This is what happens in the office with my students.

Even if it has been more than once, every time he faces it, it will still make him feel a ghostly and excited feeling, and finally he will sink completely.

Let him hold Izumi Masamune tightly and not want to let go.


You guys are really terrible.

I found a chair and slumped down casually.

He opened the drawer next to him and tried to find a cigarette, but then he remembered that he had given up long ago because the man didn't want to smell the smell of cigarettes.

This is the original nature of human beings. If even this kind of thing is suppressed, there will be no fun in it.

He said plausibly, but it was clear that a certain guy had taken the initiative and insisted on moving by himself just now, and the result was like this now.

Heh, man.

Hiratsuka Shizuka straightened the wrinkles on his body.

But I don’t know what to say.

At his age, he is no longer young.

Men tend to be more popular the older they are, and there is no way they can say it themselves.

Don't worry, Xiaojing, you and I will never give up no matter what.

He came over, hugged the woman tightly and said.

Xiaojing, dressed in a teacher's professional attire, is really full of charm.

The atmosphere created by professional attire is really something that few clothes can compare to.

Especially for a mature woman like Shizuka Hiratsuka.

When the coat is taken off, the buttons on the white shirt restrain the plump man.

It just makes people excited the first time they see it.

Just put it nicely.

Although he disliked his face, the smile in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.

Although he looks very strong and scary on weekdays, in the relationship between two people, Shizuka Hiratsuka has always been on the weak side.

Just one word from a man can make him happy and silly.

By the way, I almost forgot about the real thing. Do you know what happened to the Yukinoshita family?

After accepting the message, Hiratsuka Shizuka suddenly said.

The Yukinoshita family? What's wrong with them? Are they trying to make me drop out of school again?

Izumi Masamune asked curiously.

Izumi Masamune, who was already dissatisfied with watching the confrontation between the button and the human power, and planned to personally step forward to help untie it, stopped at this moment.

He looked at Hiratsuka Shizu curiously.

I don't know what he is going to say.

The Yukinoshita family, strictly speaking, are still standard villains.

At Izumi Masamune's current level, it is actually very difficult to encounter such so-called villains.

Except a long time ago.

When I went out to play in the water park with Wu Geng Liuli, I met Xiaohui and the others.

Among them, Xiaohui was once troubled by several gangsters named Jiying Group, and was later dealt with by them.

They didn't even take action later, it was Takatsuki Izumi and the others who took care of the Shuei group.

He remembered that there was a male protagonist in it, but he couldn't remember his name.

The grass on the grave should be three feet high now.

Then another Yukinoshita family came out.

It was because Izumi Masamune and Yukino were close to each other, which aroused suspicion, and later it was said that it was arranged by Yuki's father to separate Izumi Masamune and Yukino.

It was obvious that he was the bride-in-law, but in the end he looked down on Izumi Masamune and wanted to find a better husband-in-law for his daughter.

No empathy at all.

The final outcome was that the Kondo family did not even wait for a counterattack. Just Takatsuki Izumi's side caused a lot of damage to the entire Yukinoshita family's industry.

However, for Yukino's sake and Yukinoshita Harano's personal plea several times, the matter was finally ended.

If it were a protagonist like Long Aotian, he would have wiped out the Yukinoshita family directly.

Izumi Masamune feels that he is really the best male protagonist in the new era.

Except for a few naughty moments with a few girls, and then nothing more.

But can things with girls be considered a problem?

But even so, the other party still showed a mysterious confidence in himself.

Apart from calling Yukino back for bridal training, as if she wanted to express her goodwill, she didn't take any unnecessary actions.

It fully demonstrated his self-confidence as a wealthy old Chiba family.

Even Izumi Masamune didn't know how to complain.

What does Shizu Hiratsuka mean when he suddenly mentions it now?

Actually, I noticed today that Yukino's condition is not right.

Being stared at by Izumi Masamune, Hiratsuka Shizuka coughed dryly and then explained.

Yukino's condition is not right?

His expression condensed.

Because of Yukino's move, Izumi Masamune didn't have much contact with him.

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