.

But after a while, it started to feel uncomfortable.

Surprisingly, I discovered that this time there was a strange matcha soda in the drink.

It can only be said that the people in District 11 have really big ideas.

Matcha and soda can be mixed together.

This is simply a bonus for matcha lovers! Crazy call for matcha!

I just don’t know what the aerated matcha tastes like, and I get a big matcha-flavored burp after drinking it?

It seems quite touching.

With random thoughts in his mind, Izumi Masamune bought a bottle, and when he was about to taste it, he suddenly felt a familiar yet fiery gaze staring at him.

Your boy is here.

There was a hint of joy that seemed to be mixed with expectation in the lazy voice.

There was no need to look back, Izumi Masamune already knew who it was.

Xiao Jing, what's wrong?

Izumi Masamune turned his head and asked curiously.

As a man who must take revenge.

Masamune Izumi has not forgotten that this guy was responsible for his being assigned a seat this semester.

Fortunately, Sagami Minami, who seems to be an enemy, is actually someone he can't afford to offend. Behind him, the newcomer Natsukawa Masuo is also a former female fan.

I believe that if you use a little bit of tricks, you will obediently raise your buttocks to let you play with it.

Otherwise, when I think about all the things happening on my side, my mentality is going to explode.

Facing Izumi Masamune's inquiry, Xiaojing walked over without politeness and first snatched the matcha drink from her hand.

I looked at it with some regret and found that the matcha was still closed and untouched.

Then he turned around and looked at Izumi Masamune seriously.

Come to the office with me.

Hiratsuka Shizuka said directly, Izumi Masamune raised his eyebrows but did not refuse.

If you want it, just say it.

By the way, I haven't had any activities with Xiaojing for a full month.

Accompanying Shizuka Hiratsuka, he walked directly to the office.

As soon as the door was closed, Izumi Masamune rushed forward.

You know that.

Just as he was about to say something, Hiratsuka Shizu was knocked down on the table by Izumi Masamune.

The palms of the two people were just holding each other with their fingers intertwined.

That soft and elastic body successfully supported Izumi Masamune's weight.

The eyes that were originally calm suddenly became complicated at this moment. Looking at this man, a strong impulse emerged in my heart, but then it was directly blocked by Izumi Masamune.

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