Just like that, with traces of my sister still on my body, apologizing like that.

Said he didn't do it on purpose.

It was just because Mana was her sister and so similar to her that she couldn't bear it and couldn't help but sleep with her.

At the same time, there was the fat white man who suddenly fell from the sky, and a blonde girl who came to kill him. He claimed to be an angel, but in fact he was really like an angel.

Although I am very dissatisfied, since the other party is protected by angels (Izumi Masamune paid 100,000 yen at that time), then I can compromise on my side.

The knife that was originally intended to be a threat was taken by the other party at some point, and then cut open her clothes. She then put it next to her sister in a daze and played with it together.

The tragedy of mother and father happened, so if it was just two people, that guy should be satisfied.

Natsukawa Zhenliang, who hates love, was deceived and lost countless firsts in this way.

That was the first time that Natsukawa Mareo fell in love, the first time that Natsukawa Mareo cried for someone else, and the first time that he compromised.

Then what.

Just as he was already prepared for many things, he even tried to build a good relationship with his sister to face it together.

As a result, Izumi Masamune suddenly disappeared.

Just disappeared.

I waited again and again, but there were no calls, emails, or anything.

She is stubborn, but every time she thinks of contacting the other party, she becomes very shaken.

Just when they were all wondering if something had happened to the other party, news came from her sister Natsukawa Mana.

Izumi Masamune's new book signing was accompanied by a beautiful girl with long, straight black stockings.

Natsukawa Zhenliang felt that he had been abandoned.

He is like his mother, and Izumi Masamune is like the father who ruthlessly abandoned his mother.

Absolutely cannot be forgiven.

She had obviously made such a compromise, and was even ready to serve that man with her sister.

They have already abandoned all the girls’ reserve.

As a result, Izumi Masamune on this side abandoned her like that.

Also, for a great writer like that, there is never a shortage of fanatical female fans around him.

After getting tired of playing, he will naturally abandon himself and his sister.

Finally, during this summer vacation, I got news from my father about the other school.

Even though he knew the actual purpose of that disgusting father, Natsukawa Masuo still came.

The purpose is to see Izumi Masamune again.

Meet the ruthless man with the most perfect prescription.

Let him fall in love with himself again and like himself.

Then abandon it when it is most proud and let it experience what pain is.

This is the most perfect revenge plan for Natsukawa Masuo.

‘This time, I won’t be swayed away by you with a casual smile. I, Xia Chuan Zhenliang, must let you know how powerful I am this time. ’

With this thought in mind, Natsukawa Masuo ran towards his destination.

However, after arriving at the destination, the man he wanted to see was not seen.

The excitement and hidden expectation in his heart quietly dissipated, and Natsukawa Masashi looked at the woman who was leaning against the wall in a daze.

He must have been deceived by that terrible man. He really deserved it... It's pitiful that only he can take revenge and teach such a man a lesson. Other women are really pathetic.

I'm so stupid, how could I believe him.

Sagami Minami murmured to himself, the hem of his skirt covering the traces on the ground.

Feeling the overwhelming emptiness after the man pulled away, my heart was filled with depression.

Just now, she was still confident that she could complete the task in half the time, and then asked Masamune Izumi to delete one of the photos at hand.

As a result, she realized later how much she had underestimated the man's strength.

His head was so numb that he had cramps, he could hardly speak, and his palms were even covered in sweat.

As a result, the effect still cannot be shown.

It wasn't until this moment that she reacted.

It felt like living in the equipment room, living like a year.

In addition to one's own pain, expecting things to end soon creates the illusion of lengthening time.

There is also a very important reason, that is, the time itself is very long.

As a result, they were not satisfied until they had no choice but to leave in person.

At this time, the time had already exceeded a lot, and it had no effect at all.

Are you OK?

Just when Sagami Minami felt the deep gap in strength, and was already planning to buy some indescribable books to learn how to deal with men, a sudden voice came over, surprising the woman.

Are you, classmate Xia Chuan?

Sagami Minami was slightly nervous.

She was in an extremely embarrassing state under her skirt, and if she was discovered, she would be doomed.

Well, hello, I already know about that terrible man. Don't worry, I will definitely help you.

Seeing Sagami Minami's actions, Natsukawa Mahryo subconsciously thought that he was being bullied, and couldn't help but feel pity and comfort in his heart.

No need, I can do it myself.

Raising his head, Sagami Minami glanced at this incomprehensible woman, and then said coldly.


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