Sitting in the seat, it is natural to start the normal class.

The lovely teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka also started her first Chinese class of the new semester. It seems that in order to give the newcomer Natsukawa Masuo a good start, Shizuka taught in a very gentle manner.

Except for the new classmate Xia Chuan who comes here from time to time, if you don’t understand something, you must come and consult him.

It seems extremely eager, but in fact it turns out to be the result of constant questioning.

When poor Zhenliang initially rejected Xiaojing's kindness and chose to sit behind Zhengzong, he had already begun to face the endless hell of questions.

Zhengzong could only choose a relatively straight posture.

Zheng Zong, who was waiting on this side, originally wanted to choose a better position to sleep comfortably, but suddenly stopped and looked behind him in confusion at the guy who suddenly poked him.

[What’s going on with this female tyrannosaurus? 】

The three large characters above were written on the small piece of paper.

It was obviously the expressionless Natsukawa Mayo, but Masamune seemed to be able to imagine Natsukawa Mayo with one foot on the table and the other on the ground, shouting silently like a gangster sister.

Zhengzong looked at Xia Chuanzhenliang with some pity, don't you understand? The problem I have now.

The only reason why Shizuka Hiratsuka, a truly good teacher, could be treated with such rigidity and even hostility is because it involves his own taboos. At this time, if you don't show off well first, or wait for the opportunity to be arranged by Masamune, let the two guys Let’s have a three-person Pokemon battle.

Instead, he contacted her directly in class. Is this causing trouble?

It's like when you come to a society and don't go to the door to worship, but directly cause trouble, isn't this looking for death?

After thinking about the pleasant contact he had with Natsukawa Masashi when he first came to this world, Masamune decided to save this guy and turned around to leave.

Xia Chuanzhenliang stared at this scene with his mouth open. How come you, a man, don't even pay attention to me?

Ever since, another very rhythmic thrusting sensation came over.

Zhengzong turned his head and looked at Xia Chuanzhenliang pitifully and sadly.

As a result, the girl just blinked proudly and seemed very happy.

Natsukawa Masaru-san!

Teacher Xiaojing shouted out.

Of course, it is impossible for my boyfriend to yell. In the past, he had to deal with this kind of thing several times, and he had already taught Xiao Jing to behave, so poor classmate Zhenliang could only use it to bully her.

I know you have just arrived in a new class and a new environment. You should be very happy, but I hope you can calm down for a while.

Classmate Xiaojing looked at Zhenliang, whose eyes were widened, but she couldn't bear it after all.

Then let's continue with class.

The voice fell and everything was as usual.

Masamune was attending class boringly, but he saw Sagami Minami in front of him turning his head quietly from time to time and taking a look, his eyes seemed to be full of inquiry and a little proud.

This woman, who was misunderstood by Zhengzong in the previous semester and dealt with it severely, was very expressive but had poor abilities. It seemed that she had regained her courage during the summer vacation.

In fact, during the last semester, Sagami Minami once wanted to cause trouble for Masamune because he had a photo of her.

Then Xiaojing regarded him as an authentic enemy and kept him by his side.

Smiling, it’s okay for a female fan like Zhenliang who I haven’t seen in a long time to say, why is a RBQ like you so arrogant?

He stretched his palm forward and wrote words behind the white school uniform.

Sagami Minami's body was trembling slightly. He originally rested his head on the back of his hands and looked at the class above, but now it was quietly stained red.

Although he has some character flaws, I have to admit that this guy is really awesome.

This smooth back has a soft texture.

Thinking that he hadn't communicated with him for a long time, Zhengzong wrote a message on it.

Only Xia Chuan was looking at Zhen Liang behind, and his eyes were about to burst.

So angry.

Teacher Xiaojing’s class time passed quickly.

It seems that the female teacher who has experienced the nourishment of love is really starting to work hard and wants to show her unique and charming side.

Or maybe I felt the pressure from my senior high school teacher and wanted to get the guys in the class to start studying hard, so I gave a good class and taught it in a very orderly manner.

People don't notice the quiet passage of time at all.

The same is true for Izumi Masamune.

The back was blocked by Sagami Minami's back, so I could play poking in private, explore Sagami Minami's back points, and help the girl unbutton the bra at the back. Izumi Masamune said that it turned out that it was used from behind like this. Finger poking and prodding can be so pleasurable.

The bell rings.

The female teacher Xiaojing was also very decisive, just like her usual style, without any sloppy thoughts, she waved her sleeves and turned away without taking away a single cloud.

Many students in the class also let out a long sigh and rubbed their shoulders, looking relieved.

Shizuka Hiratsuka's statement about being invincible with the Iron Fist was never a joke. Although he looked relaxed, the pressure in his heart was never less.

It fully demonstrates the scientific fact that superficial phenomena are absolutely unreliable.

Natsukawa Masamune, who had been standing on this side, watching Izumi Masamune's terrible 'torture' to Sagami Minami, had already accumulated a lot of anger at this moment, and was about to sit down and take a rest before having a good talk with Izumi Masamune. explain.

As a result, at this time, many girls were already approaching.

The super beautiful girl with silver hair and blue eyes, who looks like a young lady with foreign ancestry, is very curious.

Especially after Natsukawa Masuo directly stated that he was an opponent of love at the beginning, it made people feel more at ease. In addition, the unknowing teacher Hiratsuka Shizu's targeting in the class made these guys even more worried. Xia Chuan felt an inexplicable natural closeness.

After all, those who dare to confront Iron Fist Invincible Jing Kee are real warriors.

Xia Chuan-san, can I just call you by your name?

This is Ebina's voice. Except for showing strange fujoshi characteristics when she's with two boys, most of the time she's still a very normal being.

At this moment, he began to take the initiative to socialize with Xia Chuanzhenliang.

Behind him, Yui walked up with a smile.

As a woman, she can feel that Natsukawa Masamune's attitude towards Izumi Masamune is obviously different here.

Suddenly there is an extra woman, which is very worrying no matter what.

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