The quilt that had been wrapped up in a ball began to squirm like a caterpillar.

Realizing that he seemed to be unable to move, he jumped up into the air.

Then it hit the ground.

Wow, brother, you have indeed prepared it early. You have already had the idea to sell your lovely sister and bring in a new one.

The energetic voice coming from inside the quilt made Zhengzong sigh in relief.

Looking funny at Sagiri who climbed out of it with difficulty.

Because this guy worked with Amelia some time ago and forgot about Hinata.

As a result, the friendship between the little girls came and went quickly.

Hinata on this side instantly hugged Kangna and her sister's lap.

Sagiri became a loner in an instant, and she seemed to be pitifully afraid that some new sister would come to snatch her position.

Since you don't want to be like this, then just wash up and go out properly.

This guy slipped out and came to the bathroom.

Looking at the girl who puffed up her cheeks and started to wash herself up, Zhengzong shook his head and went downstairs.

On the table, everyone was already awake as expected.

Sagiri took the initiative to go to school for the first time in a year. Apart from Masamune who had to get up early to send her to school first, the other girls were naturally kind and got up to check on the situation.

After eating a mixed breakfast, he saw Sagiri carrying a small schoolbag.

Basically, satchels only become mainstream after high school.

Sagiri, who is in the first year of junior high school, still needs to carry a small schoolbag.

Sagiri, you are finally willing to come out.

Izumi Kyoka, who had not seen her for a long time, was almost wiping tears at this moment.

She looked happily at Sagiri, who was carrying her schoolbag, and Masamune, who was surrounded by many girls on the other side.

I just feel that my life is completely complete.

Ten minutes later, Izumi Masamune was walking on the road with Sagiri.

Early September is the perfect time for sunshine.

The original scorching heat has begun to come to an end. The weather is sunny, but it does not make people lose their motivation.

Except for the silver-haired Sagiri-chan who still has a crying expression and is holding on to Izumi Masamune's arm.

Although she has appeared at comic exhibitions before, it is obvious that Sagiri is still a little difficult to get used to.

But at the very least, he can still maintain his movements.

The main reason for pestering Masamune Izumi like this is just because he wants to show off his spoiled personality.

Then Komachi, I'm going to leave it to you.

Izumi Masamune pressed Sagiri's head and moved her back to the girl in front of him.

Hikigaya Komachi, a certain fish-eyed sister.

The gap between the two is so big that it makes people doubt whether they are biological children.

The two met successfully during the summer camp and developed a blood-and-sweat friendship.

This year’s junior high school students aim to be Sowu High School.

But it’s enough to take care of this idiot Sagiri for the time being.

Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Sagiri-chan. Sagiri will be my biological sister from now on.

The small tiger teeth on the left are revealed with the cheerful smile.

The girl gestured with her thumbs and said comfortingly to Izumi Masamune.

Yes, she is a biological sister. Komachi scores very high in this sentence.

He picked the stupid hair on the front of his head and said when the girl just reacted.

Komachi's face was almost bleeding.

He hurriedly lowered his head and noticed that Sagiri on this side had no reaction, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

But he didn't know that it wasn't that he accidentally revealed the relationship between Izumi Masamune and him without Sagiri discovering it.

But in Sagiri's view, the big sister at such a distance is not a threat at all.

Even this is better.

Although quarrels among children are rare, they do not never happen.

Sagiri, who is temporarily in a cold war with Hinata, now urgently needs to find suitable allies.

At this moment, Hikigaya Komachi has completely entered his sight.

By the way, Brother Izumi, about, um...

Pulling Sagiri to his side as carefully as if dealing with a fragile doll, Hikigaya Komachi slightly covered his mouth with his palm, and then whispered.

Night? How about a classroom-themed suite?

Looking at the girl who was approaching mysteriously, Izumi Masamune said aloud.

Uh-huh, I hate it. What are you talking about?

Komachi covered Sagiri's ear and patted Izumi Masamune on the shoulder to express his anger.

But he didn't notice the disgusted look in Sagiri's eyes at all.

It's not enough if it's just a classroom theme. This young lady's fighting ability is not good.

Sagiri, who was doing nothing, turned her head and suddenly saw another orange-haired girl with a ponytail walking over.

This kind of woman who looks mature in behavior seems to have been called a virgin Bichi by Hinata before. Sagiri feels that this guy will definitely become her best partner.

After bidding farewell to Sagiri and Komachi, who was both shy and expectant, Izumi Masamune walked towards the school.

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