Especially this one is a young lady of foreign origin who looks different.

Knowing her boyfriend's character deeply, Yui was already extremely cautious at this moment.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in a hundred battles. After experiencing various things, the pure Yui has also changed.


Natsukawa Zhenliang looked at the group of guys surrounding him, Who are you all? He didn't want to deal with it at all, but in the end he still couldn't take action.

The education she received since childhood prevented her from doing such a thing.

On this side, feeling that his surroundings were about to be surrounded, Izumi Masamune just smiled at Sagami Minami, who was sweating even if the air conditioner was turned on, and then stood up and left.

Sagami Minami struggled for a while, holding his fists in his hands, wondering whether he should continue to compromise with the Great Demon King Izumi.

I can't let my photos be revealed, not because I'm afraid of him.

Telling himself this, Sagami Minami stood up and walked towards Izumi Masamune.

Looking at Izumi Masamune who had already left, and Sagami Minami who had been 'threatened' to leave.

Natsukawa Zhenliang, who was already surrounded by layers of people, looked at the two people leaving without tears.

Izumi Masamune walked out of the classroom and didn't go anywhere else.

The rooftop is the chassis of Ishiroha and Miura Yuko, the office is Shizuka Hiratsuka, and the service room is Yukino and Yui.

There is only one communication place for Sagami Minami, and Izumi Masamune came to the gymnasium equipment room on this side.

This was the place where I first came into contact with Sagami Minami.

From the corner next to him, he took out the hidden bullet pad stained with the girl's blood.

Izumi Masamune turned around, looked at Sagami Minami who followed quietly on this side, and smiled.

What do you want to do? Tell you, I won't be bullied by you anymore.

He folded his arms across his chest, looking full of momentum, but in Izumi Masamune's opinion, it seemed that he was doing this to make himself feel warmer and to encourage himself a little more.

Sagami Minami looked at Izumi Masamune carefully, his eyes full of vigilance at this moment.

Especially when I saw the place that symbolized the loss of my purity.

This kind of thing made him emotional, as if he had returned to that impressive time.

I am no longer the same as I used to be, but I have already learned Aikido specifically. If you dare to bully me like that again, I will definitely teach you a lesson.

Sagami Minami said coldly.

Aikido is actually more like the Tai Chi of the Chinese Dynasty. It uses softness to overcome hardness and cuts into the opponent's blind spots. It is a defensive and counterattack martial art that uses the attacker's kinetic energy, manipulates energy, and prefers technical control.

When encountered in life, the actual use is often more powerful than Taekwondo, and it is a very practical counterattack technique.

Girls can all learn it. For details, please refer to the Yukinoshita sisters.

It’s just that.

Izumi Masamune sighed and looked at this guy.

Do you know what happened to Yukinoshita Yono who tried to use Aikido to deal with him last time?

You girls now think you are invincible after learning a little bit. You have no idea that actually failing to resist will make others even more angry.

Of course, you can just deal with Sagami Minami and tell her what it means to be your master. RBQ who wants to resist will never end well.

However, after seeing the girl's weakness that could not be concealed under the overwhelming momentum, and the pitiful look on her face as she wanted to cry but tried not to cry, Izumi Masamune became interested in something new.

Are you going against the grain?

You can't afford to offend anyone, but I can still deal with you even without using force.

Kneel down.

Walking forward, Izumi Masamune said directly.

Subconsciously, he wanted to obey the order, but then Sagami Minami looked over with shame.

The pink and tooting little mouth opened, looking embarrassed.

What, you guy, haven't you understood? Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you now.

He looked at Izumi Masamune with great anger.

The little hand had already taken a defensive posture, but it was still shaking.

You must be the one who didn't understand. Do you still need me to continue? Or have you just drifted away since I didn't care about you for the whole semester? Kneel down, lift up your top, and hold it with your **.

In the stuffy equipment room, Izumi Masamune had already changed his position and blocked Sagami Minami to the edge of the corner.

Then he said coldly.

The advantage of height allows Masamune Izumi to fully put pressure on this poor guy.

The original experience made it difficult for Sagami Minami to even have the courage to resist.

The Aikido skills that I had learned so hard before became even more useless.

The skill that can easily shake people's focus and trip them up with the weak defeating the strong has turned into a gentle caress between lovers.

It's like school bullying actually happens.

By the way, something needs to be stated.

Sagami Minami is a hidden giant.

Pingyuan, which usually seems to have the same temperament, actually has an unimaginably huge mind.

Otherwise, Masamune Izumi would not have let this guy do such a difficult action.

among many girls.

Apart from inhuman beings like Dragon Lady, there are only a few people who can perform such difficult movements.

Therefore, Izumi Masamune likes Sagami Minami very much, even though there are some differences between her personality and other girls, and she is not that lovable.

Sagami Minami's little face turned white.

It's not that he's scared, but he's angry.

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