What does this angry man think of her?

Aren't you coming yet? Don't forget your photo.

She shook the phone in her hand and turned off the light. On the screen, she could clearly see the girl's pretty face.

Beautiful, cute, but also a little pitiful.

You still have the nerve to say that.

Thinking of this, Sagami Minami was about to explode.

Before leaving school, he coerced her into obeying orders and doing this and that.

As a result, the original photos taken while being tied were finally destroyed, and Masamune Izumi took new photos.

So many things have been wasted in vain.

She was so angry that she didn't get over it all summer long.

Then I worked hard to enroll in a class and learn Aikido.

Every time when he was so tired that he almost fainted, Sagami Minami couldn't help but think of what happened with Izumi Masamune before, and then he mustered up his motivation again.

With the idea that she must let this man know that she is not someone to be trifled with, she sweated profusely.

Not only was my back tired and sweating, but it was also the natural reaction of my body as I thought about the situation at that time.

Feeling ashamed, tired and angry, Sagami Minami made rapid progress.

Look, I actually didn't lie that time. It was just that you were naive and failed to constrain the conditions. It has nothing to do with me. So let's do it again. I now have fifteen photos of you. Today As long as you use your methods to satisfy me within the allotted time, I will delete one for you and never add a new one.

Just like a big bad wolf facing a little lamb, Izumi Masamune smiled and encouraged Sagami Minami.


Of course it's true. There will never be any extra photos. If you can complete it within the stipulated time, you can even reduce the number of photos.

Sagami Minami glanced at Izumi Masamune in confusion, and finally nodded.

I don’t know if I really want to delete the photo, or if I want to look forward to Izumi Masamune’s possible actions.

Sagami Minami touched Izumi Masamune's body with trembling hands.

It has been developed from the inside out by Izumi Masamune for such a long time, but he just relied on the shame in his heart and barely supported it.

This time, after getting a new excuse from Izumi Masamune, he couldn't help but relax.

I just wanted to delete the photo, not intentionally.

After the shackles in his heart were removed, Sagami Minami also completely let go of himself to satisfy his body that had been suffering all summer.

Why don't you move?

Sagami Minami, who felt like he was already floating, stared closely at this motionless man.

Didn't we already agree? It's up to you to do whatever you want. Otherwise, it would be unfair to say it's me.

Raising his hand, Masamune Izumi said.

Of course, I also want to take a good look at how Sagami Minami is doing alone.

Before the girl could feel happy, the next words made her face darken.

I will never let you get what you want, just watch.

Look at your great skills?


Sagami Minami decided not to speak, otherwise he would be angry to death.

Sitting on the ground with her legs together, the girl raised her head proactively after struggling.

Then, he slowly let go of himself and changed from sitting normally to lying on his knees. This way Izumi Masamune was satisfied.

If you don't know the content of what the two people said.

At this moment, it is even more like Sagami Minami took the initiative to attack Izumi Masamune, and Izumi Masamune was the victim.


Hello, classmate, have you seen Izumi Masamune-san where he went?

After finally escaping from being surrounded by those enthusiastic guys who made him feel a little stupid, Natsukawa Masamune inquired about the location of Izumi Masamune and finally found him.

His eyes were full of determination at this moment.

Natsukawa Zhenliang has been a firm opponent of love since very early on.

Because I have personally experienced the cold war between mother and father and then the final divorce.

All kinds of things in her childhood formed her absolute opposition to love.

Zhenliang, who adheres to the concept of Love Cult is the largest cult in the world, believes that the behavior of paying tribute to someone on Christmas and Valentine's Day and then laughing like an idiot is very boring.

I know that one day, the annoying and annoying sister Natsukawa Mana went to a comic exhibition by a guy whose pen name was Izumi Masamune.

Listening to Izumi Masamune, a boy of the same age with a warm smile, saying thank you for your support.

Natsukawa Masuo, who obviously never liked those bad harems and hated novels even more than romance plots, began to seriously indulge in the other party's light novels for the first time.

From a fake fan who was forcibly pulled over, he became a real fan.

Thinking about it, she was still too naive at that time, and she was actually deceived by a smile, and then let the other party play with her.

From eating together to a cafe, to a movie theater, and finally, lying together in a jacuzzi with floating flower petals, we were fooled into posing in various ways and took various photos.

And before he could be happy for a few days, he had to worry about how to show off to his awkward sister that he and his favorite writer had become a boyfriend.

Then he discovered the voice of a man who was jogging on a fitness machine when he was talking to her on the phone.

I’m super unhappy, and my mentality is about to explode.

A sharp dagger was prepared from the small bag that he carried with him.

Just as she walked over angrily, she planned to make the guy who deceived her pay the price. At the very least, she wanted to threaten him and tell him that she was not someone to be trifled with.

However, when he opened the door and saw him, he reluctantly left his sister with a doting smile, walked up to her and kissed her.

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